Status: Short Story

Super Girl

심장이 두근 두근

I grabbed my purse from the table and shut the TV off. The convoy to take the boys to their next interview was leaving in ten minutes. A movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention and I turned my head. I'd left the door propped against the lock so if the boys had any questions, they could come in and ask. However, by Yesung's face, that wasn't why he was there.

Immediately, my heart sped up with fear at his entrance, but it was his rigidness and the way his face was contorted in anger that made it pound with terror.


His hand latched onto my arm and I whimpered as his face was inches from mine. “You think I wouldn't know?”

“Know what?” I whispered, feeling the contraction in my windpipe as panic set it.

“You and Kyuhyun!” he shouted and swung me around. His hands pushed me and I stumbled, crashing into the table, smacking my head on the edge. I huddled there, tears leaking from my eyes. “Get up!”

I obeyed and was met with a fist to my jaw. I tried to catch myself on the table, but that only made my arm twist back as my knees hit the floor. “Please, Yesung,” I begged through tears, even though my jaw was throbbing. “It—”

“What?” he snapped, grabbing me by the hair and pulling me to my feet again. “What's your excuse for last night?”

“He kissed—” Another punch in the face.

My vision shifted and stuttered for a moment, scaring me further. Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted in my stomach as his foot collided with my ribs. I cried out in pain, trying to fight him off as his kicks persisted. Stuck in the corner with nowhere to go.

“Beg,” Yesung hissed. “Beg for me to stop!”

My sobs grew louder when he paused, giving me a chance to do what he ordered. I looked up at him through my tears. I gathered what little courage I had and gave him my answer.


His eyes widened. I'd never refused to do anything he told me. But I was tired of hiding behind a mask of lies and pain. I was tired of being his punching bag. It didn't matter how much I did for him, he'd just hit me and make me feel worse than dirt. I was done being his bitch.

“You don't want me to stop?” he hissed, bending over to look me in the eyes.

“I'm not going to beg anymore,” I said, voice shaking on every letter. My eyes flickered towards the door. “Go ahead and kill me if you want. I'm done with you.” Yesung's nostrils flared and he straightened back up. “Stupid bastard!” I screamed at him and ran for the door. My footing was far from perfect, the head trauma sending the world shaking, but I was determined to reach the door.

Hands came down on my shoulders, so forcefully I collapsed on my knees, the carpet meeting my face mercilessly. His voice was inches from my ear. “You're the stupid one,” he seethed. “I'm not going to kill you because that would be too easy on you.” Another kick in the side. I clenched my eyes shut and refused to give him the satisfaction of my pain. “I'll just—” His voice was cut short and I felt something shoot by me. Yesung grunted and the floor vibrated.

My eyes snapped open and I looked up to see Yesung getting to his feet, two legs standing between him and myself. I looked up at the back of Kyuhyun's head. I had never seen Yesung so furious and terrifying in my life. He began swearing at Kyuhyun, telling him to get out before he got anymore involved. But Kyhyun stood there silently and I wished I could see his face.

I screamed when I saw Yesung throw a punch at him, but Kyu returned it with just as much fury. They went at each other relentlessly as I slid back towards the door, helplessness choking me. They were going to kill each other.

I heard voices in the hall, familiar ones.

“Siwon! Eunhyuk!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, shrill and ear-splitting. It made my head pound even worse. Their footsteps hurried and when they arrived at the doorway, they looked down at my bruised and bloodied form on the floor and then at their band members.

“What are you two doing?” Siwon demanded, rushing into the room. “Stop!” But they didn't even hear him. “Eunhyuk!” And the two got to work on splitting them up.

I laid there on the ground, consciousness beginning to slide away as the sounds of struggle persisted.

“What the heck is going on?” My eyes managed to open at Donghae's voice and more bodies ran past me to help separate Kyu and Yesung.

“Katie? Katie, can you hear me?” Leeteuk's voice snapped me, once again, from unconsciousness, but I couldn't open my eyes. “You're gonna be fine,” he told me. “Kyuhyun, what happened?”

“Yesung...” was all I heard Kyu answer before I dropped off the cliff into unconsciousness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I went there.
This chapter is super short because I actually split the last chapter into two. So I can hang onto you all longer! MWAHAHAHA!!!!
So Yesung went a little loco. Don't hate me! Because I love you!

Special thanks:
daisuki desu