Status: Short Story

Super Girl


The eyes that stared back at me from the mirror were wide with nerves. I tried to suck in deep breaths, telling myself everything would be fine. The interview was in only three hours, a short time to truly prepare myself mentally for public television when I wasn't used to the attention.

I'd done plenty of interviews as a translator with Super Junior before, but most of them were proceeded by a few trips to the bathroom. The interview that night was a big one that would be aired on NBC. I had to be flawless in my exchanging of words from one language to another. The guys knew some basic English, but not enough to carry on a full conversation. I was their lifeline when it came to important, public events like that.

No pressure.

I blew out a breath through pursed lips, fixed the part in my blonde hair and added a bit more eyeliner. My dress was simple and black with a scoop neck. Nothing eye-catching, but nice enough that I wouldn't look like a total prude. Yesung would make a comment that I should have worn something prettier, but I had to be on Mr. Kung's good terms too. Yesung and I's relationship wasn't exactly public and his manager wanted to keep it that way.

I stepped out of my hotel room, greeted by Yesung who was leaning against the wall beside my door. His eyes traveled over my body and I fidgeted like a bug under a magnifying glass. He grunted—meaning I looked so-so—and pressed his hand into my back, leading me to the door. It was warm outside, the sun causing me to squint. Yesung's maroon hair seemed to brighten with the added light. He continued to herd me to the charter bus that awaited us and seated me beside him once we were inside.

He allowed me to make conversation with Leeteuk, but it was because Leeteuk would say something if I wasn't. He and Yesung had always seemed to get along—until Yesung started dating me. Leeteuk sometimes took his big brother responsibility too seriously.

Yesung sat quietly, only responding when he was called by one of the guys. Leeteuk and I's conversation became quiet and I leaned my head against Yesung's shoulder. His hand brushed through my hair and I closed my eyes. When he could be like that, everything was perfect. I felt lucky enough to have attention anytime, but when he could show affection, it made me feel like I was actually wanted.

The studio was buzzing with activity, the crew readying it for Super Junior's interview. The boys were swept away for makeup and mine was touched up by one of the crew members. Ryeowook, being the first one done, came over to keep me company while we waited for the rest. It wasn't new news that my nerves tended to hit a high during things like that.

“Please, welcome...Super Junior!”

The crowd exploded with screams as the group made there way to the ten chairs situated on one side of the stage. I took my seat in the one between their's and the interviewer—Malinda Crowley, who was rising to fame by asking “flamboyant personal questions”. Fantastic.

“So,” Malinda began, crossing her legs and looking at the boys with interest as she pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. “How was your trip to our country?”

“Eotteohge uli nalaleul joh-ahaji geoya?” I asked the boys in Korean.

“Hwansang!” Leeteuk answered and the others echoed him enthusiastically.

“Fantastic,” I translated back to the woman with a smile.

“Fantastic!” Malinda squealed.

After the decent beginning, things got as bad as I anticipated. Malinda's voice was loud and whiny. Her laugh was so obnoxious and girly, I wanted to slap her. She'd ask questions that shouldn't necessarily be asked or were none of her business. The woman was an absolute nightmare! However, the guys answered her interrogation with smiles and politeness, something that I had to force my own self to do. They'd have to teach me how they did that.

“So what about you?”

It took a moment for her question to process and another awkward one to look at her and realize she was asking me.

“, what exactly do you mean?” I asked, laughing nervously and running a hand through my hair.

“Well, you're not only their translator, but also Yesong's girlfriend, right?” An overly dramatic gasp swept over the crowd and I flushed.

My mind was rampaging; was there really any point in denying the truth? No, probably not. “His name is Yesung,” I corrected her, trying to keep my tone light. “And, yes, we are dating.”

“I bet you're all dying to know what its like to date a member of Super Junior,” Malinda said to the crowd with a theatrical wink. While she spoke, I quietly told the boys what she had said, not wanting to leave them in the dark. I tried to keep Yesung out of my sight as I relayed the information; I would have much preferred to not even let him know. “Okay, honey. So tell us, what's it like to date Ye...sung?”

“Its—its good,” I said, trying to bring a smile to my face. Even if Yesung wouldn't be able to understand my every word, he wasn't deaf. Or blind. He read my movements like a vulture waiting for its prey to die.

“Good? That's all you can say?” Malinda cackled. I was really beginning to hate that woman.

“Well...he's...” I licked my lips, trying my hardest not to fidget. He'd catch my uncertainty immediately. “He's charming,” I said lamely.

“Aren't they all?” our interviewer demanded. She was purposefully putting me on the spot now. She was like Yesung; she could smell fear and loved to provoke it.

“Y—yes. But he's the...most charming.” My hands were clamped together tightly in my lap, palms beginning to sweat. The lights over our heads made my face feel like it was on fire. I tried to breath to relax my posture, but it wasn't working. My heart was beginning to pound.

Malinda snorted. “Sounds like you don't care much for him at all.”

“I do though!” I insisted, trying to not sound desperate, but my words came out in a squeak. “I'm so extremely lucky to have him and he treats well.” My lips parted in a shaky smile. “I'm lucky to have him,” I repeated.

Malinda smirked at me. “Good to know. Now let's talk about the new album: Sexy, Free, and Single!” My stuttering and utterly repulsive performance was forgotten, proven by the screams of the fangirls in the crowd. I continued to do my duty blankly, but during the rest of the interview, I could feel Yesung's eyes drilling into the back of my head.

As soon as filming ended, I was out of my chair, rushing through the backstage to find a bathroom. When I found one, I flew through the door and to the sink. I tried to breath evenly, splashing cold water across my burning, sweaty face. I braced my arms against the sink and glanced up at the mirror. My blue eyes were wide, fear evident in them, black eyeliner smeared around the edges. I dropped to the floor, bracing my back against the wall as I tried to calm my beating heart.

Yesung would be angry with me, I knew it. I dared not look at him as I left, but I knew. I hadn't been confident enough in my answer, I hadn't said it or sounded right. He'd think I didn't want to be with him anymore. He'd demand to know what I was thinking and he'd follow the question with a hit to the face.

The bathroom door suddenly opened. My head jerked up as Kyuhyun walked slowly in.

“Kyuhyun!” I snapped. “This is the girls' bathroom! Get out!”

He took one look at me and, blatantly ignoring my command, asked, “are you alright?”

“I'm fine,” I muttered. “Why?”

“Because you're sitting on the bathroom floor and you don't look like you're alright.”

“I'm fine, okay?” I huffed at his bluntness.

Kyu sighed and sat down next to me, stretching his long, skinny legs out in front of him. “You want to talk about it?”

“There's nothing to talk about,” I answered.

He sighed and placed an arm around my shoulders. His soft eyes tried to catch mine, but I refused. Being so close to him made my mind fluster. I turned my head farther away from his, hating how he had an effect on me that I wish was easier to ignore. He was just a friend, a good friend like Ryeowook and Teukie. He was only comforting me when he thought I needed it. But I couldn't look at him. I knew he'd have that expression on his face that made me question my instincts, my morals.

“What do you see in Yesung?” he asked after a drawn out silence.

I turned my head towards him, but avoided looking at his face directly. Instead, my eyes focused on his chest. “What do you mean?”

“He's nothing like you.”

“Opposites attract.”

“Not as opposite as the two of you are. He's hurting you, Katie. In more ways than one.”

My eyes snapped up to his face and narrowed. “You're starting to sound like Leeteuk. And its none of your business.” I brusquely removed his arm from my shoulders and got to my feet. It was anger that was burning at my skin, not fear or embarrassment, as I exited the bathroom.

Why couldn't people just leave us alone? I was perfectly happy with Yesung. Why couldn't they see that? They always had something to say negatively about us. It was beginning to get old.

I walked down the crowded walkway, towards the exit. Yesung's figure caught my eye and one glance made my heart lurch with fear. His face was dark, eyes narrowed dangerously. I kept my own eyes down and turned back the way I'd come. My anger towards Kyuhyun from before was replaced with relief when I saw him coming towards me, eyes downcast.

“Kyuhyun,” I said and grabbed his arm. “Will you come with me to the van?” My voice was loud enough for Yesung to hear, and I hoped that suggested he leave me alone. But it didn't. Over Kyu's shoulder, I saw him following after us.

“Sure,” Kyuhyun answered, not bothering to hide his concern. “Are you—”

“Kyuhyun,” I said quietly, my voice shaking on only one word. “Please, do not leave me alone with him.” His head turned slightly, catching Yesung's advance. “Whatever he says. Please?” I begged.

His dark eyes took in my expression which should have shown my terror. Without needing any further explaining, he nodded and put an arm protectively over my shoulders. His tall figure comforted me a little, but not much more protected.

We didn't even make it outside, but there were few people in the area of the building we had reached. Yesung's cold voice made me shiver. “Katie, we need to talk.” Kyu and I turned together, but neither of us made a move after that. Yesung's eyes narrowed at his band mate’s docility. “Alone.” I was afraid Kyu might comply, but he remained stone still beside me. Yesung's jaw clenched. “Hyung, could you leave, please?”

Kyu shook his head and I could almost feel the anger start to roil off of Yesung. Maybe it was a bad idea to get Kyuhyun involved. I should have just taken it, instead of dragging him into this.

“Kyuhyun. Leave.” Yesung's voice had gotten dangerously low, his glare sending my body quaking.

Kyuhyun didn't even blink at the dangerous tone, holding his ground. And Yesung's glower. “No.”

By Yesung's deadly look, I feared for Kyuhyun's life. My heart began to pound painfully against my rib cage. The air in the hallway seemed to be choked with Yesung's fury, making me fight for a decent breathe. He and Kyuhyun held each others glares for moments that seemed like hours. I jumped when Yesung's eyes darted to me, screaming everything at me that his mouth couldn't. He'd wait until I was alone, when I had no one to protect me. Then, he turned and slouched away.

Along with relief, a numbness overcame me. My knees buckled. I barely felt Kyuhyun's arms catch me before I could face plant. A cold blackness seeped into my vision.


Smell of fresh sheets, the cool clothe on my skin. I snuggled deeper into my pillow and sighed, a content smile spreading across my lips. The realization that my last memory had nothing with me going to bed jerked me fully awake and I sat up, looking around the hotel room. Sunlight was poking through the heavy, crèam-colored curtains; the digital clock's red numbers identified it to be 7:30 a.m.

Leeteuk was seated on the chair in the corner, sleeping peacefully with his head resting against the back of the chair, his angel face content with sleep. I smiled slightly, shaking my head at how seriously he took his looking after me. The need to use the restroom prompted me to crawl out of bed. Rounding the corner of the inner wall revealed Kyuhyun asleep in front of the door, as if he could guard me from Yesung. If Yesung could make it through that thick of a door without a hotel key, I doubted Kyu would stand in his way. But his action still made my heart soften. Why did he do those things for me?

Leeteuk's reasons were clear: he was a natural leader and had taken it upon himself to look after me during my time in Korea. It continued after I returned home; his brotherly ways would probably never fade. But Kyuhyun—his intentions were unclear to me. All the boys found a need to protect me, but Kyuhyun had overdone them all with his kindness.

“How are you feeling?” I turned to Leeteuk's voice, which was thick with sleep, and realized I'd been peaking around the corner at Kyuhyun like a creeper.

“I'm alright,” I said, smiling at Teukie.

He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, nodded, and yawned. “Good. Do you remember what happened?”

The question brought me up short; I knew what he was doing. I could see by the expectant look in his eyes, like I was supposed to confess to a lie.

“I passed out,” was all I said. “I guess I didn't eat enough and the stress from the interview...” I shrugged and turned for the bathroom.

“Are you sure that was all?”

“Yes, Teukie,” I said, sighing and rolling my eyes at him. Then, a smile. “I'm fine, promise.” He returned the smile, but it was only half-hearted; he was still unsure.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and looked into the mirror as I had the night before. My face was still pale, eyes edgy with nerves. I washed my face, as if that could cleanse it of the feelings that were trying to escape to the outer world. It was only because my poor diet and stress from the interview that caused the blackout. That was all there was to it. I hadn't eaten much because Yesung had said something about my weight—I wanted to be perfect for him so skipping a few meals seemed necessary. Not that I was blaming him for any of it.

The apology to Yesung for the previous night's behavior was being written in my head when I stepped out of the bathroom. Kyuhyun was no longer on the floor, nor was he in the room at all. I frowned, though I wasn't sure why. It was probably best he was gone. He'd provoked Yesung...even though I had asked him to stay by me.

I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut as though that could stop the contradicted thoughts from smashing into each other. I'd just apologize to Yesung and everything would be fine.


Everything was far from fine. The whole right side of my face was throbbing, causing tears to haze my vision. I tried to suck in breathes of fresh, outdoor air—to ease the shock of pain—but it was only making my body shake with the labored action and I gave up on trying to inhale normally. My fingertips brushed against the the bruising skin. I winced.

Usually Yesung used an open hand, but his fist was what had collided with my cheek. Tears spilled from my closed eyelids. I'd only wanted to apologize for the way I'd acted, but he'd been unforgiving. Not only did his fist do the talking, he'd screamed at me for over ten minutes, calling me every name and defamation he could. Begging for forgiveness had been a bad idea, resulting in him commanding me to shut up while he yelled some more.

It wasn't a surprise that no one came to see what was wrong. Leeteuk was out with a few of the others and no doubt those that had stuck around the hotel were those that wouldn't cross Yesung. They all cared about me, yes, but Yesung could be...overly persuading if aggravated. Those that had been witness to Yesung's actions towards me were sworn into silence, but even they didn't know the full extent to his anger.

“Katie?" I nearly screamed as the new voice met my ears, wanting to blame him for the reason why I was sitting against the hotel wall, bawling my eyes out. “What's wrong?”

“Nothing, Kyuhyun,” I said, wiping the irksome tears away. “I'm fine. Go inside.”

But Kyuhyun was stubborn—to strong willed for his own good—and he did the opposite of what I said. He sat down beside me again. Déjà vu.

“You're not fine,” he said, his head turned to look at me with that beautiful face. His hand reached out and I automatically jerked away. He drew back slightly, then proceeded, grabbing my chin lightly to turn my head to the side. His eyes widened, then, narrowed. I shrank back, averting my eyes. “He hit you.”

“I fell,” I said.

“How many more times do you have to fall before it stops?”

“I'm clumsy,” I mumbled, crossing my arms and leaning against them, knowing I'd used the 'fell' excuse one too many times.


“Why are you so annoying?” I said sharply, glaring at him. “Why can't you just leave it alone?”

“Because he's hurting you,” he answered. “He went too far the first time he struck you and he's not going to stop.”

“Maybe I deserve it,” I said. “Maybe its me that's at fault, instead of him.”

Kyuhyun's eyes widened. He shook his head forcefully. “Do you even hear yourself? Who deserves to be treated like you do? Not only is he hitting you, but he's playing you too.” I dropped my eyes, glaring at the cement in front of us. “You're not the only girl in his life. He's a player and he always will be.”

I wanted to cover my ears and drown out his words, to slap him and defend Yesung. But I couldn't. Something inside shifted slightly. I knew Kyuhyun was telling the truth, that Yesung wasn't faithful and that he was breaking me down. I still refused to completely believe it. Anger at Yesung for doing that to me, at me for being so weak and blind, at Kyuhyun for making it all come into focus. But I couldn't bring myself to admit it.

Instead, I looked hard at Kyuhyun and said, “you don't know anything,” and got to my feet.

“Katie, wait!” he called after me as I went inside. “I was only telling the truth. I'm sorry!” I ignored him, glaring ahead of me. Kyu sighed. “Katie, please?”

If the moment couldn't get any worse, a door ahead of us opened and Yesung stepped out. His face darkened, nostrils flared when he saw Kyuhyun hurrying after me. Like a whipped puppy, I went right to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He wouldn't strike me with Kyuhyun there and I knew the action would make Kyu leave me alone.

Kyu came to a stop and the two of them glared at each other. When Kyuhyun's eyes flickered to me, I gave him a pleading look and laid my head on Yesung's shoulder.

Yesung put a stiff arm around my waist. “What do you want?” he snarled.

Kyuhyun's jaw clenched, his eyes flickered to me once more. “Nothing,” he said and turned for his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've already screwed up on this story...Kinda. I discovered something so sad.

Apparently, Leeteuk was abused when he was younger by his father. Can you believe that? Our angel Leeteuk was beat by his father? If I ever found that man...I'd just...I about cried reading it.

Let me know your guys' opinions. Honesty is the best policy here. I won't flip out on constructive critism.

Shameless whoring time. My Han Geng one-shot...I'm so in love with him right now, its ridiculous. Weightless. Take a look, yeah?

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