Garden of Shadows

Chapter Four

I tried to find the door once I was thrown down but I couldn't feel anything it was like the door disappeared. Then the lights turned on to reveal I was not in a small room. I was on a small stage. I could barely see the crowd when I covered my eyes from the lights with my hand I made out a few rows filled with people. This felt like an old fashion slave trade! An auctioneer started up and was calling out pricing and I could hear sounds coming from the crowd. Then I heard the auctioneer say.
“Come on folks she's a fresh one from the Garden!”
The Garden..The Garden of Shadows. I was surrounded by shadows. How was I going to get out of this. I tried to walk off to the side but every time I was greeted by a man blocking my path and my exit off the stage.
“And sold to the gentleman in the front! Thank you sir you may collect your prize!”
“No...” I whispered.
I could here footsteps walking up stairs and I didn't dare turn around as I heard them get closer and closer to me. But, then a familiar voice sounded behind me.
“I told you were would meet again didn't I Isabella?”
I turned around I saw those green eyes looking into mine.
That man took me all the way outside and into an old vintage car. I didn't have the strength to fight anymore. I didn't even acknowledge the fact that he starred me down the whole time we were in the car.
How was I going to escape? I didn't even know where we were or who this man was. When the car finally stopped I looked out and was surprised to see such modest looking house. It was a good sized ranch home it looked like such a normal home in this abnormal situation. When the car was completed parked I reached for the door handle and I planned on running once I got out but then a hand grabbed by shoulder.
“Running will get you no where except deaths door.”
I didn't run. Though I am sure death might have been a better option than staying in this mans care.
“Where are we?” I asked.
“No where of insignificance. We won't be long now come along.” He said leading me up to the door.
Once we were in front of the door he didn't even move to knock or ring the door bell but it opened up for him. The door revealed an older woman but she still had beauty in her face. At first she didn't speak she just looked at me up and down and then she looked over at the man and spoke.
“Raffaello it's been awhile since I've seen you here. I see you've decided to get a new one. I'm assuming you're hear because well, she can't really continue one wearing, that.” She stated making a face of disgust while pointing to my white dress.
“Bella you know too much for your own well being, but yes that's why I am here. This is Isabella.” He said while handing me off to her.
I was pulled inside only to be pushed onto this uncomfortable chair that has plastic over it.
“What are you doing?” I questioned situating myself on the chair.
“Just sit there be quiet and change into this.”
This woman, Bella, then threw this bag over to me and since my reflexes were bad the bag hit my legs and fell to the floor and some clothing fell out. As I was reaching down to pick the clothes up suddenly a pair of feet stepped in front of me. I looked up and saw Raffaello standing there.
“What do you want?” I asked with a sharp tone.
He didn't respond so I looked up and once I made eye contact with him it was like my body froze. I couldn't even blink.
“Stand up.” He commanded.
I listened, I stood up causing the bag of clothes to fall to the floor unnoticed. We stood there facing each other for what seemed like ages before Raffaello brought his hand up and started to caress my cheek and then brushed my hair back off my face and neck. I was so scared of what he was going to do but I couldn't move away or even bring my hand to push him away.
“Isabella I'm going to harm you in a way you have never been before.”