To Me You Were My Life

Duck and Hide

Song in mind- Otep- Run for cover♫

'Morning honey sleep well?' mom asked as i took a seat at the breakfast table

'Yes thanks'

'I know i said i would wake you but you looked so peaceful and i thought if i woke you you might not get back to sleep later so i just left you'

'That's okay thanks, i think i needed it, i haven't had a solid night sleep in so many years'

'Yes i can imagine, you must be hungry now?'


'Glad to hear it because i got a bit ambitious and i baked enough pancakes to feed the entire us army i think' she giggled'

'Oh well they sure won't go to waste between daddy and i'

'Indeed they will not' my dad said entering the room as i took a pancake from the stack

'Thanks mom' i say before stuffing the whole thing in my mouth causing my mom to laugh

'You'll give yourself indigestion eating like that' she warned, i shrug and continue stuffing my face happily.

'I was thinking when you have showered we could go into town?' mom offered

'I would love to but i don't have much money'

'Pah who said anything about money huh?' i smile and nod

'Okay then sounds good'

'Then we will grab some lunch, i have missed you so much'

'I have missed you a mom daughter day sounds fun'

'Great' she replied before starting to clear up the mess she made.

'I'm ready when you are' i say hoping down the last step my mom looked at my clothes

'Who's that?' dad asked pointing to my shirt

'Avenged sevenfold, Matt's band daddy' he looked at me black 'Matt Saunders, my old boyfriend'

'Oh Matt, they got famous? where have been huh'' he chuckled

'Right dear we will see you later okay' mom kissed dad goodbye

'Lilly come here' dad said so i went over and he hugged me i felt him slip something in m pocket then he whispered 'Treat yourself to something nice'

'Daddy -' i was about to protest when he gave me that look, i never argued with that look so i smile and kiss him 'Thanks' then i hurry out to meet mom in the car.

We reached the mall in no time and as she parked up mom said

'So where to first?'

'Oh erm i wanna look in hot topic, daddy gave me some money'

'Okay top topic it is then' i clap excitedly and hurry out the car, while mom feeds the meter

'How silly is it we have to pay for the right to park our car' she had a grumble as she done so

'That's life mom they will find any excuse to take money from us'

'So true' we linked arms as we head toward hot topic.

I was trying on some tops i came out of the changing booth to show my mom and ask her opinion, when a bunch of guy came in laughing i looked over to see them standing there looking at the belts, my heart quickly skipped a beat the started to race, i got all sweaty and i froze on the spot as one of them noticed me

i ducked back into the changing room and sat on the little seat bit they have in there taking deep breaths

'Lilly are you okay?'

'Fine mom' i whispered still trying to regulate my heart beat again

'Are you trying on another?'

'No i wanna leave' i quickly put my own clothes back on and duck out the changing booth crouching

'hat in gods name are you doing?' my mom asked

'Mom Matt and the guys are over there please meet me outside i can't see him'


'I know it's silly but i just can't handle it today'

'Okay' she stood up and i crawled away hiding behind clothes racks, i knew Jimmy seen me i knew he recognised me, what was confusing me is why he hasn't tried to speak or alert the others of my being here, i was five seconds from the door all i had to do was make sure they weren't looking in this directions and i was home free, i popped my head out just a bit to see where they were at when...

'BOO' i got suck a fright i fell backwards on my ass

Jimmy what the fuck are you doing du-' Matt voice got closer and closer till he was looking over Jimmy's shoulder looking at me on the floor

'This one was hiding from us, trying to get away unseen' Jimmy informed him

'What pfft me hiding, now why would i do that?' i asked just as mu mom came over as did the other guys and saw me

'Hey Mrs McAllister' Matt said

'Boys, nice to see you all again' they all nodded in agreement 'Should i wait outside?' she asked me, i nodded

'Yes please' she said goodbye to the boys and left the store, Jimmy then helped me up while saying

'Why were you hiding from us?'

'I wasn't i- i was tying my shoe lace' i said quickly

'Rally i watched you sneak around all the clothes rails'

'Oh um-' i looked to Matt

'She didn't want t bump into me' he said i blush

'I just,'

'You would feel awkward giving how we left things and haven’t seen or spoken in almost six years i get it' he answered for me all i could do was nod

'Really this is the great reunion?' Zacky said

'Sorry guys' i whisper

'So what brings you home anyway?' Brian asked

'Moved back yesterday, i lost my job company went up in smokes'

'Oh sorry to hear that' Matt said I nod i saw Jimmy looking at my tee

'Still a fan' i said he smiled

'I see that'

'I went to a few gigs but kept my distance'

'Why?' Matt asked

'Because i didn't want this awkwardness'

'I say we meet up for dinner tonight all of us no pressure just a bunch of friends catching up' Brian suggested

'I um'

'You should come, we would love to catch up' Jimmy said

'Okay, where what time?'

'We'll pick you up about seven'

'Okay, well i better get back to my mom'

'It was nice seeing you again Lil'

'You too, all of you' i smiled and left before there was any more awkwardness.

A/N Okay not the best but what can i say it's a slow started stick with it i think you will enjoy it remember comments are appreciated and vote if you enjoyed it.