Status: Active ;)

Some Days

Chapter Fifteen

Lakelyn had switched to walking a long time ago, her footsteps now less stable. The pain of her stitches was catching up to her and she closed her eyes, only hoping that she’d make it the last few hundred feet to where she was going. Several people had stopped her, having seen her bleeding through her clothes, and tried to help but she merely brushed them off, walking away without a word. She didn’t want to go back to the hospital. She didn’t want to go back to her life.

Opening her eyes again, the bridge was much closer now and she smiled softly. Despite how it may have looked, Lakelyn had no intention of jumping off it today; she simply wanted to sit there. She wanted to look down at the water and remember when her grandparents would walk her there when it was sunny. Things were so much simpler then.

Where did that time go? Where did the youth and innocence disappear to? It seemed like Lakelyn’s had been ripped from her before she even had the chance to get a hold on it and now she couldn’t ever go back. The damage was done and there wasn’t anything more she could do, aside from starting over. Clean the slate, forge a new path. It was time for Lakelyn to suck it up and make a better life for herself instead of hoping that someone would come along and do it for her.

When she finally set foot onto the bridge, she settled herself down so her legs hung over the edge between the railings and let her feet dangle in the air. There was a breeze coming off the water and she breathed it in.

What was holding Lakelyn here in New York? She didn’t have anything left in this city. Her family was nonexistent, her friends were limited and capable of going on without her, and she was already accepted into a college across the country.

There was absolutely nothing in New York for her, aside from the Maine. And thinking about it, they were going to have to leave to go on tour soon anyway. Beyond that, Lakelyn didn't want to deal with the Garrett and John situation because no matter what, someone was going to get hurt. Besides, the chances of any of it working out was slim. Long distance relationships don't succeed. The guys had their music and Lakelyn had her dancing, so why not go? Why not start over? It’s not like she had anything to lose.

Considering these thoughts, Lakelyn made up her mind. She stood up as gently as she could and began walking, her back to the city. When the car pulled up beside her she paused.

“Hey, miss, do you need help?”

The voice was deep but gentle and Lakelyn immediately turned to face whoever it was who had stopped for her. He was dressed in a suit, looking well put together but only a few years older than herself, and he was gazing at the large blood stain on her shirt in concern. Lakelyn took in the guy’s blue eyes, which succeeded in reminding her of a familiar bass player, and she clenched her eyes shut a moment before smiling a little and reopening them.

“Yes,” she said quietly. “Actually, I do.”

The guy quickly got out of his car and walked to her slowly, putting his hands out.

“I promise, I won’t hurt you. Just let me sit you down ok? You can use my cell phone,” he told her softly and for some odd reason, she trusted him.

Lakelyn didn’t say anything as he helped her gently take a seat on the curb but when he tried handing her his phone she shook her head. He looked at her in question and she felt an unsuspected itch in her eyes.

“I’ve got no one to call,” she said quietly, her voice rough and he stared at her for a moment before taking a seat beside her.

They sat in silence and when the man noticed Lakelyn shivering, he took off his suit jacket and draped it over her shoulders, causing her to smile down at her lap.

“Thank you,” she said and he simply looked at her for a few minutes.

“I understand completely if you say no, but I’d really like to drive you somewhere safe. Especially the hospital so they can take a look at that for you,” he said pointing at her stomach.

Lakelyn studied him for a moment, and when she found only genuine worry and kindness, she nodded her head. The guy copied her, smiling softly in relief and got up, immediately reaching down to assist her.

He helped her to the car, opening the passenger door for her to climb in. Her eyes never left his figure as he walked back around to get in the driver’s side. Once he was settled in with the door shut, he looked at Lakelyn once more.

“I’m Liam by the way,” he said and she smiled at him.


“Well Lakelyn, just tell me where you want to go and I’ll drive you there,” he told her seriously and she stared out the window for a moment before looking back at him.

“Just take me someplace far away from here,” she answered quietly, almost pleadingly, and Liam nodded with an unreadable expression on his face.

“Well considering I was headed there anyway, Maryland it is. We’ll stop at the hospital on the way,” he told her, switching on the radio and pulling away from the sidewalk.

Lakelyn watched the lights of New York City fade from her rearview mirror and smiled softly. Her reflection caught her attention and she stared at herself. She was finally leaving. She was finally getting the chance to start over. Ignoring the pain in her chest that was reminding her of the five guys she was leaving without a single explanation, she looked back at Liam. The rest of her life started now.

The song Medicine by Daughter filled the car and Lakelyn was immediately reminded of when she last heard that familiar tune, when she last danced to it. She could remember shaking their hands, laughing at Chris’ reaction to meeting the band. The wedding was long gone now, and glancing in the mirror one last time, Lakelyn realized that The Maine was too. There was no turning around from this and she could only promise herself that she’d never look back. No matter what, she couldn’t ever look back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tada. Lakelyn is running away. Like usual. Please don't hate me, I just felt like this needed to happen to keep the story going. i gotz plenty of ideaz guys, don't give up on me just yet :3

this officially concludes part 1 of this story. part 2 takes place two years later :O gasp, I know. It will all make sense soon. I'm excited again.

Thanks for reading! Comments are always appreciated :)
