When Will My Life Change for the Better?

Stuck In School At Summertime

I was sitting there bored out of my head daydream after daydream flooding through my head, today was supposed to be fun but here I am stuck in this rubbish boiling school for the rest of the summer how did I get here your probably wondering well let’s just say mom got pissed and now I’m here in this school sweating like a pig and waiting, waiting for the clock to strike twelve for lunch even though I was one out of twelve people who were here we still has to obeyed the timetable and the rules. “Mr Iero lunch has started you may go now make sure you go to the art department after the new teacher will need your help to set up” I nodded and quickly walked out of the hot classroom down the hall and out to the cool playground the breeze flood through my mini black mohwark I walked down to the freshly cut clear grass to were a tree had was bent over creating the only shade on the football field I strolled over to the tree and sat down. I took my lunch that my mom had prepared for me out of the my jet black and lime green shoulder bag, took out my iPod from my pocket and started listening to my music real loud.

Lunch went passed quit fast and I was yet again back in the boiling rooms of hell I strolled around the arts department until I came to room 164 I looked around at the amazing art that was hung up on the heavy gloomy grey walls of the classroom there was a new picture that hung over where I usually sat through the boring art lessons it was of a young girl in a cemetery waiting for her lost love to come back to her and take her away from this horrible cruel world.
Well at least that’s what it said in the description underneath I looked at the bottom it was signed with the initials G.W. who was G.W.? I knew everyone in the school but no one came to mind with the initials G.W. “nice work huh?” I jumped and turn to the voice, a tall slim pale guy was standing so close “y..yeah sorry I didn’t hear you come in” “that’s alright I didn’t mean to make you jump” “ this art work is awesome!” I said with a huge grin on my face “really? I thought I could of done better” it was him he did this! Wow he’s got some kick-ass skills “Hi I’m Mr Way I’m the new art teacher but seeing as term hasn’t started yet you can called Gerard” my eyes widened he was the new art teacher?!? He looked at least 17! Wow the years have been good to him “oh awesome I’m Frank, Frank Iero I’m supposed to help you set up for the term and show you around this pointless hell of a school he just laughed how could he be the new art teacher? “Cool... So how come you are in school instead of enjoying the summer?” “You really want to know?” I was hoping I wouldn’t have to explain it, it was kind of stupid really but hey I’m a teenager still we make stupid decisions “I have time” “okay…well I’m in well use to be in a band called pensey prep and we had a show down at one of the local parks at midnight after me and the band kind of got carried away with the beer and stuff and parents got pissed” he smirked “so you like you drink huh?” “yeah” I said blushing why the hell was I blushing I mean I know his good looking and all but one he is older than me and two he is going to be my teacher in three weeks

“well are you guys still together?” “we were til my mom got pissed off and wouldn’t allow me to drop out of school for the band so we broke up” “oh I’m sorry” “it’s okay” we spent the whole afternoon setting up the equipment and rearranging to the room whilst listening to music “Really? You can sing?” I said surprisingly he didn’t look like the sort of ‘type’ that could sing no offence to him or anything “Does that really surprise you Frank?” “Yeah you don’t really look like the type of person that would listen to rock music etc” “well you aint seen me out of school I’m completely different” he said with a huge smirk on his face thoughts started rushing through my mind “ what you up to after school Frank?” suddenly my phone vibrated in my skinny jet black jeans I took it out looked at the caller ID god this can only be bad news as usual I really don’t need her to call me right now I took a huge sighed and flipped my phone up “Hello?” “Hi sweetie how are you?” my mom’s voice was so loud and she wasn’t even on loud speaker I’m sure Gerard could hear clearly to what my mom was saying “I’m okay I guess just stuck in this stupid school frying to death” I said sounding really pissed which I was for my parents forcing me to go to school in the middle of the summer “now now Frank don’t you use that tone with me” my mom said with pure evil in her voice “ what did you want?” I asked more pissed off I didn’t need her to talk to me right now “Frank Anthony Iero Jr listen to me” I suddenly hear a male’s voice in the background I sighed and rolled my eyes “what?” “Well I’m working to night so you have the house to yourself ill only be a few hours” “yeah that’s what you said last time but yet you left me on my own for two weeks!” and with that I hung up “so… what are you doing after school Frank?” I looked at him was he really asking me this? I’m his student for christ sake but yet again I can’t complain “erm… nothing I might just go to Starbucks on the way home as a detour I really don’t feel like going home” I looked at him he now had a huge grin on his face “well Frank would you like to join me for coffee after school and a movie at my place?” is he really asking me this? “Okay awesome”. Hours passed and the bell finally rang for the end of the day me and Gerard both agreed to make our own the Starbucks just in case someone got suspicious.

I finally got to starbucks as I walked up to the door I saw Gerard’s car in a parking space I walked in and found him sitting at the table with two cups of coffee I started to walk over to him with a smile on my face. “I hope you don’t mind Caffe Mocha” “its fine…its actually my favourite” he gave me a warm smile after about an hour or so at starbucks Gerard led me to his car and started to drive to his. “so..Frank…tell me about yourself” oh man this is what I dread all the time with people there isn’t much to tell an when there is its always bad “erm…what do you want to know?” I looked at him his face turned into a confused expression whilst he still had his eyes on the road “erm…. You choose I don’t want to force you to tell me anything you don’t want to” he gave me a warm smile “okay…well…I live with my mom here in Belleville, my mom is divorce from my dad when I was younger, I play guitar I love rock, and erm.. .my mom works late most of the time so I have to house to my self” “oh cool……does your mom go on business trips a lot then?” “huh?” “i…er…heard you say she left you..” “oh er…yeah she does..” I wouldn’t call it a business trip or even a job! I leaned my head back on to the seat damn it was so comfy and Gerard has the air con on it felt so damn good against my sweaty skin I finally felt my clothes unstick from my olive skin for the first time today.

It took about half an hour of being in the cool calming car. Gerard pulled up into his drive and turned the car off. “this is it” he said shly he lived in one of the new apartment buildings down town. We both got out as I got out I grabbed my messesnger bag and sighed as I stepped out of the car and yet again my skin meet with the hot air and boiling sun. Gerard unlock his door and waited for me to come in I blushed and stepped into his apartment. “make yourself at home Frank…im…im just gonna go get changed.” I nodded I put my messenger bag on the floor near the sofa whilst Gerard went into one of the rooms to change. I sat down on the sofa and started to look round Gerard living room something suddenely caught my eye I slowly walked off to it and made sure Gerard was no where in sight I pulled of the cloth to reveal a huge canvas. It was amazing it was about everything in life,love,death,happiness,sadness,the dark side and bright side of life. There was a dagger through a heart and the blood dripping down forming in to water turning blue turning into tear from an eye its had a coffin,heart,dagger,blood,love everything that explains my life was in this canvas that Gerard had painted “what do you think?” I jumped shit Ive gotten caught I turned round and blushed there he was Gerard standing there in tight fitted jeans with a band tee on with a studded belt

“i..er….i didn’t mean to i..was just-“ “Frank its okay you don’t need to worry I don’t mind…so what do you think?” “its amazing…it…it explains my life” Gerard walked closer to me as I turned around to the canvas “see how it explains the love and death of life and how life can be grand but yet it can be awful “oh..Frank..i’m” I no whats coming up im so sorry Frank I know not everyone has a perfect life blah blah can I help blah blah blah “Gerard…..” I was about to continues when I felt his arm wrap around me and turn me to face him “Frank..” both of our hazel eyes locked with each other “Gerard…please theres no point okay….. how about that movie?” Gerard suddenly smiled “okay I ..i think ive got one in mind” he led me towards the sofa where was sat down and Gerard looked through his DVD collection “how about this?” he handed me on of the DVD’s with the tile piranha “yeah I love this film” Gerard smiled a put it on and sat back down on the sofa after about an hour of the film I started to feel hot again Jersey had the most stuffy, hot nights ever It really pissed me off I was still in my uniform which was sticking to me yet again I started to take my blazer off Gerard was still watching the movie looking cool ad calm were as me on the other hand hot and sweaty yet again “Gerard?” “mm?” “ Can I..er… have a glass of water please?” “sure” we walked into the kitchen I leaned against one of Gerad’s surfaces whilst I waiting for my glass of water Gerard finally filled the glass full of cool water I started to walk towards Gerard as he turned around to water when everywhere more over me than anything “shit Frank im so sorry” I smiled the cool water feel so nice it was like a relief on my hot skin I looked at him with a huge smile on my face I felt the water dripping of off my skin “its okay Gerard it was an accident” “ill…go..get some towels” I watched him disappear into one of the room of his apartment I started to take off my shirt and tie and left myself in my school trousers I heard Gerard coming back and heard him stop I turned and saw him standing there with wide eyes and mouth open “i…er…they were wet so..i…” he just stood there with the towels in his arms “i…you…your..” “huh? Gerard do you want me to put them back on “ I started to put my shirt back on I was about to do the buttons up til Gerard came over to me and touched my chest

“Gerard what are you?” “Frank….what are these from?” I looked down at my bare chest shit I forgot that that incident with mom would leave such a big bruise in the middle of my torso “i…er..” I started to quickly do up my shirt put my tie over my head grabs my messenger bag and ran out of Gerard’s apartment and down the street.
I finally arrived outside of my so called house I put my key inside the lock and stepped inside I looked around beers cans, wine bottles,needles,packagings all of the place. I sighed and started to clean up when I finally finished and the place looked half decent I called out for mom knowing her if she finished ‘work’ she would pass out upstairs with a bottle of wine in her hands. I walked upstairs to my mom‘s bedroom with no sight of my mom for once her bedroom is clean and the house is clean now too. I sighed and walked into my bedroom and laid on my bed why did I have to go to Gerard’s why? I wouldn’t of met him til next term if it wasn’t for my mom my mom thought she had one of her so called brilliant ideas of keeping me in school over the summer so she can do her ‘work’.
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Sorry if these chapter are uploaded late im kinda busy at the moment and im also working on the other fanfics x