Status: Short Story

Super Girl


“What's Kyuhyun's problem?”

“He's just mad Katie's here.”


“You didn't know?” Kangin shook his head. “He lost to Yesung.”


“Yeah, he—” Ryeowook's explanation was cut short when he noticed Kyuhyun's death glare at him and Kangin from across the room. “It just...” Ryeowook paused when Kyuhyun shook his head slowly. “He fell in love with Katie, but couldn't get up the nerve to prove it, so Yesung did, so now they're together and Kyu's really bitter about that!” Ryeowook explained at a hurried pace, the words spilling over each other before he jumped to his feet, ready for Kyuhyun's attack.

Kangin looked between the two and smiled. “Ouch.”

Kyuhyun snorted and went back to watching TV. “You're wrong, Ryeowook.”

“Oh, really? What did you admit to Teuk and Hyuk the other night?”

The maknae's face turned scarlet. He grabbed a pillow and rocketed it at Ryeowook, who ducked just in time. However, the pillow continued on its attack, smacking into Siwon's face as he stepped through the door.

Siwon looked down at the pillow, then at the three boys in the room. Kangin and Ryeowook pointed at Kyuhyun.

“It was their fault,” Kyuhyun insisted, leaning back against the head board and glaring at the other two.

Kangin snorted. “Someone just needs to calm their temper.”

“Is this about Katie?” Siwon asked, arching one of his expressive eyebrows.

Kangin and Ryewook snickered. “Does everyone know?” Kangin asked as Kyuhyun groaned and rolled off the side of the bed.


“No! No, please!”

Sungmin's scream of mercy was followed by victorious laughs. Eunhyuk and I looked at each other, one of his eyebrows disappearing under the bangs of his black hair. We'd just gotten back from Eunhyuk teaching me “Sexy, Free, and Single” and who better to teach it than the dancing machine of the group?

I'll take advantage of what I'm given so don't be jealous.

“Do we want to even know what they're doing?” I asked.

Eunhyuk smiled and answered, “yes,” before pushing the door open. Rolling my eyes, I followed after him. Piled on the bed were nine Korean men—and I use that word lightly—with Sungmin's corn-silk blonde hair sticking out from the bottom.

“Dog pile!” Eunhyuk shouted and leaped into the air, falling on top of Wookie, who grunted under the extra load.

“Really, you guys?” I chided, crossing my arms. “Flattening Sungmin is your way towards entertainment these days?”

“He asked for it!” Donghae whined, lifting his head.

“I did not!” came Sungmin's muffled reply.

I pointed at them, then a random spot away from the bed. “Off.” One by one, grumbling to themselves, they rolled off until only a disheveled Sungmin remained, laying on his stomach and making no move to get up. “You killed him,” I said and looked up at the group of boys with a glare. “Did you all forget about the party tonight?”

They all looked at each other uneasily. “Noooo...”

“Get ready,” I commanded and knelt down next to bed. “Sungmin-oppa, are you alive?”

He looked up at me, showing off his adorable charm with his best puppy-dog look. It was priceless—if you didn't think about the fact that he was twenty-six years old. “No,” he answered.

“Get ready,” I repeated, challenging his Bambi eyes with my infamous death glare. He scrambled off the bed and out the door, running to his room.

I sighed and got to my feet. Boys will be boys, I guess...No matter how old they get.

Super Junior had been invited to a big, Hollywood party, their executives hoping to earn the boys more American publicity while they were here. Well-known, American celebrities would be there; why not include Korean idols? They'd been invited, take the chance. However, once again, I was being put into a situation that required public attention and keeping Yesung happy.

My gut twisted into a tight knot. Yesung had been extremely...irritable the last few days. He'd not only snap at me, but everyone else. His need to have me by his side was suffocating more than ever. When I was with him, he kept an arm locked around me. Fear of his next explosion left me tense and snappy as well.

I left the room, but not before yelling at Shindong and Kangin to hurry up, and went to my own to get ready. Hollywood was all about the visual and I'd have to look the best I could.


A steady beat thumped through the floor, lights dimly set in the chic and classy building. People lined the walls and mingled in groups, sipping from glasses and eying others across the way. Taking even breaths, I self-consciously smoothed out my red dress.

It was the one Yesung had bought me, one I rarely wore. Low-cut and scandalously short, it wasn't my number one pick to wear. But I knew it would put Yesung in a better mood and I really had no choice. This was a top-notch, Hollywood bash. Best to look your best.

And so began my long night of quick translations and introductions. There were so many people and Mr. Kung demanded that I introduce Super Junior to as many Americans as possible. Who knew if one of them could open the doors to more U.S. publicity? The majority of the party's occupancy was welcoming and open, charmed by the boys' lack of English and polite demeanor. Yesung always stood nearest to me, never smiling even when greeted. His dark eyes shown an icy glint that made me want to crawl into a hole.

Farther into the evening, I escaped for some alone time. Siwon could handle everything until I returned—his English was limited, but he could take care of them if worse came worse. Though I hoped it wouldn't. I stood at the edge of the balcony, the second story much less active than the one below, surveying the scene below me with tired eyes.

Donghae and Eunhyuk were explaining some of their dance moves to an applauding group. Sungmin was charming two women with his smiling, aeygo act. Towards the back of the room, Shindong was cracking jokes with a fellow Korean we'd ran into. Siwon was interpreting between Leeteuk and a man who worked for a well-known record company. Kyuhyun was standing to the side of Wookie and Kangin who were talking amongst themselves. I frowned at the look of melancholy on his face. Then, I realized there was no sight of my boyfriend.

Eyebrows furrowing together, I searched the crowd beneath me for maroon colored hair and full face. Nothing. I walked along the balcony's railing, still searching. Still nothing. Then, I heard the low hush of whispers, one very familiar. And giggling. Curiosity encouraged me and I walked towards the dark corner that led along another walkway. Two figures stood against the wall, the light from the floor below barely illuminating their features. My eyes widened at the flash of dark red hair. His body was pinning a thin, pale Asian girl against the wall, who seemed completely fond of the whole idea. Gently, sickly sweet, his lips pressed against hers.

My heart shattered. I backed away as tears clawed at my eyes. Searching for a place of solitude, I found it beside the pool, its aquatic blew illuminated by underwater lights. In a fit of anger, I tore the necklace from my neck that Yesung had given me and threw it into the pool. I collapsed onto chair and buried my face in my hands.

All I could think was how much of an idiot I was. I had done so much wrong, that's why Yesung had done this. I wasn't enough for him on my own. Why couldn't I be a better person for him? Tears cascaded from my eyes and pressed the heels of my hands harder into my eyes.


My head snapped up at the soft calling of my voice. Kyuhyun was practically towering over me. “What do you want, Kyuhyun?” I asked, trying to hide the catch in my voice with exasperation.

He didn't answer; instead, he sat down next to me and my body tensed. “What did he do this time?”

“Nothing,” I answered quickly.

Kyuhyun took my chin in his hand and I flinched. When he gently turned my face to his, I saw the sincere worry and questions stirring in his eyes. It made more tears fall from my own. “Tell me what happened.”

I jerked my face from his grasp and got to my feet. “He did nothing, Kyuhyun. Why can't you just leave it at that?”

“Because I'm tired of seeing you get hurt all the time,” he stated, his voice still holding that calming tone it was known for. “Why can't you see he's destroying you?”

“He's not—”

Kyuhyun grabbed my arms and I started again, but his grip was still gentle. “Why are you so blind?” he demanded softly, eyes filling with a sadness that crushed my heart. “Yesung is hurting you, he's playing with your emotions. He doesn't realize how blessed he is to have you. He doesn't care for you...not like I do...”


“Listen,” he commanded quietly, “to me its always been you. Ever since you first arrived, all I've cared about is you. And I've had to stand to the side and watch Yesung break you until there's nothing left..” He took in a shaky breath. “I can't do that anymore.” I was speechless by Kyuhyun's confession. “Just...please, leave Yesung. Not for me, but for yourself. Don't abandon yourself in this 'love' that you think exists.”

Without thinking, I touched Kyuhyun's flawless face with my fingertips. “Kyuhyun...” I had no idea he'd truly felt that way. He really cared about me. He wasn't begging me to call things off with Yesung so I could be with him. No, he was doing it so I could be my own person again.

His words began to seep light into the dark corners of my mind. And showed me what a pathetic person I'd been. His eyes waited for something, maybe an answer. I went to say something, anything, to break the silence that had fallen around us, but he acted first.

He ducked his head, lips pressing against mine. Shocked, I was frozen as he placed his hands on the side of my face and held me there for another moment. When he pulled away, my lips tingled and the sensation traveled down my whole body. My mind was a whirlwind and all I could do was stare at Kyuhyun who was studying me intently.

I shook my head and stepped away from him. “I have to go,” I said and quickly walked away, heels clicking against the ground.

Kyuhyun didn't call for me or chase after me as I hurriedly made my way from the top floor to the main, pushing through the crowd for a way out. I found Leeteuk's face among the strangers. When he saw my approach, his angel smile fell in an instant. He asked me what was wrong and I could only shake my head.

“I need to go,” was all I choked out.

“Okay,” he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and ushering me outside. He never asked questions verbally, but his eyes were flickering to me every few seconds on the way back to the hotel.

Teukie knew I wouldn't respond to whatever he asked and he was right. He'd be furious at Yesung and probably almost as equally angry at Kyuhyun for even touching me. It was best not to lead another member into the situation that I really didn't even know what to do about.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two more chapters! Weeee!

I know this probably wasn't the greatest, I'm sorry. More conflict in the next chapter. Mwahaha.
Be on the look out for a possible SuJu, zombie(kinda) related story...>.> hehehehe

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