Status: Please comment--critique is welcomed! New story peopleee

Through Their Eyes


“Neal! Neal…goddammit Neal!” I burst into another sobbing fit. Neal’s eyes look so…empty. The brilliant twinkle in that honey brown color has faded and all that’s left is dark and unfamiliar.

To my left, Via phones 911. Her entire body trembles with shock, I can almost feel the vibrations through myself. Just when I’m about to stand up, Tomas comes over and gently sets Oraylie down beside Neal. But unlike Neal, Oraylie’s chest slowly rises and falls.

It feels like two seconds yet an entire year for the paramedics to arrive.
And it becomes a blur.

People in suits and uniforms swarm around me, they try to take Neal away but I don’t want them to. Someone puts there fingers to his neck, to his wrist….I hear them say ‘DOA’.

And its black.


All my life, I was a puppet. Coaches said to cut the social life and practice practice practice. Society told me to wear UGGS, american eagle jeans, Northface jackets and Hollister shirts. My parents ordered me to study hard, hang with friends for a certain amount of time and keep everything organized.

Neal taught me to live.


“C’mon!” Neal says, his brown eyes glisten in the moonlight. They melt me; drizzling like a sweet warm liquid.
“No! Do you know what’ll happen if my mom finds out?” I protest.
“How do you know? You’ve never done anything in your entire life!” He boasts.

This irks me. I try to think of all the times I’ve disobeyed my parents.
The number is 0.

“Fine! Just quiet down, okay?” I awkwardly squeeze my body through the window, then slide next to him in the beaten down jeep he bought before he could drive.

“Where to first?” Neal smiles, showing off a set of glowing white teeth.
For the first time in my life, I feel feel free. I'm not doing anything to be pretty, or impress a coach, or please a parent, or to acknowledge society.
This is the first time I remember feeling alive.

But then I looked at the sky and saw how infinite it was- how empty and full and illuminating it was- and all I wanted to do was be apart of it.

“Let’s just…drive,” I say, “I want to enjoy the stars.”
Neal gives me a side glance, but smirks in agreement.

And just like that, we chase the moon into the sunrise.

My eyes blink open.

“Where is he?!” I shout immediately.
“What room is he in? Can I go see him? How hurt is he?!” my demands sound like threats. Mom looks at Dad. Dad looks a mom.

“Well?! What are you waiting for?” I swing my legs our from under the seafoam green sheets and head straight for the door.

“Wait!” My mother calls me over.


When I wake up, my family is there waiting for me.
When I wake up, they say that I’ve suffered from minor bruising and a broken arm.
When I wake up, they tell me three days have passed.


When I wake up, Neal is gone.