The Sun Won't Set Until You Appear

Alan Ashby

As Alan walks over to me I start to get butterflies.
"Hi Alice" he said in a flirty tone.
"Hi Alan!" I answer excitedly. It is strange I know nothing about him, but I'm still getting nervous.
"So what time does the signing actually start?" I asked as the awkward silence went away.
"I don't have a fucking clue" he laughed under his breath. I laughed a little as Austin called Alan over. "Do you want to get some coffee or something after this is over?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye. "I....Uh"
"Of course she does" Allie answered for me.
"Good so it's a date!" he said as he walked off to the table with the rest of the band.
"Fuck you Allie!" I said as I walked to the back. "What? He's totally into you! And I think you might be into him." She said and gave me a wink.
"Dude I don't like him! I don't know a thing about him! All I know is he's in a band called Of Mice and Men... and he has perfect ginger hair, and he has such a cute laugh" I started to blush.
Allie just stared at me and said, "Damn girl! You do like him!" I bit my lip and didn't answer.

~1 hour later~

"Thanks guys for all the support and love!" I heard Austin yell to the last of the fans walking out of the door. Alan looked at me and I blushed.
"You ready?"
"Yeah give me a minute I have to give the car keys to Allie.
"Okay take your time" He said walking out the door
"I'll be over by my car when your ready." Jade my co-worker came in the door to relieve me.
I gave to keys to Allie and as i walked out of the door i heard her say "Go get em tiger!"
Alan was in front of the mall standing on the passenger side opening the door for me. He closed the door after I got in and he ran around to the drivers side and hopped in.
"Is Starbucks okay?" He asked.
"That's fine!" He turned on the radio and popped in one of my favorite albums, Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd.
"Awe I love this album!" I said as Alan smiled.
"Me too it's one of my favorites."
We finally arrived at Starbucks and we ordered coffees. Alan wouldn't let me pay. We sat down and started talking.
"So, are you a fan of Of Mice and Men?" he asked taking a sip of his coffee.
"To be honest, I don't really know. I saw you guys in concert a year ago, I was only really there for Asking Alexandria."
He looked at me and said "Oh, so that's why you didn't fan girl like Allie did."
"Yeah sorry about her...She takes some getting used to, but once you get to know her she is a sweetheart." We talked for another hour.
"We have band practice tomorrow, do you want to come? Allie can come too." He said.
It seemed like he really wants me to go.
"Okay sounds like a plan!" We exchanged phone numbers and he drove me home.
"Thanks for the coffee Alan!"
"Anytime! I'll text you later with the details for tomorrow." He kissed my cheek and drove off.
I opened the door to my apartment and Allie yelled "TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT!!!"
I told her and when I told her he kissed my cheek i blushed.
"It sounds like you guys are really into each other!" she said excitedly. She always loved to play matchmaker. I started to walk up to bed and my phone went off, it was Alan. I answered and he told me the details about tomorrow. I hung up and went back to the living room.
"Oh Allie one more thing."
"What is it?" she asked trying not to sound excited.
"Be up by 12:00pm, we're going to Austin's house to watch the band practice, Alan's picking us up. I walked to my room and heard a scream coming from Allie....This is going to be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its a long chapter but it was hard to find a place to stop. Please give me feedback! Thanks :)