What If We Weren't the Way We Are?


I get a chance to interview three members of Fall Out Boy two days before their New York show. Unlike the last time we spoke, New York's favourite fancy kids are unusually quiet. Perhaps this isn't as unusual as one might imagine, given that the band's talker, front man Pete Wentz, has allegedly lost his voice.

Before I start asking the serious stuff, may I ask where our favourite mad hatter, Mister Stump, is?
JOE: Patrick's not uh... feeling very well today. He's sorry he couldn't make it.

Oh. Well hopefully he'll be feeling okay in time for the concert. Shall I start with the questions now?
JOE: Sure. Go ahead. Shoot.

I, for one, never thought that we would see this day but it's almost upon us. How do you feel about playing your last show?
ANDY: I would think that I speak on behalf of the entire band when I say that this is honestly the right thing for us and we feel okay with it. Our band is built on friendship and our friendship is built on a particular foundation and that foundation simply isn't there anymore. Maybe in a year or two or ten we'll be ready to rebuild that foundation but right now, the best thing we can do is to go our separate ways.
JOE: But not without saying goodbye.

A year or two? Does that mean that you can see yourselves getting back together? Can we expect a spectacular Fall Out Boy reunion in the foreseeable future?
ANDY: We're uh... we're not really sure when and if we'll get back together. It could take any amount of time for us to... heal.

Many are wondering exactly what caused Fall Out Boy to break up. I even heard that Joe was pregnant. Are you willing to reveal the reasons behind your separation?
JOE: Pregnant? [Laughs] No, it's just... recent events. Like Andy said, we haven't got a foundation to base our friendship or our band on anymore. There's a lot of mixed feelings and we just need to sort everything out.

The release of the new album was only two and a half weeks away when it was announced that you were playing your last show here in New York. Lots of fans are hoping that the new album is still going to be released. Will it?
JOE: No. All the songs on that album, they're not who we are anymore. We've changed too much in these past weeks to release that album and be comfortable with what is says about us as people.

I promised your manager that I'd keep this short so last question. Any ideas for the future?
ANDY: [...] I'm kind of nervous about the future. I've spent the last seven years of my life doing the same thing and now it's about to end. I've got no idea what I'm going to do.
JOE: I'm going to manipulate the time space continuum with my homemade time machine. Pete's gonna be my first guinea pig. [Laughs]

Well thank you for your time boys and you have my best wishes for the future.
JOE: Thank you, it was a pleasure talking to you today.
ANDY: Yeah, thanks.

Although Wentz never said a word throughout the entire interview and the band's last show is but two days away, the mood was certainly not as awkward as one might've expected with Trohman making up for the front man's lack of words. We can only hope that our favourite pop punk quartet reunite sometime soon to provide us with more of their catchy tunes and lengthy but witty song titles.
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Yeah, Pete's lost his voice. Talk about Armageddon, right?