What If We Weren't the Way We Are?

Everyone had always blamed the one with the big mouth, sympathised with the one who was often left unnoticed, admired the one with the insanely large amount of musical talent and befriended the one with the electric fingers.

Though things had been somewhat different as of late.

Everyone still blamed the one with the big mouth, sympathised with the one that could no longer walk, ridiculed the one whose fascination with the end of the world was bordering on obsession and shunned the one who was going to drink himself into an early grave.

An impromptu earthquake in California has left Fall Out Boy broken and when disaster hits New York, could this be the end of Chicago's favourite pop punkers or can citywide terror brighten the future?

Disclaimer; I do not own Fall Out Boy or any other bands that may be mentioned. I do, however, own all the original characters, the plot and the fictional story content.