The Sun Won't Set Until You Appear

Getting better

~Alan's POV~

When I woke up Alice was still sleeping. She was beautiful. I moved her bright red hair out of her eyes and traced her perfect features with my finger tips. Her eyes opened and she whispered "Good morning." I didn't reply and continued tracing her lips. I wanted her so much, but I knew she wasn't ready. She sat up, still looking very weak. "I'm going to take a shower. Can we go to IHop after?" She asked getting up, grabbing one of my shirts. "Anything you want." I got up and got dressed. I texted Allie and told her how Alice was doing, she didn't take long to respond. I threw my phone on the couch and plopped down. Alice walked out. Damn shes so beautiful, but she still looks very sad. "You ready?" She asked slipping on her shoes. "Yeah lets go." I grabbed her hand and walked out of my house, locking the door behind me.

~At IHop~

"What can I get for ya?" The waitress said as she grabbed her notebook. "A stack of pancakes for me." I looked at Alice as she took her order. "Same." The waitress walked off. "Alan?" She looked at me with her big brown eyes. I could tell she had something on her mind. "Whats up?" "Why did you leave me?" She asked as she took a sip of her hot coffee. "Alice...I hated seeing such a beautiful girl hurting herself like that. I didn't realize how much i really did love you. I regret what I did and if I could take it back I would." She opened her mouth to say something, but the waitress interrupted her bringing our food. It was silent while we ate. After I paid we left. "Is there anywhere you want to go?" I asked looking at her. She was looking down at her wrists that were now covered with many bracelets. "My apartment." I could tell there was something really aggravating her. "Okay." I drove her to her apartment. Before I could get out she kissed my cheek and got out waving goodbye. I waved back. I thought she was going to want me to go in with her, but I drove off choking back so many tears.

~Alice's POV~

I walked to my door and unlocked it. Allie was watching a movie. "Hey babe! I haven't seen you in a while!" She said pausing her movie. I was emotionless. "Alice whats wrong?" She asked plopping down next to me. I put my head on her shoulder and started to cry. "Alice calm down." She was stroking my hair. I sat up and wiped my tears away. "I think I'm going to try and get some sleep." I said standing up. "Okay if you need me you know where I am." I realized I still had Alan's shirt on, I took it off and out on one of mine. I started to dig through my desk, finding a blade. I picked up my phone, went on twitter and typed "I love each and every one of you, never forget me." I sent it knowing every I loved would see it. I stared at the blade for a long time, thinking whether to do it or not.

~Austin's POV~

Scrolling through twitter i saw Alice had posted something. I read it, my mouth dropped and I called Allie. No answer. I didn't have Alice's number, so I quickly ran to Phil. He was playing Xbox. I took his phone. "Dude what the fuck? Give it back." I finally found Alice's phone number and called it. She answered, but didn't say a word. "Alice are you okay?!" "No.... I... cut really deep....I..." She passed out. I ran out of the house grabbing my keys and speeding off the Alice's house. I banged on the door. No answer. I remembered they kept a spare key under the rug. I found it and unlocked the door running into Alice's room. I admittedly called the police and in no more than 10 minutes an ambulance came. Allie and I rushed to the hospital. "Allie call Alan." I said handing her my phone. "Alan? Go to the hospital NOW." Her voice raised and she hung up the phone sobbing into her hands. We got to the hospital and Alan was waiting outside. I walked up and punched him right in the nose causing him to fall to the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS TIME ALAN?!" He sat on the ground, looking very limp. "Austin I didn't do anything. I don't even know what happened. We were all loveydovey this morning. We got breakfast and she wanted to go home afterwards. I wasn't invited in so I waved goodbye and left. I didn't do anything." He stood up and wiped the blood and tears away and walked inside.
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Sorry it's kind of a shitty chapter. Thanks for reading!!