Status: Active


Chapter 5

The next morning I wake up, with Louis arms still where they were when I went to sleep. “Morning,” Louis said. “Morning,” I replied. He kissed my noise and said, “Let’s go get some breakfast, love. We have a busy day ahead of us,” “Okay, and after breakfast can we talk about that?”I ask. “Yes,” he replied and I got cereal and so did he. “Today is going to suck!” Zayn said when he walked into the kitchen. “I know right!” Louis said and kissed my cheek, while he put his hand on my knee, and started rubbing my knee. After breakfast I made sure I had all my stuff. “Lou. I’m going to change so you can have your clothes back. Okay?” I ask. “Keep them. They’ll remind you of me,” he said, and grabbed my hand and brought me to the back of the bus. “I want you to be happy,” I said. “Same with you. So what are we going to do?” he asked “What about we take a break?” I ask. “So were not breaking up?” he asked. “Not if you don’t want to,” I say to him. “I don’t want to, but I don’t want to take a break either. What about long distance?” he asked. A tear fell from my face. “It never works,” “It can if we try!” he was pleading now. “You don’t know when you’re coming back I don’t want to hold you back,” I said with tears running down my face. “You wouldn’t be holding me back!” he exclaimed. “You say that now, but you might change your mind. I don’t want to do this but its best.” I can’t look at him now. Tears are falling so fast. “Please don’t cry!” he says. “What do you want me to do? Laugh?” I said. He didn’t look at me, so I got up and walked into the living room and sat down next to Connie. “Their dropping us off at your house okay?” Connie says. “o-okay,” I sniffle. A half hour later we arrived at my house we said goodbye to the boys, and watched them drive off.

I haven't talked to Louis since they lads and he dropped us off and that was six months ago! Now I am reading the news with Kari, and we see. BREAKING NEWS LOUIS TOMLINSON GETS BACK TOGETHER WITH LONGTIME GIRLFRIEND ELEANOR CLADER. Picture here, “What?” I say, the tears threatening to fall. “What a bastard!” Kari said, making me laugh. “This is bull shit!” we both say. Kari starts texting Zayn. “Case, Zayn says he isn’t as happy as he was when he was with you,” “Tell him thank you for trying to cheer me up. It’s not working,” I said. “He says their recording so he’ll talk to us later,” she said. “Okay,” well this sucks now any chance I thought I had to get him back are now gone! You know what I don’t give a damn anymore I need to do something with my life. “CASEY!” Kari yelled. “What is it?” I asked. “An agent just called you saying you have an audition for Hollywood Records! Why didn’t tell me?” she asked. “I was, but it looks and sounds as if I don’t anymore,” I said while giggling.
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Enjoy :)