The Sun Won't Set Until You Appear


~Austin's POV~

"ALAN!" I yelled causing everyone to stare. He looked up, his eyes were swollen and his face red. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He said looking down. I grabbed him by the arm as I was telling Allie to go see Alice. I drug him outside and he stood there emotionless. "Alan look at me" I said as he finally looked up. "I'm sorry." He said repeating himself. "Dude, why?" He looked at me and sat down, I sat down with him. "I...I couldn't take it. She's too beautiful for this. Austin I love her, but i really really fucked up and it's all my fault." He wiped his tears away and continued. "I don't think i can face her. I broke her. I didn't know she was going to go this far." He kept his face down. "But Alan she did." I felt bad for him. He didn't intend for this to happen. "I really think you should go see her." "Austin I can--" I cut him off. "Alan Anthony Ashby get your ginger ass up and go talk to her. I know she must be worried about you. So go now or I'm going to beat your ass." "He looked at me and stood up going inside.

~Alan's POV~

I walked back into the hospital. What am i going to say to her? The nurse directed me Alice's room. Allie saw me and she walked out and I walked in. Alice stared at me. I choked back so many tears. "Alice....I can't tell you how sorry I am." I was sobbing and so was she. She looked so broken. She managed to say "Come here" under all her sobs. I lied next to her stroking her hair. I sat up and took her wrists and kissed all of her scars,one by one. "I still think your beautiful Alice, and I am so sorry." She looked at me with her big brown eyes "I....I..Love you." She said and she pressed her lips against mine. We pulled away "Alice I did this to you. I'm such a fucking mess. I don't know why i did that. You needed me and I wasn't there." I didn't really hear what she said before she kissed me. "It's okay Alan calm down. Did you hear me? I LOVE YOU." I sat there looking at her every feature. "Alice I love you so much" I said as i lied back down. "Alice?" "Yes?" "Are you mad at me?" "Alan...I can't stay mad, your the only one who can make me happy." I smiled "Alice will you be my girlfriend?" I asked stroking the side of her face. "Is that even a question? Of course I will." She kissed my head. "Alice, you are being released. The ginger can sign you out." She got up and I helped her change into some shorts and my sweatshirt. She grabbed my hand as I signed her out. We went to my house with Allie and Austin.

~At Alan's~

I think Austin and Allie are mad at me still. It doesn't matter because Alice is happy. Allie told Alice to go shower, Alice went up and i got her some clothes. I walked into the living room. Phil, Tino, Allie, and Austin were all sitting in the living room. I figured they wanted to talk to me. I sat down. "Tell us what happened now." Austin said in a stern tone. I told them after I ran out of her house, I went to the park and sat there crying. I could tell they kind of felt bad. I told them what happened in the hospital and how Alice and I are now dating. "Alan swear to god if you ever hurt her again--" I cut Allie off. "I would never think of it. I really love her, I've never loved someone so much." I stopped and thought about her. "Good." Allie said. "So wait, what about you and Austin?" Tino asked Allie. "We're just good friends, nothing more." They both answered.

~Alice's POV~

I finished showering and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a skeleton. I slipped on the clothes Alan gave me and walked into the living room. "Hey" I whispered. "Can we go get some fattening food? I'm starving." We all piled into Alan's car and went to Burger King. Alan ordered 2 hamburgers for me. I ate them both. We went back to Alan's everyone left. Alan and I were the only ones. "I'm tired." "Do you want to stay here? or go to your house?" "I want to be where ever you are" I answered. He walked into his room and stripped down into his boxers and getting into bed. I got in bed with him and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. I'm actually happy again.
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I updated a lot tonight haha. I'm not sure how much more I'm going to write, but thank you guys so much! I'm thinking of doing and Austlan fanfic. Just comment and tell me if I should!