To Me You Were My Life

Left Behind

Song in mind- Slipknot- Left behind ♫

'Lilly Matt is here to pick you up' my mom called up the stairs

'Okay i will be down in a minute' i replied while i gave myself the once over, i was nervous about this dinner and so i at the very least wanted to feel good about myself, so that's why while shopping today i bought this Burnout, jersey slip dress with white lace trimmed seams and adjustable straps. Removable black slip underneath. with white skull pattern, (see pic) it was perfect, not to fancy but not to casual, i think it was perfect, i grab my purse and head on down the stairs

'Oh wow aren't you so pretty' my mom smiled as she turned following Matt's gaze

'Thanks, does it look okay?' a second opinion never hurts right?

'You look great' Matt assured me i slightly blush

'Thanks,...well mom i will make sure i am not back to late'

'Ppsh don't worry about it' she smiled, i hug her goodbye and followed Matt to the car.

'Um i thought everyone was picking me up?' i ask when i see he was alone

'Yes i thought so too seems they were all "running late" asked if they could meet us there'

'Okay that sounds like a set up'

'It is'

'But you are married?'

'Yea just, i mean were not together at the minute'

'You're on a break?' he nods

'Oh I’m sorry'

'No it's okay it was me who called it, i just needed time'

'For?' he looked at me 'Sorry none of my business, so erm set up huh, do they expect leaving us together will make us magically pick up where we left off six years ago?' i said a little bit annoyed

'No hardly i think they just-' he paused then sighed

'They just?' i prompted as he pulled out of the drive

'They know how i feel and decided to take it upon them self to try and help' I stayed silent, i didn't know how to answer 'The reason i needed time away from Val was because i still can't stop thinking about you'

'Wait, hold up then why did you marry her?'

'I love her, and she reminds me off you, she was the closest thing i had to you'

'Matt that is shocking, that is no reason to marry someone'

'I know that's why i decided to have a break get my head sorted and figure out if i love her for her'

'And how long have you been on a break for?'

'Eight weeks'

'And have you figured anything out?' he looked at me a brief second before turning his attention back to the road

'I thought i had, then i saw you today'


'I can't get over you'

'Matt I-'

'Oh i know you have moved on i get it' i said nothing, i couldn't bring myself to lie and agree but i couldn't bring myself to tell him i hadn't moved on either, so i said noting

'I might not be staying in Huntington Beach for long anyway'

'Oh right....okay'

'Look Mat this was a bad idea, this is why i wanted to avoid you'


'Because it's all to confusing..Can you just take me home please?'

'But Lilly the guys are really happy to see you, please for them just this one dinner'

'Fine okay' i sigh. We went the rest of the journey in silence. When he parked up i jumped out the car, i was happy to see the others but i just wanted to get this over with.

'Hey guys' i smiled as i greeted them

'Looking good' Jimmy said with a wolf whistle

'Oh shush you're embarrassing me' i laughed as he gave me a hug as did the others then i took my seat

'So-' Johnny started

'So' i repeated ' You guys were running late huh? maybe next time you are "running late, try not getting here first' i smile They all looked at each other

'Were sorry' Brian pouted

'Did our plan work?' Zacky asked

'Depends was your plan to make an awkward situation more awkward?' i asked

'No it was to reunite you both give you time to talk things over' he answered

'Zacky, all of you guys i appreciate what you tried to do but things have changed we have changed that was many years ago it hurt the first time round'

'Why would you be upset you weren't the one left behind?' Matt said everyone stopped and looked at him

'Why was i upset? seriously, i had to leave the man i loved because it was the right thing to do, i had to hear that he was marrying my so called best friend, who never cared to keep in touch, a man i have never gotten over might i add, no Matt it was a walk in the park, i i didn't leave you, avenged would not exist right now, i done it because i loved you to much for you to leave your dream behind' i took a deep breath 'Guys i am sorry i can't do this; and with that i got up and left.
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so sorry it's a bit short but that felt like the right place to end :/

i hope you are all enjoying it and remember vote and comments are appreciated ^_^