Motion Sickness

xx Don't Get Excited

Yo. I know its been forever since I've updated. It's not that I've just 'given up' or anything. Although I feel like shit for Seventy Times Seven (I don't wanna talk about it, as far as I'm concerned I'm still trying *sigh*). But this is different.

My life has changed.

Heres the low down.

- I've smoked pot for the first time.
- I do now probably every other day. Just occasionaly. Not my life. So calm down.
- Made some new friends.
- Learned how to break up weed.
- Gotten into some new bands.
- Ate at the nasty ass Lotus chinese restaurant in Frontenac.

You're probably thinking 'Wtf Andi..whats your deal. You were so against drugs and shit and it sounds like all of a sudden you're a pothead..'

Well, for your info, I'm most definately not a pothead.

Ready for the explanation?

Here it is dudes.

I fell in love with a guy.

And guess what.

He loves me.

He said so...

Yup. Fuck me. Hardcore Andi who refuses to love anyone in her life. Even writes a fucking story with a character based on herself and ruin's it by being proven wrong.

Oh if you haven't figured it out yet? He's a pothead. But he's amazing. He's nineteen and lives with his two friends and-

I'm going to stop myself. You clicked on your subscription button to see a Motion Sickness chapter. Not me and my dumbass love life story.


I'm not sure when. But you will. I swear. I already have one half written. I just need to find a time when I feel like sitting down and typing. Instead of lying to my mum about my whereabouts when I'm actually at his house.

Anyway. Just wanted to give you an update on whats the shiz. I haven't gone mia. I'm still planning on updating this sometime. And I haven't forgotten about it. My lifes just changing and right about now I'm just focusing on holding on.

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(tera I'm really sorry I seriously am planning on using your banner next chap I just keep forgetting. I love it I really do. I've been singing that song all day actually)