Number 3


"For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."

That’s how she ended her letter to me. That’s how she ended our relationship together, before she took off for some distant land. Where? I’m not sure. But I hope she’s happy.

She was Suki Davis, aged 23. She was short, quirky, a ‘free spirit’, and a brilliant photographer.

She was beautiful, and kind, and a little too wild for her own good, but it was all rather endearing.

I, at the time of our meeting, was almost 23, having recently graduated University at Oxford with a degree in mathematics. Not something that interested me, mind you. No, I always had been more fascinated with words rather than numbers.

We had plans, Suki and I, to do a book together. She would take pictures and I would formulate a plot or find a story within each snapshot.

Looking back, I know I should have seen it coming. But, like they always say, when you’re in love, you’re kind of blinded to everything else.

And I was most definitely in love with Suki Davis. I just have to hope she loved me a little bit too.

I think she did. But when it came to Suki, you never really knew what would happen next. Sometimes, she would sulk around for days and then suddenly decide she wanted to go out. And then other times, she’d be full of vigor for her latest photography project, and then suddenly, she would drop it. Some people would think she was showing signs of being bipolar, but she wasn’t. No, I knew my Suki and it was all just part of her personality.

Just one of the many things I loved about her.
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Just a little introduction into Jon's and Suki's world. Anyone interested? It's a contest entry, so I'd love some feedback! Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies!