Status: Active ;)

Some Days

Chapter Five

John was angry.

As much as he hated to admit it, Lakelyn had gotten under his skin and he couldn’t shake it off. There was just something so different about her, but in a good way. She wasn’t someone you would ever find again and he was pissed that he’d ruined his chances with her so quickly.

What exactly he wanted with her, he wasn’t sure. John wasn’t into the whole relationship thing but he didn’t think that a fling was all that he wanted. Maybe it was better if he never saw her again after all. He didn’t need any more complication in his life, simplicity was a beautiful thing.

He grabbed another beer and sat down at a table. Alcohol would take the edge off, it always did.


Garrett wasn’t much of a partier, never had been, so when the wedding started to get rowdier he decided to take off. John had been drinking like hell so he felt bad leaving him for the rest of the guys to deal with, but he was tired and bored so he left anyway. After saying goodbye to Ken, Pat, and Jared, he grabbed his bass and headed for the doors. He was extremely happy he had decided to drive on his own.

As he walked to the parking lot, Garrett watched his breath in the chilly air. He was used to Arizona weather so the cold was something he kind of treasured. There was hardly any traffic or people around because the wedding attenders had been given their own parking lot. He walked in silence and listened to his footsteps. Sometimes being alone was the best feeling in the world.

He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he nearly tripped over the tiny heap on the sidewalk before realizing it was there. Catching himself just before he fell flat on his face, Garrett looked down in confusion.

It was a girl, curled up on her side and seemingly asleep. He immediately recognized Lakelyn from her tattoos, tiny frame, and dark hair, but he was frozen. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t leave her. The sidewalk was completely deserted and it was close to midnight. Besides that, she shouldn’t be sleeping on the ground, regardless of where she was.

Setting down his bass and crouching next to her, he carefully brushed the hair away from her face. Fuck, she was beautiful. He had been teasing John earlier about asking for her number but he really did like her. She was quirky and funny and gorgeous. The type of girl guys like him would give anything to have.

As he took in her appearance, he noticed the tear stains on her cheeks, the way she was hugging herself. When he set his hand on her bare arm, he could feel her shivers. Her jacket was under her head and he cringed at the thought of how long she had been freezing in the cold, only wearing her thin dress.

“Lakelyn, Lakelyn. You gotta wake up. C’mon Lakelyn.” He shook her gently and she opened her eyes slightly to look at him. She stared at him blankly and he felt his stomach drop. Something was wrong. This girl was broken and he had no idea what to do.

“What, uh, what should I do? Are you ok? Do you need anything?” He stuttered out stupid questions, not knowing what else to say and waited, hoping she would give him some explanation.

“Garrett?” She was becoming more aware and slowly sat up, looking at him in surprise.

He nodded. “What’s wrong? Why are you out here alone?”

She sat in silence for a second, her face emotionless, before pulling her legs up close to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Tears started to pool in her eyes and before he realized what was happening, she was sobbing. Her whole body shook and Garrett quickly pulled her onto his lap, not sure what else to do.

“Shh, it’s ok. It’s ok, I won't let anything happen now. It's ok.” He rocked her awkwardly and she clung to him. After a minute he reached into his pocket for his phone and dialed Jared’s number. He looked up in appreciation when his friend answered on the third ring.

“Hey Gare, what’s up?” Garrett looked at Lakelyn and quickly got to the point.

“I need you in the parking lot, right now. I need you to drive.” Garrett heard rustling on the other end and knew Jared was rushing to get to him.

“What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know. Lakelyn is here and she was sleeping on the sidewalk but now she’s crying and I don’t know what the fuck to do. I need your help; she’s like hysterical or something.”

Jared told him he would be right there and hung up. As he waited, Garrett combed his fingers through Lakelyn’s hair, hoping to sooth her somehow. She was still crying just as hard as before. He didn’t even know her but he felt protective of her.

“It’s ok Lakelyn. Jared and I are going to take you home, alright? We’re gonna make sure you’re safe.”

He was surprised when she began to shake her head furiously, gripping his jacket tighter and looking up at him with a pleading gaze.

“No, please, n-not home. Not home.” Sobs overtook her again and Garrett rubbed her back.

“Ok, not home, it's ok. We can go wherever you want, Lay."

The nickname came out on its own account but he went with it, it seemed like she could use some endearment anyway. He brushed her long hair behind her shoulders and she began to calm down slightly. Eventually, she was breathing regular enough to talk with just a slight hiccup. Tears, however, still ran down her face, making her green eyes glazy.

“I'm sorry," she said quietly and looked down at Garrett’s chest, embarrassed. Jared came running down the pavement, but when he saw the two on the ground he paused.


“Is there anywhere else we can take you?” Garrett asked and forced Lakelyn to look at him. She was silent for a few minutes before she shook her head slowly.

“I-I am just gonna drive around for a w-while.” She tried to get up but as she did so, she stumbled and nearly collapsed. Garrett quickly caught her, Jared rushing forward to help if necessary. Garrett picked her up and she protested.

“No, I’m f-fine. You can go,” she said it in a way that sounded like she was attempting to sound convincing but Garrett shook his head.

“Lakelyn, listen to me. We are not leaving you here, especially now that you can't even hold yourself upright. When was the last time you ate?” She looked completely fragile in his arms and she shrugged.

He looked at her extremely narrow body and her skinny arms, scrunching up his forehead. Maybe her weight had nothing to do with genetics. He met Jared’s gaze and they shared a knowing look. There was much more to Lakelyn than the charming, fiery girl they had met earlier.

Making up his mind, Garrett began carrying her to his car.

“What’s the plan Garrett?” Jared bent down to grab her things and his bass before following. Garrett glanced down at Lakelyn and then to him.

“Drive us to our hotel. She’s not leaving my sight tonight.” Lakelyn began to speak but he cut her off.

“No. No fucking way am I leaving you alone. I don’t really know you but I still want to make sure you're ok.”

She looked at him, eyes still wet, but there was something new in her expression.

He climbed in the back seat and laid her across his lap while Jared got in the front. He handed Jared the keys, feeling her eyes on him.

He looked down at her and smiled softly. Her expression was sad, but not as frantic as before.

“You’re going to regret this,” she told him.

He raised his eyebrows at her.

She shrugged noncommitedly but he was trapped in her gaze. Lying there with her head on his legs, long hair fanned out around her head, and brilliant eyes focused on him, he knew that he wouldn't ever change his decision. He wasn’t going to let her go down alone.

“Jared, stop at Wawa on the way. Lakelyn needs to eat.”

His eyes quickly drifted back down to Lakelyn's after making sure Jared nodded and he wiped a tear off her cheek.

“ I won't ever regret this."
♠ ♠ ♠
O my god, I love this chapter so much! I know there wasn't a lot that happened but I love how sweet Garrett is <3

openyoureyessunshine recommended my story, THANK YOU! haha it seriously means alot

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smoke-and-fire (hello again haha)

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