Motion Sickness

.03 Humphrey Bogart

Ok, so we had decided to drive along the coast the entire time, and get as far north as possible. And if we didn't find anything then, we'd go west all the way through Canada. And if we didnt find anything by then, and the car still worked and we still had money? We'd go through Alaska and try to ramp over the Bering Straight and drive to England.

As you can see, I was hoping to find someplace along the coast or in Canada.

"Lets go to the beeaaach," Ape groaned. I really was feeling like getting out of the car. And I didn't exactly have anywhere to be.

It was about eleven thirty-ish, and I was kind of hungry again. "How about this. We'll park somewhere near the boardwalk in Virginia Beach, eat on the boardwalk, and change and go to the beach afterward," I suggested.

"Brilliance. I like it," she replied, looking at a map so she could tell me when to exit.

We got to Virginia Beach at around one. I was freaking stoked to actually be able to get out of the car and move a little. And I kind of had to pee. We parked a small jaunt away from the boardwalk and Ape immediately jumped out and stretched.

Then she stopped, and looked at me like she'd just realized something obvious. "I have to pee."

I laughed, "Dude I was just thinking that."

Ape emptied a small bag and we managed to find our swim suits without much hassle. After shoving everything in it, we walked to a nearby cafe.

She immediately ran for the bathroom just after the host sat us down. I smirked. Mines not that urgent.

I ordered her a diet coke and me a mountain dew, then stared at the menu for a second. I was thinking about Oscar Wilde's last words (he's a writer). I had just saw them the other day. They were "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."

I wonder if someone didn't change the wallpaper.

Then someone sat down in front of me. Assuming it was Ape, I shook out of my thoughts and smiled at them. But then it soon fell.

"You're not Ape. I'd prefer you leave unless you're giving me free money."

He had golden brown shaggy hair that stuck out from under a hat, and blue eyes. I hope he hates them as much as I hate mine. He looked about my age, and tan, as if he most definately lived here.

I'm not gonna lie, he's pretty hot. But I don't do love. And no, I don't even give it a chance.

Whoever it was had been smiling innocently a second ago, but then it dropped too. "Is that like, you're automatic comment everytime you meet someone new?"

"It's my automatic comment everytime I see someone I don't want to see. And you happen to fit that category. Now shove off, and I'll get the waiter to bring me some Lysol," I glared. I'm having fun. I don't need some gay-ass guy to ruin it for me.

Ape came back and slid in next to me. "I see you've made a friend?"

"No. I was just demanding he get his germy ass out of your seat.. Oh jesus, theres more of you?"

Another guy had come by and was sitting next to him. He had dark brown hair, and was also, not terrible looking. "Hi, Ryan," he introduced himself. "This is my friend Clark, are you guys from here?"

I stared at them, mouth agape. These two guys totally just showed up and jacked Apes seat!

Ape just smiled, "I'm April. This is my friend Taylor. And no we're from Manning South Caro-"

"Dude ok," I said in an annoyed tone, shifting forward in the booth and putting my hands on table. "I don't know if its like..custom of you guys to just show up at a chicks booth like this? But you're really not all that welcome..sorry.."

They exchanged shocked looks at my straightforward-rudeness, and Ape butt in. "Taylor come on. You're starting over remember? What if you like Virginia Beach? They're just trying to be friends..maybe we can hang out with them or something. Come on, you're always doing spontaneous stuff," she said mainly to me. I just stared at her. "We'll be gone tomorrow anyway. It's just a little company."

I looked at the guys. The one by the name of Clark was wearing a maroon Hollister shirt, and the other one was wearing a grey shirt that said 'Graberbootie and Pinch' (like, remix of Abercrombie and Fitch). These weren't the type of guys I hung out with. And I had a bad feeling I wouldnt like them. Yes, I judge people by their shirts. But I go by impulse, and I was getting signals of annoyance.

I pick my friends wisely ever since I quit believing in love.

But she had a point. We'd be gone tomorrow. And it'd all be just a memory.

"Fine," I said sharply, "as long as you two don't talk to me."

Taylor, Ryan, and Clark carried on conversation and I just glared and listened. Clark worked at a surfboard shop and Ryan worked at Starbucks. We finally ordered our food, and I messed with my straw in boredom as the rest talked.

They were talking about likes and obsessions, when Clark replied, "I'm definately a huge fan of Edgar Allen Poe. His books are amazing."

I couldn't help it. "I bet you don't know is last words."

The whole table fell silent, since I had refused to speak. Ape smiled, "What were they?"

Clark was just staring at me and I stared back. Ape continued, "Taylor has this weird obsession with peoples last words. She knows a ton."

"What were they?" Clark asked.

"Lord help my poor soul.... October seventh, 1849."

"Whoa," Ryan said with a huge smile. "Thats wicked."

Clark, on the other hand, shifted so that he was more facing toward me. "What else do you know?"

I glared at him, "I only share my knowledge with people I like, and sorry, you don't count."

"Oh come on, just a couple."

"How about this, I'll make you a deal. I'll give you five people's last words. But if you name someone I don't know? I'll give you a chance." I was up for a challenge.

He smiled, then looked up thoughtfully. "Leonardo Da Vinci?"

"I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have."

He frowned, then thought again. "Julius Caesar?"

"Et tu, Brute? It means, 'And you, Brutus?' because Brutus was his best friend and he stabbed him in the back and killed him. Hince, we get the term 'backstabber' from this event for when a friend turns against you. That counts as two because I gave you two very interesting facts."

"Thats not fair."

"Two more or I refuse to speak to you ever again," I said flatly. Ryan and Ape were now in their own conversation, so this was just me and Clark.

He looked slightly frustrated, but quickly changed his expression back to thoughtful, obviously thinking of a harder person. "Princess Diana?"

"My God. What's happened?" I imitated in a british accent. "Come on, harder."

He thought and thought and thought until I thought his stupid brain was going to explode. Just as our food came, he replied with a huge smile, "Humphrey Bogart. An actor in the 50's."

I raked my brain. Humphrey Bogart sounded familiar.. His smile got bigger when he saw my confused expression.

Then I remembered, and I smiled, looking up at him. "Nice.."

His smile got even bigger and he ate a fry, obviously with the assumption that he'd won.

"I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis," I quoted with a smile.

He hit his hand onto the table in anger as I tossed a fry in my mouth happily.
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Ok, I lied. I've decided to just update both stories whenever I get ideas. =) Comments own, yea?