Status: I'll try to keep updating

Dedication Takes a Lifetime but Dreams Only Last for a Night

[02]Tampons and mesmerizing eyes

And if I weren't so young, or stupid, or restless,
I might be able to just soon forget this.

Pitch black. Another dream filled with absolutely nothing. What was the point in sleeping anymore. This had been troubling Spencer ever since she had graduated high school. Insomnia wasn't her problem. Her mind was troubled which soon was the cause of her lack of sleep.

Only four more hours till she had to wake up and be on the road with her brother and four other people she didn't know. But her thoughts were soon cut short.
Beep. Beep.
"Spence get up!" Matt's voice rang throughout her room.
"5 more minutes please." She begged.
"We have to be on the road by 8 now c'mon."
"No, leave me alone." Spencer rolled her body over so that she was facing the wall.

It was silent for a while after she heard Matt's footsteps leave as the door closed behind him. Her eyelids soon fell and it was peaceful in the vicinity of her room. Spencer felt calm and relaxed for once.
That's when it happened.

"Shit." She yelled.
Matt had jumped on her, causing her to be awaken from what rest she barely even had.
"Get off!"
"No, not until you get up." Matt exclaimed.
"Seriously, what the fuck have you been eating. We're not 10 and 12 anymore Matt. I can feel my back breaking already."
Her brother got off.
"10 minutes that's all I'm giving you, if you're not on the bus by then I'm dragging you on it myself." He stated and left.
Spencer sighed.
"What a horrible day this will be." She thought.


"So this is their tour bus." Spencer thought, "It's huge."
She looked around amazed at everything inside the bus.
"You know you can sleep in one of the bunks." Her brother said behind her.
He placed her luggage on the couch near where the kitchen area was."We still have to pick up the driver and the guys, the rest of the crew will follow us after we pick up the band."" You might as well make yourself at home, it'll be a while till we get to our fist stop in Pennsylvania."
His sister nodded.

Spencer headed towards the back where the bunks were. She might as well make the best out of this trip until she was able to arrive back home. Making herself at home in one of the top bunks, she quickly got situated and fell asleep.


Spencer shifted her body in the bunk. She immediately felt something next to her that hadn't been there before. Moving her hand up, the thing in front of her felt hard and built. Her eyes widened once she was fully awake and noticed the guy in front of her. She did what she thought was best to do in a situation like this. [bold]Scream.[/bold]

The guy in the bunk awoke to the noise and fell causing a commotion throughout the rest of the bus.
"Zack are you okay man?" One guy asked.
"Yeah I'm alright."Zack responded being pulled up off the floor by the person in front of him.
"He was sleeping in my bunk. I didn't notice until I woke up." Spencer said.
"Obviously it says Zack on top of the bunk." He pointed out," Z-a-c-k." The guy spelt out.
This made Spencer angry. What gave him the right to act like a douche to her when they barely even knew each other. Plus it was just a simple mistake that she hadn't seen the name when she slept in the bunk.

"Alex where are you?" A voice called out.
"Over here." The rude guy Alex yelled back.
Another guy came towards the back and ran up and hugged Alex.
"I missed you baby don't ever leave me again, I was scared." The guy cried out.
At first Spencer was weirded out by the strange guy's behavior until she saw two tampons placed in his nostrils.

On the inside she was laughing her head off but then she thought for a moment.
"Where did you find those?" She questioned the tall guy.
"Over there near the couch."
The couch. Spencer reflected back for a bit. Matt. The couch."My Luggage."She thought.
She got out from the bunk and stared straight at the guy.
"Take those out right now!"
"No, it's my time of the month, isn't that right Alex?"
"You're right, it's a shame though no more sex for a week.
"Give them back." She yelled.
"Nu uh." The guy argued back like a child.

Alex tried holding her back until Spencer had managed to knock the other guy down; well more like tackle him. The pair ended up on the floor with Spencer on top of the stranger whose name was still unknown to her. The two squirmed around. The guy trying to protect the tampons up his nose and Spencer trying to remove them. Alex and Zack were hyping up the childish fight that was occurring right before them.

Then the guy stopped and his brown eyes met her pale green ones for a quick moment. Spencer felt her heart stop at the sight of them. That's when the door to the tour bus opened and two figures walked in. All of the loud commotion had silenced in the bus.
Matt had walked to the back of the bus followed by another guy.
"So, I see you've met the band Spencer." He spoke laughing at the scene.