Status: Alive

Someone Could Be Falling In Love With Your Smile.


The bottle of vodka lay on the floor, the dregs spilling out across the wooden beams. A fragile body lay curled up on the bed, vomit forming a pool around the shaking teenager, seeping into his duvet. Sheriff Stilinski called up to his son to come down for breakfast, out of habit the young man obeyed. Taking a shaky hand he pushed himself into a seated position, his head spun and pounded, his eyes finding it almost impossible to focus on anything. He tried to lick his lips but his mouth was dry and felt as if it had been coated in some kind of waxy cream. Stiles wasn't a drinker like most sixteen year old boys, having a werewolf best friend of whom couldn't get drunk made it pretty hard to find an excuse and he was usually too busy trying not to die to go to parties to drink -Stiles had a very bad habit of being at the wrong place at the very wrong time. Breathing unnaturally slow, skin tinged blue and pale. As his feet met the cold floor he groaned and rubbed his face on the sleeve of his hoody, he never realised that he had gone to sleep fully clothed. He pushed his feet into the floor and stood up, the room spun and a horrible feeling of lightheadedness and nausea washed over him, moments later he was unconscious on the floor.

-----3 hours later-----

Sheriff Stilinski stood at the foot of his sons hospital bed looking tired and rough. His eyes were red and swollen and his hands shaken. He couldn't bare to see his son in this state, especially after what happened to his wife -Stiles mother. Losing Stiles would have been too much for him to bear.

Stiles' stomach had been pumped to get rid of the alcohol he had consumed alone in his bedroom in the early hours of the morning, he now lay in the hospital bed looking pale and weak. A small tube was stuck to a vain in his arm -providing him with liquid so that he wouldn't dehydrate- and his vital signs such as heartbeat were being monitored. It was hard for a father to watch.


Scott came bounding into the room, his mother shouting after him about how he should be at school. Sheriff Stilinski looked over at the young lad.

"Is he okay...?" Scott asked looking at his friend with a stunned look on his face, he'd never have suspected Stiles to be the kind to get himself into this kind of trouble.

The sheriff nodded sadly, "he'll be fine. Do you have any idea why Stiles would drink that much? Alone? On a school night?"

Scott shook his head, moving over to his best friend, telling the Sheriff that Stiles wasn't a drinker. Sheriff Stilinski nodded again, looking frustrated and close to tears. He left the room without another word. Scott sat down next to Stiles' head making a mental note to beat the crap out of his when he was better.


It was late, visiting hours were long over and Scott's mom had told him to go home. The teenager refused, said he wanted to be there for Stiles when he woke up, since he hadn't been there to help fix whatever was wrong to make him drink like that in the first place. Stiles stirred and opened his eyes, choking slightly due to the dryness of his throat. Scott jumped up and grabbed a glass of water, placing it to Stiles' mouth and demanding he drink.

"W...where am I?" Stiles groaned after he had sipped some of the water.

" have alcohol poisoning."

Everything came flooding back to Stiles. The vodka he took from his dads cabinet, chugging it straight from the bottle even though it burned his throat. He was only trying to forget, and maybe subconsciously he was trying to make himself ill... Stiles looked over to his best friend and sighed sadly.

"Scott I have to tell you something"

"What?" Scott moved the chair closer to Stiles bed, turning it so they could face each other.

"I've been kee-keeping something from you...I-I wanted to say something b-but you got bitten and after that there just never seemed...a good enough t-time." Stiles voice shook from the fear of how Scott would react to his confession, the truth to why he had been drinking.

"What is it?"

"Y'know how I've been mad for lydia for so long...?"

"Yeah..." Scott hoped Stiles wasn't going to say how he felt for Lydia was the reason behind this. He personally did not think she was worth that. No girl was.

"Well she's not the only person I like"

"Right....? Who then"

"Well that's where it gets...hard to say. I well as guy in particular...and that's why I was drinking...I was trying to, to forget. Hoping that I'd wake up and these feelings would be gone"



Scott understood right then why Stiles had resorted to drowning himself in alcohol. Being a teenager is hard enough with lacrosse, girls, Lydia...not to mention having a werewolf best friend and constantly being under the threat of being ripped apart by wolves or giant...werelizards. Having confused feelings for the same sex just made life harder, not to mention the fact those feelings were for Derek. Derek as a whole was enough to make Scott want to take up drinking.

"You should have spoken to me...I'm your best friend, you shouldn't keep stuff like that in."

Outside the hospital room a figure sat perched in the bushes. He could hear every word that escaped the two boys mouths. He heard Stiles confess to his feelings, this figure just happened to be the topic of conversation and he was very intrested in this sudden turn of events. Once the conversation died out Derek climbed into the room via the window.

"Stiles Stilinski...I thought you were intelligent" Derek tutted with a dark smirk etched into his rough features "alcohol poisoning...that's very...80s"

Stiles bit his bottom lip with a frown, trying not to look at Derek. He was so infuriating, something that actually made Stiles like him more. The more he wanted to smack him in the face with a shovel, the further he fell for the alpha.

"What are you doing here?" Stiles snapped with a venomous tone.

"Relax sweetheart, I'm here for Scott," Derek's smirk grew before he grabbed Scott by the scruff of the neck like a bitch picking up her naughty pup and dragged him out the room.

Stiles sighed and lay back into his bed. Of all the guys he had to fall for, why did it have to be Derek Hale.


Scott pulled himself free from Derek's grip once they got into the hall. He glared at the older wolf, waiting for some kind of explanation as to why he had been dragged away from his best friend.

"I need your help."

Scott sighed, starting to regret his decision to join Derek's pack. He threw himself down into a chair and stared up at Derek.

"There's an Omega in remember what happened with the last one?" Scott nodded, "We need to find him before the Argent's do, and find out why he's here."

"And you need me why? You have Erica, Isaac and Boyd..."

Derek placed his hands on the arms of the chair Scott was sitting in, leaning right into his face "You're in my pack, that means you follow orders."

Scott pursed his lips together, his eyes flashing yellow with anger. Derek smirked and stood up straight, going back to Stiles' room and walking inside. Stiles sat up straight as the door opened, rubbing his face with his hands quickly, his eyes puffy and red.

"You crying Stiles?" Derek asked trying not to look startled.

Stiles shook his head violently, turning away so his face was partially hidden. Derek frowned and crossed over to the window, climbing out.

"Tomorrow night Scott," he disappeared from sight, leaving Scott to comfort Stiles.

-----The Following Day-----

The morning sun glared into Stiles bedroom as he dumped himself onto his washed bed. There was still a slight smell of vodka in the air, covered by bleach, filling Stiles' nostrils and making him feel nausated and dizzy. The young teenager curled himself into a ball, trying to force himself to relax. There was a quiet thud at the window just as Stiles' was drifting into a light sleep. He groaned and mumbled something about wanting five more minutes. A soft chuckle filled the room, waking Stiles' up instantly. He forced himself into a seated position and stared across the room at Derek.

"Wh...what are you doing here?" He frowned, folding up his legs so he could hug them for comfort.

Derek shrugged, coming further into the bedroom. He stood facing the desk, flicking through comic books and endless print outs of the supernatural. He raised an eyebrow, amused at all the work Stiles had put in for his best friend since discovering he was a werewolf.

"Can you leave?" Stiles demanded, trying hard to look sincere.

"You don't want me to leave," Derek's back remained on Stiles.

"I...I do!"

"You know...we can tell when humans are lying," Derek turned, a smug smile on his face.

Stiles straightened out his legs, pulling himself to the end of the bed and standing up, trying to muster up some form of confidence. However, before he could say anything a horrible feeling washed over him, the room became fuzzy and his vision blurred. Derek saw his eyes glaze over and dived across, catching the younger boy before he even fell. Around an hour later Stiles woke to an empty room.


Scott stepped into the abandoned subway cautiously. Since joining the pack this place was technically his home, that didn't stop him from feeling uncomfortable just by being there. Boyd sat in the corner, reading some kind of old book or journal, Erica and Isaac were training without Derek. Scott walked foward, avoiding the female Beta as she fell through the air from Isaac's blow, he stepped into the subway cart and approached Derek.

"You came. Good" Derek stood up.

"I told you I'd be here..."

Derek nodded, his face relaxing, less on edge. He stepped out of the compartment and approached his Beta's. Everybody stopped what they were doing and listened up.

"Boyd go with Erica and Isaac, I'll go with Scott. When you find the Omega, bring him here."

With that his pack left, hunger in their eyes. Scott cursed in his head, wishing he could look for the Omega alone and not with Derek, the alpha was harldy Scott's favourite person, and he was still adamint that he worked better alone.

The forest was cold and almost completely silent. Scott had been searching with Derek for over an hour to no prevail. The Beta's had done no better, they hadn't heard any calls of success.

"Derek maybe we should give up?"

Derek frowned, staring into the dark trees in hope that their target would just appear from nowhere. A sudden, booming howl filled the air, Derek's bitter expression turned to one of almost menacing joy as the two wolves turned and sprinted back to the subway. The omega lay on his back against the dusty concrete, fighting against both Boyd and Isaac to escape as they held him down. Derek knelt down in front of the Omega, grabbing his long, greasy hair.

"Why are you here?" He barked.

"I was just passing through, had no idea there was a pack here."

Erica let out a long, shrill laugh "Likely story."

"We can't let you've been killing."

The omega let out his claws, digging them into Boyd and Isaac's ankles. Scott dived over, restraining the man. Derek crouched down, a nasty smirk painted across his features "we can't have you're kind causing problems for us."
♠ ♠ ♠
First ever Sterek, so sorry if it's rubbish.

I found out today that I wasn't going insane...I kept noticing Stiles taking his shirt off and getting covered by lockers etc so we couldn't see his chebs, naturally I assumed the production team were absolutely evil and teasing us with the potential of topless Stiles before crushing our dreams with lockers etc. But I'm not insane cause the production team are evil and are doing it on purpose to tease fans...I know most people will know this already but I didn't and it made me laugh and want to sob on my bathroom floor at the same time #creepyfangirl

Also all this increased Sterek to tease us cause we want Sterek is killing me! If Sterek became canon my life would actually be complete.

Anyway...hope this is good and people like it...I don't even know if there are many sterek fans on mibba, haven't even checked. Lazy shite!

CC xx