Sequel: Forever and Always
Status: Finished

Counting the Stars

Baby I love you, I never want to let you go

"Louis, you fiery ball of stupidity, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I shouted once Niall had completely rolled my wheelchair into his hotel room.

Louis sat there on the couch, staring at the TV and pretending to be interested in whatever show was on.

He shrugged, "I have no clue what you are talking about."

"Bullshit! Please explain to me why my best friend just called me, bawling her eyes out after her boyfriend broke up with her," I practically seethed.

Louis rolled his eyes, sighing, "Stay out of my business and my relationship, Callista. You have no right to barge in here and yell at me when you don't know the entire story."

"Just know, if it was over those stupid pictures your idiotic fans found and posted all over the internet, you are the biggest prick for breaking up with El. Those were from before you started dating, and if you had any sense or tact, you would have asked her about them before breaking up with her," I huffed, "Please take me back to our room, Niall."

Niall nodded quickly, turning my wheelchair around and wheeling me out of the door before I said anything else. I loved Louis to death, but the way he was acting was completely ridiculous and Eleanor didn't deserve this.


"Look at what I can do in my wheel chair, Nialler!" I shouted towards him, twirling around in circles.

Niall shook his head, laughing slightly, "Be careful doing that. You only have a little over a week left wearing that cast, wouldn't want to add anymore time.. Would you?"

He was right. In about 9 days, my cast would be coming. That meant that were would be little less than a month of tour left. We were finally hitting the final leg of west coasts dates before the guys flew back to London. Niall and I had been dating for almost three weeks now. We were public with our relationship, and the fans seemed to be accepting of us.

Everything had been going smoothly on the tour, up until the Louis and Eleanor incident, and that dissolved just as quickly as it had started. After my little "talk" with Louis, he finally let the sense be knocked into him and apologized to Eleanor. We all decided that we were going to enjoy the last month of tour, not letting anything stupid get in the way of it.

"Come here, 'Lista!" Niall beckoned me over to the stage he was standing on.

I nodded and rolled myself over towards him, my wheelchair going just about as fast as it could.

"I missed you," He pouted, sitting on my lap.

I laughed "Niall, I've been talking to you for the past five minutes. How can you even miss me?"

He shrugged, "You were on the opposite side of the room. I didn't know what to do without you."

The next hour or so continued on in that fashion; Niall and I sitting in the middle of the stage on my wheelchair. A few tech member's passed us and gave us strange looks, it didn't matter to us, though. We were off in our own little world, perfectly content with each other's presence.

The topic of me going back to London was brought back up. Niall asked me just about every other day, the hope in his eye's dying down each and every time I told him I needed to think about it. To be honest, I wanted to go back to London with him. But, I was scared.

The only job offers I had that would allow drumming to become my full time profession were here in the United States. If I were to go back to London, I'd have to find an actual job and a place to live. It's not like I had a whole life planned out for me here in America, but I did call it home for all 18 years of my life. Going to London would be something that would take more than a puppy dog pout from Niall.

"What if I told you that you could move in with me!" Niall stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the entire world.

I shook my head, "Even then, how will I have any source of income? You guys will go on tour again, Josh will be feeling better, and I'll be out of a job, alone in an apartment, in a city filled with strangers."

"We'll figure it out, 'Lista. I'm not letting you stay here alone while I'm across the world."


“I suggest staying off your foot for the rest of today and not jumping right back into too many crazy activities. Other than that, here’s a prescription for some pain medication just in case your foot starts to hurt too badly and our number if you have any questions,” The nurse at the orthopedic office instructed, handing me a piece of paper and a business card.

I grinned, taking the paper and card from her hands, “Thank you very much.”

“Of course, hope your foot feels better!” She replied, ushering me out of the small room I had been seated in.

After 8 agonizing weeks of being stuck in a wheelchair, with a giant cast plastered over my foot, I was finally able to get the cast removed. It was weird walking again after just barely hobbling or wheeling around. But, it was nice to have the sense of freedom that being able to walk brought.

Niall was sitting in the waiting room, reading a book to a young girl who I assumed was a fan. Her foot was also wrapped in a cast, hers bright pink and much smaller than mine. I couldn’t help but smile widely at the sight of Niall and how he was acting around a kid. Though I tried to force myself to not think about it, I couldn’t help but think of how great of a dad Niall would be one day.

After standing around and watching their interactions for a few minutes, Niall finally looked up at me and smiled, “You’re cast is gone!”

I laughed, wiggling my foot around for emphasis, “It’s all gone! Crazy, huh?”

He walked over towards me and picked me up and spun me around. The receptionist behind the front desk sent a glare our way, clearly not happy with Niall’s sudden burst of affection. Niall smiled apologetically and offered a quick, “I’m sorry,” before picking me up and walking out of the office with me.

“Why in the world are you carrying me?” I asked, giggling slightly at his actions.

He shrugged, “I don’t want you overworking your foot too much! That just can’t be!”

“I’m going to have to walk someday. So put me down right now!” I sighed, trying to squirm my way out of his strong hold.

After a little bit of hesitation, he set me down once we were standing outside of the large complex and on the side of the curb. The sun was beating down on us, giving off a satanic heat that the one and only Arizona could produce. The scenery surrounding us was nice, yes, but was not worth the heat you had to endure to see it in person. I could have dealt with just Googling a picture of the generic mountains from the comfort of an air conditioned hotel room or tour bus.

“What time was Paul coming to pick us up?” I questioned Niall, hoping that the answer would be sometime within the next five minutes.

Niall shrugged, “He said to text him when you got out, which I did. Then he said he’d be here soon. So we probably have some time to kill.”

“Can we kill time elsewhere? I’m going to die of heatstroke before Paul even gets here,” I complained rather obnoxiously.

“There were a few different restaurants right down the road. Can your foot handle walking about a block?”

I nodded eagerly, “My foot can endure anything if it involves food!”

Niall chuckled, “A girl after me own heart! Just as excited as I would be for food.”

“Well, I would hope I’d be after your heart seeing as we’re in a relationship,” I rolled my eyes.

Niall laughed again, nudging me gently with his shoulder, “I’m so happy to call you my girlfriend.”

“Now don’t get all mushy on me. I can’t handle all of that cutesy relationship shit.”

He rolled his eyes at me as we began to walk down the road. My hand quickly found his and our hands latched together. As cliché as it sounds, it was almost as if my hand fit perfectly in his. Even with my monstrous, man-sized hands, his were still somehow bigger than mine. There had to be some serious game of matchmaker going on up where some higher power or deity lived if I was able to meet someone who had bigger hands than I did.

When I began to really think about it, there were a lot of things about Niall that seemed to be just perfect for me. Whenever he would envelope me in a hug, my face wouldn’t even reach the crook of his neck, yet it seemed so right. Or whenever he’d kiss my quickly, I’d have to stand on the very tip of my toes to reach his lips and he’d have to lean down slightly. Come to think of it, none of it was perfect at all, but that’s what made it absolutely perfect in my eyes.

“Hey ‘Lista, guess what,” Niall interrupted my thoughts, swinging our arms back and forth as we reached the restaurant named “Culver’s.”

“Whatever could it be Niall?” I asked sarcastically, walking in through the door that he held open for me.

“Now that you don’t have a cast on, there aren’t any restrictions to what ya’ do,” He replied, wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

I gasped, somewhat shocked at his response, “Niall!” I shrieked in embarrassment, my cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.

Niall began to laugh uncontrollably, clutching his sides. A few people began to turn our way, giving us the stink eye.

“Oh hush up, Niall! People are starting to give us weird looks!” I hid my face in my hands, trying to avoid people seeing my flushed cheeks.

He kept on laughing but pulled me close to his chest, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of my head, “Oh, love. Don’t worry about it.”

In the distance, I thought I had heard the slight click of a camera, but I brushed it off the best that I could, trying to ignore it. I knew that in the back of my mind that there would be paparazzi around, anywhere we went. It didn’t matter if we were just in a city like Phoenix, or in a large city like Los Angeles, they were everywhere. In the same part of my mind, I also sensed that Niall’s small gesture of affection would be spread across the internet by the time I was in bed tonight.


Niall Horan's love life lives on!
As if our fangirl and shipment hearts couldn't handle anymore... PICTURES OF NIALL AND HIS GAL PAL ARE SURFACING AROUND THE INTERNET! ALERT THE PRESS!

Niall Horan and his latest bird, Callista Blake, were spotted together, snogging in front of a bunch of fans! Looks like their relationship isn't much of a secret anymore!

The couple seemed to be extremely happy together. (Not to mention extremely cute!)

A fan who witnessed their entire "date," told all of us here at Sugarscape about the date and what happened. Thank the Lord Directioners are a bunch of FBI Agents and were able to keep us in the know about their romantic endeavors.

We're thinking the rest of the relationship will play out like this: They date for about 8 months, go through the honeymoon faze of being in "love," they'll realize that transatlantic love is not for them, and the pair will hit Dunzo-Ville by next Valentine's day.

What do you guys think?

Long time couple or summer fling? Sound off in the comments below!

I couldn't help but laugh at the article Sugarscape had posted last night about the few pictures a fan had snapped while we ate at Culver's. The picture's weren't anything bad. Just a few shots of Niall holding my hand, hugging me , and kissing me on the top of the head. The fans and gossip websites made it seem like we released a sextape to a bunch of innocent, unknowing teen girls.

After finishing the article, I ventured on down the webpage to read the first few comments that were posted.

FutureMrsHoran: i hope that bitch realizes that niall is all mine!! there is no way those 2 are going to last. i liked the slag caroline better than i like her!!

xSarahLuvs1Dx: They are sO CUTE TOGETHER OMG! I can't handle the perfection of them standing next to each other it's just too much! KISS AND GET MARRIED OK

BoyDirectioner: damnit niall taking all the cute ones! lemme know if you break up and imma com in for the kill and swipe away that chick she's smokin hawt!

The comments on the article made me laugh even harder than the actual article did. I was somewhat worried about the amount of hate I'd receive for taking one of the fans "Precious bb's" off the market, but most of them seemed to be okay with us dating. For ever rude comment sent my way, there was at least five positive comments to outweigh it.

"Hey Niall! Your fans "BoyDirectioner" wants me to let you know that if we ever break up, he's gonna come in for the kill and swipe me away! Apparently I'm smoking hot, you best be watchin' out!" I called to Niall who was in the kitchen area of the bus, attempting my best gangster voice that I could muster.

A few seconds later, Niall popped his head into my bunk with an amused look on his face, "So other guys out their think you're smoking hot? Not cool! I'm the only one that can think that."

I laughed, "Don't hate me cause you ain't me!"

Niall chuckled and leaned over, placing a quick kiss on my lips, "I absolutely loathe you. I so wanted to come out of my mom as a little Callista, but I could stuck with these strikingly good looks and a very charming personality."

I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of my bunk, "Oh shut up! Go talk with the guys for a while. I'm having a Skype date with my mom!"

It had been a while since I had had an actual conversation with my mom. Everyday she sent me a "Goodmorning" and a "Goodnight" text, but it was never a life altering conversation. Plus, I really needed to talk to her about potentially moving to London.

I logged onto Skype and scrolled through the contacts, eventually finding my mom's name and her picture. I clicked the "Call with video" option and patiently waited for my mom to answer the request to video chat.

She answered and within a few seconds, her face was loading on the left side of my computer screen. She didn't look any different than the last time i had seen her. She was still the same, smiling, happy, and stubborn mother I had left back in Los Angeles.

"Oh, Callista! My baby girl! How are you? How's tour? Are you being safe? Are the boys treating you right? Is it true you and Niall are dating now? You were both so cute when you visited LA! I just miss you so much!" My mom began to fire off questions and comments right away, barely taking a breath in between each sentence.

I laughed at her excitement, "Woah there mom, calm down there for a minute. One question at a time."

She nodded her head eagerly, "Of course, of course! How are you and how's tour?"

"I'm doing really well! The tour is amazing and it's going to be really sad to have it end. It's definitely something I will never forget."

We talked for a while. My mom asking me silly little conversation starting questions, and myself answering them the best I could. She immediately approved of mine and Niall's relationship, gushing all about how "she knew we were going to date one day," and "If we ever get married, it better be someplace cool in Ireland or England so she had an excuse to travel."

I sighed, "Uhm, mom. Speaking of London... I have something I wanted to ask you about."

She grinned at me through the computer, using her hand to gesture for me to continue.

"Niall and I began to talk about it for a while and the topic of me possibly moving to London came up once or twice... Maybe even 10 times..." I paused for a few seconds, trying to see if I could tell what she was thinking and how she felt about the idea, but her face showed no emotion whatsoever, "I know it's a really big idea and is something that needs a lot more planning to go into it besides, 'Hey I want to move to London!' But this is something I'd really like to do. We've talked about it a lot and think that it could be something that would be good for me."

My mom nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at her lips, "If that's what you want to do, then you go ahead and do that.. You're 18 years old and I trust that you'll make the right decisions about your own life. Besides, I really like Niall and your dad likes him from what he's heard about him. We expect that you'll stop and see us before you move across the world, yes?"

I wanted to jump and down and squeal in complete excitement. I was in shock that she had agreed to let me go so quickly, "Of course we would! The last date of the tour is in LA, so I'd stick around for a little while and then fly out."

She smiled again, "That sounds good to me. We've still got about a month to work out the little details, so we can go over all of that as time goes on and finish everything off when you're back home."

"I love you so much mom. You know that, right?"

She nodded, "You better love me. I've got to go back to work now. I'll talk to you again soon, okay?"

"Of course! Love you mom," I replied before blowing a kiss and ending the Skype call.

As soon as I knew she couldn't see me any longer, I did a mini happy dance to myself. In less than a few minutes I had convinced my mom to let me move across the world with a bunch of people I had just met. There was no way I could be any happier than I was right now. Making sure my laptop was safely tucked away in the corner of my bunk, I jumped down to the floor of the tour bus and practically floated towards the kitchen area. Each of the guys were all sitting around the table, snacking on food and playing with their phones. Once they noticed my entrance, they all looked up at me and raised their eyebrows in curiosity.

"What are you glowing about, love?" Niall questioned, standing up and walking over towards me.

I was trying to hold my good news back, but I just couldn't do it.

"I'm coming back to London with you guys!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to repost this because I messed everything up so bad and fj;adf it's so bad.

This is a combination of two chapters that I messed up and somehow put together.

So this is a double whammy post for you guys.

And yep, I still have yet to edit.

Chapter title credit: Can't Stand It- Never Shout Never

Until next time, Sydney