Grey Bodies

Lost In the Grey

It's always hard moving to a new place. It's even harder when you don't know anybody. You're all alone with no one to comfort you.

I stared into the mirror and hardly recognized myself. My hair was wound tight into a bun on the back of my head. I had no make up or jewelry to make me unique. I was just like everyone else. I was a number in the sea of people just outside the bathroom doors.

I stopped just before the door; my hand shaking as it reached for the door knob. I was scared. I didn't want to lose myself to the mass of grey just outside this door, but I knew I had to go or else they would come looking for me.

I really wasn't sure why I was here. I just knew that I'd been chosen by some greater power to be here and go through the trials that lie somewhere in the future. I opened the bathroom door; a bright light shined in through the crack. The light got brighter as I opened the door and completely washed over me whiting out my life as I knew it.

I walked through the assembly line, going through each station. I was being checked for imperfections that could interfere with the process that I would go through. I wasn't sure what was happening but I did know that if something was wrong with you. You went back to your old life and completely forgot about what went on here. I wished for an imperfection; just one would suffice.

"A-143," a nurse called my number. I looked at her and moved forward to sit in the chair. She stuck a needle in my arm without flinching and began to take samples of my blood. I stared at the vials being filled up, one by one. The color was deep red, it was almost pretty to me.

"A-144," she called and withdrew the needle from my arm. I rose and stepped away from the chair and continued down the line. I felt as if I would loose my mind at any moment or possibly wake up from a bad dream. I knew deep down that this was real and it made me sick to my stomach.
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Thank you for reading. Please leave comments or tell friends about it. (:

I might continue it if I can think of an awesome plot.