Status: Active ;)

Some Days

Chapter Twenty Two

Garrett stared at the screen of his iphone, his hand clasped around it so tight that his knuckles had turned white a long time ago. He blinked and then unlocked the phone just as it went dark, allowing him to read the words for the another uncountable time. Lakelyn's name shown back at him and he felt himself sinking, like every molecule of his body had turned into nothing and he was being absorbed into the mattress beneath him. And hell, that probably would have been a lot easier.


John stopped just inside the doorway of his bedroom, looking torn between telling him off for being a little bitch and climbing in next to him to give him a hug. Garrett wanted neither.

"You can't just lay here all day. You already wasted three hours doing nothing but torture yourself. Time to get up, man," he said, keeping a hard edge to his voice. Garrett didn't respond, just put his phone back in front of his face to read the message again.

From: Lakelyn

I was drunk and it was wrong. I'm sorry. I think we need to end this -whatever this is- and us. I'm getting married.

What the fuck kind of message is that? Garrett had woken up for the first time in ages without feeling like there was a weight on his chest but now, it had come back double and feeling John's stare on him, he began to laugh.

"One minute, she couldn't let me have one fucking minute! She couldn't let me just believe for an instant that maybe I had finally gotten somewhere, could she? What the FUCK?" Garrett threw his phone as hard as he could across the room, not watching as it smashed against the wall. John sighed.

"You knew this wasn't going to be easy. Lakelyn is anything but easy." He said, smartly avoiding making any sort of comment about Garrett's actual chance to get what he wanted.

Garrett shook his head.

"Go away."

John didn't reply for a moment. Garrett could feel his eyes on him though and carefully avoided eye contact.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Maybe this is the closure you-all of us- need."

Garrett rubbed his hands over his face.

"This isn't it, John. I haven't spent the last two years thinking about her for it to end like this," he whispered. There was a part of him that wanted so badly to listen to John but he knew that deep down he couldn't. It would only eat him alive in the end.

His friend only watched him for a moment longer before spinning on his heel and leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" Garrett called after his now disappearing figure.


The door to Garrett's house slammed in the distance. And that was it.


Lakelyn stared at herself in the mirror, examining every inch of herself in disgust. Her hair was dripping from the shower and there were dark circles around her eyes. There was a pounding in her skull but whether that was from the hangover or the guilt she wasn't sure.

Last night was awful, and she had been totally inappropriate. Her engagement ring was back on her finger now and it felt painful there. She didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve him.

Slowly, shakily, she reached up to touch her lips. The place where she'd connected herself to Garrett last night, where she betrayed the man she loved. And for that matter, the man she actually knew. Because really, what is two years compared to the not-even month total she'd known Garrett for?

A tear paved it's way down Lakelyn's cheek, leaving a glistening trail in it's path and she stared at it blankly.

"So, I was thinking we could take trip to the lake today."

Lakelyn jumped in surprise when Liam entered the bathroom, already shirtless. She quickly wiped the moisture from her face while his back was to her. He started up the shower but she couldn't bring herself to say anything to him. Instead, she watched his body, admiring the twitching of his muscles along his back as he moved, even in the slightest ways, and the way his hair was disheveled perfectly.

When she didn't answer him, he spun around, finding her eyes in the mirror with his searing blue ones. She didn't look away and it made his mouth twist up into a smirk.

"What?" he asked. Lakelyn shrugged.

Liam came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his right hand sliding between the folds of her towel to lay flat against her bare stomach. His eyes remained connected to hers as he kissed the side of her neck and then the hollow above her collar bone.

"What is it?" he whispered, his chin now resting on her shoulder and she found herself unable to keep a stony face. As the corners of her mouth rose, she leaned back into him.

"You're kind of attractive, you know," she said teasingly and Liam chuckled lightly in response.

"In that case, you're kind of the most beautiful girl I've ever met," he told her back and she let out laugh, resisting the urge to blush.

"You're kind of full of shit," Lakelyn said, pulling away to reach her toothbrush and Liam shook his head in her peripheral vision.

"Not about that, my lovely fiance," he said and Lakelyn ignored the guilt stabbing through her gut.

"If you plan on getting to the lake anytime soon, you may want to get your ass into that shower and stopping wasting my water," she told him around the toothbrush in her mouth. Liam didn't say anything so Lakelyn turned around to find him stripped of his boxers with a grin and smoldering gaze.

She unabashadely allowed her gaze to wander, much to Liam's enjoyment.

"I think we have time, the lake isn't going anywhere," he said. Lakelyn spit the toothpaste from her mouth, planning on telling him off but then gasping in surprise when the towl was ripped from her body.

"Liam," she warned, feeling the goose bumps rise on her skin despite being perfectly warm, but he only laughed.

"Lakelyn," he mocked back, using his hands on her bare ass to pull her closer then bringing his lips down to hers. The sensation of the kiss was one that had her on the verge of a breakdown so instead, she threw herself into it, pressing their bodies together. She couldn't allow herself to think of anyone but him anymore, Liam was the one she loved, the one she was engaged to. As her fiance pulled her into the shower, Lakelyn's phone buzzed on the counter. She didn't hear it.


John groaned in frustration when Lakelyn's phone went to voicemail. His radio was on but it was only white noise to his ears. He couldn't say that he hadn't foreseen this turn of events but that didn't make it any easier to handle. Especially considering that he truly liked Lakelyn. Regardless of that fact, however, he couldn't help but be royally pissed off. Whether it was intentional or not, or if she even realized it, she was relentlessly fucking Garrett over and he was tired of it.

Garrett was a great dude, someone he really cared for, and he didn't deserve this kind of bullshit.

Honestly, John wasn't used to doing something like this, something that he had no part in. He was going to do his best to fix something that wasn't his to fix. It was an odd sensation to him and definitely one he wasn't familiar with. Still, he had to at least try. For Garrett.

Matt Pond's "Love to Get Used" came on the radio next and he rolled his eyes, letting out a bitter, breathy chuckle. What a coincidence.

Still, he rolled down the windows of his truck and allowed himself to enjoy the moment. Making up his mind after trying to call Lakelyn again with no avail, he turned left at the next intersection. He wasn't sure if she was purposefully ignoring him, but he wasn't going to give her a choice in the matter.

He really had no idea what to say, or how things were even going to span out, but he had to set some shit straight with the girl. He wasn't going to tell her to choose Garrett or that Liam was the wrong choice because he knew how unfair that would be, but he had to let her know that she couldn't have both. That's not the way the world worked and sooner or later, if she kept trying to juggle both of them, the shit was going to hit the fan. Someone would get hurt, even worse than the result would be now. Sometimes the best way is like a slap to the face; quick, sharp, and only half as painful as dragging out the torture would be. She needed to see that, and once she did, she needed to put on her big girl pants and choose, rip off the band aid. That's the only way things could end now with as minimal carnage as possible. Then everything would go back to normal and they could all be friends, be happy.

Nodding at his thoughts, John made eye contact with himself in the mirror. He was doing the right thing for once. He could feel it.

Now all he had to do was make sure Lakelyn was willing to do the same.


Finally finishing getting dressed, Lakelyn sighed and put in her earrings, the ones that matched her turquoise sundress perfectly. With one last look in the mirror, making small adjustments to her sloppy bun, she left her bedroom in search of Liam, who had been much quicker at getting ready than she.

It was while walking down the hallway towards the front of her apartment that the skip in her step evaporated. She froze when she processed the voices, both of them familiar, and after taking a deep, shaky breath, she entered the kitchen. Her hands twisted in front of her nervously and when her eyes fell on John, all the oxygen left her lungs. Lakelyn deflated. Liam however, didn't seem to take notice. Only the singer did, taking in her reaction to him with narrowed eyes. Once again, the memories from the night before flashed through her brain and the guilt threatened to swallow her whole.

Quickly looking away, she offered Liam a small smile as he greeted her with words that didn't sound in the least bit comprehensible to her ears. Something wasn't right here, she knew that. John wasn't just stopping by, especially with all that was going on between her and Garrett. Did he know about the text she sent?

Looking up to find his eyes focused on her, the two spheres uncharacteristically stormy and intent, answered that questioned. He did. And he was fucking furious at her.

"Right, babe?"

Lakelyn blinked.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Liam laughed at her, and wrapped an arm around her waist, not picking up on the tension between her and John.

"I was just telling John how we were planning on heading up to the lake and that he was more than welcome to join us, right?"

Lakelyn cleared her throat, knowing that John had no intention of agreeing to such thing but nodding anyway.

"Uh, yeah. Of course."

John was silent for a moment, his face still scarily blank. When his gaze flickered to Liam and then back to her, she knew she was in trouble.

"Would it be all right if I invited... oh I don't know... maybe Garrett? Would that be all right, Lakelyn?"

His voice was patronizing and Lakelyn felt her face heating up. She sent a nervous glance towards her fiancé, who was now beginning to recognize the boiling emotions and looking between the two in confusement.

Unable to stand it any longer, Lakelyn spoke up.

"John, I'd like a word."

Her voice was strong, not leaving room for argument but she knew he wouldn't have anyway. That's why he was here, to talk to her, to yell at her, and there was a part of herself deep down that was thankful someone was here to give her what she deserved.

"Is everthing ok?" Liam asked hesitantly, now focusing on only Lakelyn and she nodded, pecking him lightly on the lips.

"We just need to talk."

He seemed to weigh the explanation for a minute before nodding and giving her waist a soft squeeze.

"I'll go pack a cooler and take it to the car. Take your time," he said, leaving the room without looking back. Lakelyn stared after to him for a minute before facing John again. He began to open his mouth but she put up a finger before he could speak, leading him to her room and then out onto the fire escape platform, where she knew Liam wouldn't hear.

Once there, she took a deep breath and turned around to meet John head on, nervously fidgeting with the straps of her black bikini that she'd put on under her dress.

"You need to get your shit together, Lakelyn. I'm fucking serious," he said, not bothering with starting out lightly. She shook her head and leaned back against the railing in defeat, her shoulders slouching tiredly.

"You think I don't fucking know that, John? I'm not stupid," she spat back and he scoffed.

"Well recent events would prove differently. Why would you do that? Why would you go bitching about how unhappy you are, kiss Garrett - repeatedly mind you-, and then run straight back to where you said you wouldn't. Garrett's not some little toy you get to just have whenever you choose. He is a person with feelings- real feelings- and while you can try to make all the excuses you want we both know that when it comes to him, all you ever think about is yourself," he said, creeping closer to her with every passing second until they were nearly touching. Lakelyn felt herself shrinking with every word and by the end she wanted nothing more to absorb into the wind and disappear.

Everything John had said was right. She kept screwing Garrett over and that wasn't right. Which is why she knew she had to keep true to her word of claiming her space away from him. John's eyes remained focused on her as he waited for her to speak. Trying to swallow past the lump in her throat, she tucked some loose hair behind her ear.

"John... you're right. I know you are and I know that I've been a complete bitch for too long. I need to stop getting everyone else caught up in my personal shit, which is why I sent that text to Garrett this morning. I'm not going to give myself the option of abusing his friendship anymore. Now that he knows I'm alive and well, he'll be able to move on. He can wash his hands of me and all my baggage and start fresh. The end. I'll be out of the picture for good and I promise, I won't bother any of you ever again. That's the best thing for everyone in this case, I think."

John seemed to stare at her in stunned silence for a moment, clearly not having expected that response. After a moment, he cleared his throat.

"So... that's it? You're just going to completely leave us again? Pretend like nothing about our past-your past- even exists?"

Lakelyn crinkled her nose in confusion, shaking her head.

"Isn't that what you want? Don't you want me to stop fucking with Garrett?" she asked, her voice soft and John looked out over her shoulder.

"Well.. yeah. But that doesn't mean that I think you should just completely give up everything. I mean, how would that be any different than that bullshit stunt you pulled two years ago? How would that help?"

Lakelyn laughed without finding anything funny. It was hollow.

"It would help because I can't be what I need to be to deserve all the people I have in my life right now. I've already betrayed Liam in a way that I never intended on doing. He loves me and I-I love him too. I've known him for far too long to just do something as terrible and inappropriate as last night and I won't let that happen again. I won't allow myself to think the way I do when I'm with Garrett or to hurt anymore people," she said, her voice finding more strength.

John stared at her.

"What about you though?"

Lakelyn scoffed.

"What about me, John?"

"Would you be ok?" he asked, his anger beginning to dissipate and Lakelyn shrugged.

"Of course. I'm very good at being ok. Admittedly, I wasn't when we first met, but I am now." John shook his head at that.

"How about happy? Would you be happy, Lakelyn?" he asked, his voice even softer and she pushed back the tears that wanted to make an appearance. If she really intended on being selfless for once, she needed to keep her composure.

"Yes. I would be happy, John. Without all of you." She tried not to react to the way he flinched at that. Her meaning was clear, and her voice struck like a dagger but that was necessary. He was too kind to ever do what really needed to be done, too concerned with her feelings to ever fully leave.

He seemed to blink a few times, giving her time to reclaim her harsh words but she refused to allow herself to and when he recognized that fact, he cleared his throat.

"Well, if that's what would make you happy, then by all means. Have a nice fucking life, Lakelyn. I hope Liam can give you all that you deserve." He turned and climbed back through the window then. And exited her apartment in the same instant he was exiting her life. It was only then, that Lakelyn allowed her eyes to glaze over. She reached for the pack of emergency cigarettes in her underwear drawer and then returned to the fire escape, lighting up.

She didn't like to smoke, but here and now she needed it. Her sobs came out strangled and nearly silent, but her chest quaked from the force of trying to hold them in. After this, she would move one. After this last cigarette, she would suck it up and return to Liam. She'd forget about The Maine and Garrett and John and she'd never look back. For real this time. They'd all had their closure now. There was nothing left to say.

Once she'd finished the cigarette and squashed it out, she flicked it and watched it fall until it hit the pavement. Then, taking a deep, unsteady breath, she walked into her bathroom. Once she'd splashed water on her face and fixed her eye liner, she was done.

Lakelyn fixed her appearance, then left. Liam already had the car running so when she climbed in he looked at her in question.

Instead of answering, she simply put on her brightest, fakest smile and nodded.

"To the lake, my love."
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyyy there. I'm back. Ta da. Hopefully someone cares. Or not.

I think I'm literally incapable of making things easy when it comes to Garrett and Lakelyn but hopefully it doesn't piss you guys off so much that you hate the story. Oh well. I'm trying to work with what I got here. Admittedly, looking back at all this now, I regret some of my decisions. Maybe I'll rewrite it soon. I don't know.

For now, all you guys need to know is that this ain't over yet ;)

Please, if you guys still enjoy the story, let me know. Depending on how things go in the near future I may decide to rewrite some stuff (just a heads up) but I'd love to know what you all think.

As always, thanks for reading. :) I hope your summer is going positively smashingly.


P.S. Forever Halloween is my favorite thing ever and the 8123 tour was quite possibly the most magnificent night of my life. Just felt like putting that out there.