Status: I'll try to keep updating

Dedication Takes a Lifetime but Dreams Only Last for a Night

[03]Conversations that I'll never remember

So why does everything I say just make you upset.
I'm not here to bring you down.


"How much longer til we get to the venue?" Spencer asked her brother.
"Just an hour." He replied.
Spencer leaned back on the couch bored. She was still mad over her mom's choice to make her go on tour with her brother and a bunch of strangers. Her eyes scanned the appearing words on her phone. The only thing keeping her at the moment was Twitter.
She felt a body sit down next to her. Not seeming to care she continued to tweet.

"You have a twitter!" The person shouted in amusement. Spencer looked to her right and cringed. It was Jack, the guy who had placed her tampons up his nose.
"You should follow me if you want or you could @ mention me I wouldn't mind either." He said.
Spencer angrily got up and walked to the back of the bus. This left Jack confused. What had he done to make her leave the room fuming mad. Alex soon came and filled the spot that Spencer had left.

"Was it something I said? He asked.
Matt shrugged his shoulders then went back looking at his phone.
Alex wrapped his arm around Jack.
"Don't feel bad Jack, rejection happens to everyone. Some just more than others."
Jack just stared towards the back of the tour bus. "All I was trying to do was be funny." He thought. Had his words gotten to her that bad? He pondered this as he listened to Alex rambling on about the current score of the football game on tv.


All Time Low was about to perform in less than 15 minutes. Spencer watched as her brother and Colussy paced back and forth making sure everything was ready to go. The other bands Hey Monday and We are the in Crowd had already went on an hour ago.
She had instantly connected with Taylor Jardine and Jordan Eckes. The outcome of the day had started to look up. Roaring cheers from the crowd had gotten louder as the band started to pass by her. First Rian, then Zack who was then quickly followed by Alex.

Jack was the last one to walk by and as he did Spencer couldn't help but notice the troubled look on his face. He had been smiling earlier but you could never tell that now. This made her feel bad. Was it something she had done. Alex's voice had been drowned out along with everything else by the various thoughts rumbling in and out of her mind. Something just wasn't right at all.


After the concert ended some of the band and crew members thought it would be nice to celebrate the beginning of the tour with a few drinks. Spencer not really in the mood after the concert still joined her brother and the rest of their group at the bar.

"Cheers to the bands, crew, and others who have helped make the beginning of this tour already a successful hit. Now who's ready to fucking party!" Alex cheered.
The group screamed back. Everyone was having a blast so far, except a few who seemed to be bothered by other things. Spencer was one of the few. She had slipped out of the group and managed to slip into an empty booth at the bar. Her iphone was the only thing keeping her awake from boredom at the moment.

"Why are you sitting all by yourself? Everyone's at the other end of the bar." A voice rang out from behind her.
Spencer looked up and saw Jack sliding inside the same booth, sitting in front of her with a small grin on his face.
"I should be asking you the same thing. Why aren't you over there celebrating with the others?" She questioned him.
Jack laughed, "I don't have to party only now, everyday's a party when I'm around."
Spencer couldn't help but smile at his choice of words. That's when it happened again. Their eyes had connected with each other earlier before. Time felt like it had stopped between the two before Jack had opened his mouth to talk again.

"I'm sorry," he choked out.
"Sorry for what?"
"Whatever I said to you before over by the couch. I didn't mean to make you upset." Jack said.
Spencer thought back and that's when it had hit her.
"You did nothing wrong at all. I'm sorry if I made you think that you did. It's just that- she paused thinking if she should tell him the truth. "It's just that something else had come up causing me to act that way." She stated quietly.
The air fell dense between as conversation stopped right there. Jack frowned at the girl before him feeling sad that she was down. He wanted to make her laugh right there but he didn't want her to feel worse about the current topic they were discussing.
He spoke up softly, "You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to."
Spencer hesitated for a minute but spoke.

"No, I want to, it'll help me get over it." Jack carefully listened to what she was about to say.
"My life has always had been up and down but yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend of two years. I know it may not seem like it's horrible but to me it is. The fact that he cheated on me with my ex-bestfriend sucks. Including the fact that it was on our anniversary made it even worse."
Spencer stopped for a moment to release the rest of her pain. This made Jack feel bad.
"But-," She continued, "I emailed the nudes he sent me to and I feel much better now."

Jack laughed which made Spencer join him. The rest of the night the two had conversed with each other laughing and joking around in the booth. Both of them were having a good time bonding. It was the first time Spencer had ever felt good about opening up to a person she barely even knew but by now it felt like they have known each other their whole lives.
Alex walked over to the two noticing them starting to get along. He wrapped his arm around Jack as he slid into the booth they were occupying.
"Sorry love," He said using a British accent," We need Jack for a couple rounds of shots."
"Is it okay with you?" Jack questioned.
Spencer laughed, "Yes, go have fun. I don't want to bore you anymore."

Alex and Jack got up and left Spencer in the booth. Jack then turned around making a motion with hand and pretending to say the words, "Call me." before they had soon disappeared into the large crowd at the end of the bar.
This made Spencer laugh. She then got up and walked out the bar headed towards All Time Low's tour bus. Thoughts of the conversation between her and Jack lingered in her mind. "Maybe touring on the road with the band wouldn't be so bad after all," She thought.