Status: I'll try to keep updating

Dedication Takes a Lifetime but Dreams Only Last for a Night

[04]A troubled past and an afternoon in Times Square

It's the way you do, the things you do
That make me fall in love with you


Spencer woke up to the sound of soft breathing beside her. She turned on her iphone and checked the time."6:54 a.m., just great," she thought. The soft breathing near her continued. Spencer fidgeted in the dark trying to figure out who was next to her. Using the light on her phone she flicked it in the other direction.
It turned out the person was Jack. She tried shaking him various times.

"Jack," she whispered, "Jack wake up."
"Oh Alex you sly dog, stop trying to get in my pants." Jack mumbled still asleep.
He was drunk. Spencer sighed. It was a waste of time trying to wake him up at a time like this. She decided it was best to go back to sleep. Spencer laid back down and closed her eyes, hoping somehow that she was able to fall back asleep.


The stadium cheered. Hundreds of people had showed up for the last college soccer game of the year. The scores of both teams were tied with only five minutes left in the second half. Spencer took one quick breath and then dribbled the ball. She kicked it to her teammate who then kicked it back to her.

Spencer dribbled the ball in and out of her legs. There was only two minutes left now. She stopped and kicked with all her might. That's when it happened. Pain shot up her right leg. It ached while she fell ,screaming in pain. The buzzer had rang throughout the whole arena, signaling the ending of the game. The ball had failed to make it into the other team's goal. Her team had lost the game.

Spencer laid there helplessly, screaming out in pain as medical staff ran out to help. She had failed everyone. The crowd, her school, her teammates, even herself.

"Spencer..Spencer, wake up." said a voice.
Spencer opened her eyes to see Jack in front of her.
"Is everything alright?", He questioned. "You were screaming in your sleep."

Spencer was about to tell Jack what happened but she stopped herself. She lied, "Yeah, I'm fine."
As she slipped out of the bunk she walked past him to the bathroom.
Jack looked in her direction, a worried look appeared across his face.


Thirty minutes later Spencer reappeared from the bathroom. Her hair braided into a messy fishtail. The oversized Man Overboard crewneck that she wore made her look smaller than she actually was. The rest of her outfit was completed with light denim jeans and a pair of black toms.
Spencer put her iphone into the back pocket of her jeans and walked to the front of the tour bus, only to be greeted by her brother.

"Morning sleepy head." He joked as he continued typing on the laptop in front of him.
Spencer smiled at him. "You're lucky I'm really tired." "Where are we at now?" She questioned.
"We're just a little outside of New York City. First we're going to stop at the hotel for an hour or two then the band has a small acoustic set in a downtown cd store near Times Square. Tomorrow they'll have their concert at the Best Buy Theater."

Spencer plopped on the couch and sat beside him. Glancing a bit at his laptop screen she noticed the various tabs open. Most having to do with the band's performances and various schedules of times when they were suppose to play.

"Don't you ever get tired of touring?"
Matt sat back on the couch as he placed his hands on top of his head. Pondering the words that came from his sister's mouth he sighed before he spoke.
"I don't really know. It's just something that I never get tired of doing and plus I enjoy every second of it."
Spencer nodded as she got up from the couch.

"I think I'm going to call home. Mom is probably wondering what I'm up to."
But before Spencer could walk to the back of the bus Alex and Jack blocked her.
"I didn't know we were touring with Lights." Alex joked. He took Spencer's hand and got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"
She laughed at his comment, "I thought you knew that Beau and I are married."
Alex hung his head down and then quickly got up as he continued to laugh.

"You really do look like her you know." Jack commented, "The fishtail braid in your hair makes you look identical to her."
"So I'm related to Lights then? Best belated present ever." Matt joked.
"Do I really resemble her." Spencer asked her brother.
"I guess." He responded.
"For a brother you sure are helpful."
"Wait you two are related," shouted Jack.
"You barely look alike at all." Alex chimed in.
Spencer curtsied," Spencer Flyzik at your service."
"You told us that you had a brother Matt."
"No, I said to you and Jack that I have a sibling. You guys just assumed the brother part." Matt explained.
"Now if you don't mind I need to go and make a phone call." Spencer said, and with that she pushed past the two confused band members.


"They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need." Spencer sang into the mirror as she finished fixing the braid in her hair.
"Spence you have a visitor at the door." Tay called out.
Spencer took one last look in the mirror before going to see who was at the door of the hotel room she shared. When she got to the door she noticed Jack shyly standing at the front.
"I'll just leave you two crazy kids alone." Taylor said as she pushed Spencer out the room and closed the door.

The two adults stood in the hallway surrounded by an atmosphere of awkward silence. Then Jack finally spoke up.
"The band isn't really doing anything til later so you know-" He paused. "So you know, if you're not busy we could go to times square I mean I know this really good pizzeria place downtown." Jack rambled on.
Spencer laughed which made him stop talking.
"So is that a no?"
"No it's not, I would love to visit Times Square with you." Spencer said.
Then his goofy smiled appeared as he motioned his arm out to Spencer. She gladly linked arms with him as they soon started to walking down the hallway.


"You did what again!" shouted Spencer as she tried to control her laughter inside the pizzeria. People gave the two odd stares but neither of them seemed to care.

"Okay I'll tell the story again," Jack said quieting her down "Rian, Alex, and I were backstage and whatever. I pick up a burrito and start saying " I just want to fuck this burrito!" While Alex is sitting on the couch saying "don't do it" and as I was about to fuck the burrito Colussy comes out of nowhere screaming "Don't fuck the burrito!"

The two laughed at the story once more, managing to make eye contact again with each other. It started to become clear the two were falling for each other, weeks after touring began. Neither of them would admit it though.

The sound of Spencer's ringtone cut the two from there staring. She answered it only to move her ear away from the yelling her brother was doing on the other side.
"Where the hell are you guys?" Matt shouted on the phone. Spencer sighed refraining herself from being rude to him while infront of Jack.

"Calm down before your panties get even more twisted in a bunch." she stated, "We just stopped for pizza, no need to worry."
"There is a need, all time low's acoustic set starts in 35 minutes and I'm obviously missing my second guitarist." Matt spoke.

Jack snickered and took the phone out of Spencer's hands.
"Flyzik, we'll be there on time don't worry." He spoke pressing the end button signaling the end of their short conversation.

"You know you made him even madder than before." she stated.
"I know, it's fun."
The two got up from their booth and made their way towards the exit, hand in hand. Spencer looked up at Jack still smiling "We only have a short amount of time to get to the store now.

He stared down at her as he held onto her hand tighter.

"Then we'll just have to make a run for it!

And with that they were off, into the crowded streets of Times Square.

As the chilly fall air wrapped around them while they ran Spencer didn't helpless, alone, or like a mistake.

This time she actually felt loved.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it was too long. Subscribe and msg me/comment ideas if you'd like. c: