Status: new story! ^^ I will continue with the other, but I just literally had a flash of inspiration, so here! :D I rated it R cos I don't know whats gonna be in it yet! :D ENJOY!

A Final Fight

Andy's mom is desperate. Desperate to fix her son. In a last attempt to help him change his ways, she send him to an clinic. A mental clinic. However, Andy still refuses and constantly breaks the rules. Even the clinic says they don't know what to do for him.

But what if all he needs is the right doctor?
  1. 15 Minutes in a Pure White Hell
    Beginning of my andley ;)
  2. Well, what do we have here?
    Chapter two, this time in Ashleys POV. MENTAL ASYLUM ANDLEY!
  3. 'The dreaded Scale'
  4. No one will know, Will they?
    Ashleys POV
  5. What does this make us now?
    andy POV ;)
  6. "Don't Start what you can't Finish"
  7. "I Promise"
  8. 'This is all your Fault'
    Asssshhhhhleeeys POV ;)
  9. 'Bad Dreams or Bad Days?'
    Andys Pov (and some of what Andy calls 'other Andy' POV)
  10. 'What am I going ot do with you?'
    Ashleys POV
  11. 'I thought I was your Mommy though?'
    Andy's POV
  12. 'A'Helluva Day'
    Poor Ashley's POV
  13. EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THERE ARE NO UPDATES! Read to end though because I might write a NEW story