Back to September

This was only the begining

Hi, my name is Madison. I love music, animals, famous people, clothes and shopping. I have 4 best friends. Kareah, Emma, Hannah and Abby. This is my story on how I met the love of my life and I let him slip away so easily... So I thought.
It was September, the beginning of the school year. I was extremely excited because it was my year as school president. I went to an all girls boarding school with my 4 best friends. I have always been in a room with Kareah. We are probably the most close out of them all. I was really excited for this year because the school was merging with the neighboring all boys school. It was probably the best thing that could have happened. Anyways, I was just getting dropped off by my mom and dad. They made a scene as always and said they would miss me which I highly doubted. I said my goodbyes and went inside. It was amazing how over the summer the school changed soooo much! I walked through the front doors and I smiled when I saw my friends. I ran over to them and started to hug them all excited.
"Madison Danneberg please report to the principles office, Madison Danneberg to the principles office. Thank you" the loud speaker said with a boom and all the girls in the school turned to me clapping. I laughed and went to the office, walking through a group of magnificent boys. I walked into the office and went to the principles room. I sat down in one of the chairs infront of his desk and next thing I knew was there was a really adorable boy sitting next to me. The principle turned in his chair and smiled.
"Madison, this is Harry styles. Harry styles, this is Madison Danneberg. The president of the girls boarding school. And Madison Harry is the president of the boys side" he smiled as he introduced me to this amazing guy and we shook hands.
"that was some scene sir, you had the whole student body clapping for me" I laughed and he just smiled.
"ahhh, yes. The girls are really excited to have you planning all the parties this year" he laughed and handed me a clip board.
"you two will be working on all the class trip planning, the party planning and you will be spending most of the weekends together for planning purposes. I sujest you get to know each other" my principle said with a smile. Harry still hasn't said anything... Curious.
"seems fair to me, we want this to be the best year for the student body" Harry finally said with a cute smile in my direction.
"excellent! You are free to go... And Madison... Keep all those boys under control" the principle laughed and let us out. Me and Harry walked back out into the corridor and everyone was gone to their dorms. I sat on a bench by my things and wrote both of our names at the top of the clip board.
"how is tomorrow?" Harry asked me. I looked up and stood up.
"sounds perfect" I smiled and attempted to carry my things to my room all the way up the stairs.
"here, let me help you with that" he said with a smile and carried my stuff straight to my room.
"thank you very much, and it was very nice to meet you Harry. I hope you settle in well. And if you need anything, text me" I handed him my number and went into my dorm to see Kareah had taken her usual bed and the girls were al gathered around the couch looking unnaturally "natural". I laughed.
"were you guys spying on me again?" I asked, concerned that they don't have better things to do.
"pfffttttt noooo... We were watching you act like an idiot infrint of a beyond cute boy!" Emma said with her smirky smile, and quirky voice. I laughed and sat down.
"Harry is the president for the boys side. Mr Martin was making us get to know each other" I smiled and began unpacking my stuff. Since it was almost bed time I was extremely tired.
"mhmmm that's what they all say" she said.
"no... They all say something different, don't you EVER watch the movies Emma?" Hannah said and I laughed so hard. I missed all them so much. And I couldn't wait for this year to start. I layed in my bed and got a text right away.

Sooo uhhhh... This is Harry obviously, and I'm wondering if you would want to come over with some friends? Me and my mates are really bored xx - Harry

Really? How many are there of you? Xx - Madison

5 including me :/ we need entertainment! Pllllleaaasseeee come over? - Harry

Fine, we will be over in a minute. But we have to sneak out. - Madison

Easy :) see you soon xx - Harry

I put my phone in my jean pocket and got the girls together.
"just try and look cute... They are all boys and from the look of harry, he should have cuter friends" Abby said with a laugh and I just laughed back. We set our for our journey to the guys room. If was going good so far when, oh crap. Elizabeth... She was the girl in school who ratted on everyone, my arch enemy, she hated me so much that she would do anything to make me and my friends miserable. We quickly escaped her gaze and bolted off down the hall to the dorm 4B where Harry and his friends were. I knocked on the door looking as cute as I could and he opened it. He smiled wide and pulled us in.
"finally! The entertainment is here!" yelled a guy with black hair from behind Harry.
"uhm... Who are they Harry?" I asked while walking over slightly
"that's zayn" harry said while hitting his arm.
"that's Liam" he pointed them out as he went along.
"that's Niall, and that's Louis" he finally said and smiled, looking up at me as the girls made instant connections with the other boys.
"so uh... Why'd you want us here again?" I asked and sat beside Harry on the couch.
"well because I thought the mates could use some cool friends who are girls" he said and kept smiling at me as I nodded. He was pretty adorable. I couldn't help but smile back.
"so that trip tomorrow... In Paris... To start off the year" I said trying to make conversation.
"ya the trip, it should be fun" Harry said while the girls went around the room calling partners.
"well since we are the school presidents we are kind of obligated to sit together... So I pick Madison!" Harry said with a laugh and we high fived. It was fun having an instant connection with someone, especially a guy as cute as Harry. Before we knew it the night flew by and we were sneaking back to our dorms.
"see you tomorrow on the bus" I said with a smile and hugged Harry.
"I'll be there" he smiled cutely and closed the door as we all rushed back to our dorms. When me and Kareah got back to our dorm we passed out right away. The next morning was hecktic. We packed our stuff early in the morning and bolted to the bus. There I saw Harry and the gang of our friends with him all waiting for me an Kareah. Seemed like Emma, Abby, Hannah got along great with their new guy friends. They were all so cute together. Yet they would kill me if I said that. They spotted me coming their way and I ran up to them.
"ready to sleep on your buddies!" I yelled to our whole class, the girl side cheered loud with laughs and highfives. The guys side really didn't respond other then Liam, Louis, zayn and Niall. I laughed and looked at Harry.
"are you ready to become pillows for the next couple hours!" Harry yelled and this time everyone screamed with laughter. I hugged him and we all gathered onto the bus. I sat beside Harry ofcorse. Emma beside Louis, Niall beside Kareah, Abby beside zayn and Hannah beside Liam. Me and Harry were in the back watching all out class mates as they all practically passed out once they hit their seats. We laughed quietly and began the journey.
"so, Madison. Tell me about yourself. I'm sure you are way more interesting then you look" Harry laughed and so did I. I turned to him and smiled.
"well I like to bike, shop, horse back ride. Uhmmm party ofcorse. Be with my friends and just have fun" I said and smiled at him before laying on his shoulder.
"I think we will get along very well together." Harry said and put his arms around me. I yawned and before I knew what I was saying. I accidentally said..
"you're really sexy" and I fells asleep.
About a couple hours later I woke up all cuddled up to Harry. I slowly pulled away from hin.
"well good morning, sleep well?" he asked.
"meh... You're comfy though" I said with a slight laugh.
"do you remember what you said to me before falling asleep?" he asked and looked up at me.
"no... Was it that bad?" I asked looking concerned.
"no it's fine... It was nothing nevermind" he said and looked away, looking upset. I slowly cuddled back up to hin and fell asleep again. The next thing I knew was I was getting woken up by Harry saying that we were there. I quickly got up and bolted off the bus with him. I was so excited! It was so gorgeous out here.
"what to first?" asked Harry. I just looked around and started walking towards a really cool tree. This is where I started to set up the tent that me and the girls were going to sleep in. And what do you know. Harry and the guys set up their tent right infrint of ours. Not beside, no behind. But right infrint. Just enough room for us to get out of in the morning. I laughed and crawled over into their tent. Time for the presidents to make their announcements... Yayy.
"let's go curly, we gotta go make a kickass speech!" I laughed and pulled him out.

~Harry pov~
"let's go curly, we gotta go make a kick ass speech!" Madison laughed and pulled me out. I laughed too because well she was amazing. I put my arm around her shoulders and stood infrint of our grade.
"alright, well get settled in. We have all night then tomorrow starts the fun!" I said smiling and all the boys cheered.
"don't get caught in the guys tents girls, I mean... No sneaking out" Madison laughed and the girls cheered. Luckily no teachers heard that. I was acctually considering sneaking out tonight, maybe I'll ask Madison is she wants to come down to that cute little pond. I kept thinking, with all the guys looking at me when I didn't realize it.
"OH NO! He's got his thinking face on! DUCK AND COVER!!" Liam yelled from the crowd and everyone hit the ground as I came back to earth and Madison was laughing so hard.
"oh ha ha, everyone back to their tents" I said not amused and all the guys bolted off to their tents.
"you too girls. See you tonight for the bonfire!" Madison yelled and the girls cheered again and walked back to their tents talking. Luckily for all of us. The teachers were going back to school. This was an unsupervised trip and we were excited. I smiled down at Madison and we both walked back to our tents, laying outside in the pathway of both the tents, talking. Her laugh was adorable.

"so you want to sneak out? Like now?" it was just started to get dark when Harry sujested this to me. I smiled and got up. I then began to run off to the tree I thought was amazing and started to climb it. Harry ran after me.
"get down from there!" Harry yelled.
"not happening!" I yelled back and laughed, hanging from a branch.
"oh c'mon Madison! This isn't funny you could fall! Please come down..." he said and I just laughed.
"if you want me down you'll have to come get me curly" I laughed again as he grabbed my waist, pulled me down and we met eye to eye.
"well now that you have me down... What are you going to do with me..?" I asked and bit my lip, his eyes were so gorgeous... I couldn't help myself from daydreaming.
"this..." he said then kissed he slowly. I had no idea how to react. He had me. His arms around my waist. Liftin me off the ground and he was kissing me. I kissed back slowly and he began to back into a tree still holding me. I closed my eyes and we almost started making out before. Oh just great. When I heard her... I hate her so much! Here comes elizabeth...
"president loser! You're wanted at the... Oh... Well hello you two" she said and smirked at me and Harry. I quickly pulled away and broke free from his arms.
"don't call me that Beth... And I'll be there in a second" I said annoyed.
"don't call me Beth, and I'm sure you will" she glared and walked off.
"what's her deal anyway?" Harry asked me and held my hand tight. Through all that excitement I didn't realize that I was still holding Harry's hand. I looked at him.
"she hates me because she wanted to be president instead... But I won by all the votes. Everyone wanted me.. Not her... And now she's going to blackmail me." I frowned and looked down.
"blackmail you for what? Kissing someone" Harry said.
"no... For kissing someone who is the president of the guys side. Plus... She sent out a mass text telling everyone that she has and crush on you and if anyone got in her way she would make their life a living hell" I said an looke up at him.
"then let's make her life hell instead" he smiled down at me and kissed my forehead, taking me to the camp fire. They didn't actually need me... Beth lied... So me and Harry went back to our tents, tired.
"Harry?" I asked.
" ya?" he responded.
"I like you a lot... But I don't think I can date you" I frowned.
"why not? Because of Beth?" he said sounding sad.
"yes... She's just too mean... I'm sorry" I said and got into My tent. I frowned and made myself go to sleep. The next day I tried so hard to ignore Harry. It was so hard to do.

~Harry's pov~
The next day I tried soo hard to find Madison... But I just couldn't. I was so upset and just when I thought things couldn't get worse.
"hey hot stuff, where's the loser at?" Beth said while coming on to me.
"what do you want Beth" I said while she glared at me.
"you, simply you... And I'll do anything to get you." she said to me while moving closer. I backed up.
"seriously... I don't like you, go away" I said and tried to walk away.
"that is no way to talk to your future girlfriend is it?" she said while holding up a tape recorder.
I slowly turned and looked at her.
"what are you talking about, I'd never date you" I said.
"well you will now" she smirked and played the tape. It was me talking in my sleep about how
Much I loved Madison. My eyes widened and I tried to take it.
"give that to me" I said holding my han out.
"you'll get it after you date me" she said with a smile. I looked at the ground trying to think. I stared at the ground for a long time. I don't know what I'd do if that got out to Madison. What if she doesn't feel the same way... I mean I said I loved her... Damnit... I'm done for if I don't date her... I'm dead.
"fine..." I said trying not to tear up.
"I'll date you"
She screamed with joy and held
My hand. We walked around like that all day and she told everyone that we were dating. I finally saw Madison and it looked like her heart had broken. She quickly ran off to get tent and stayed there all night with no dinner, no camp fire... And no me. I felt terrible. And now I was stuck with this monster.

I looked at Harry listening to this little chick go on and on about Madison. Saying rude things about her and Harry just looked like he was about to Be sick. I pulled him away from the dumb blonde who I heard wasn't very nice and brought him back to the tent.
"dude, oh my god thank you so
Much" he said and hugged me.
"no problem Harry but seriously... Why her?" I asked expecting the truth. But instead I got a COMPLEATE lie.
"she's cute.. Ya know" he said.
"but I thought you liked Madison... And all the girl does is rag on Madison... She's not very nice Harry" I said. He almost burst into tears.
"she got a recording of me... Of me saying I loved Madison and now she's blackmailing me ok? You can't tell anyone... It would hurt me even more of I knew that she didn't feel the same way." he said starting to cry. I frowned and hugged him again.
"your secret is safe with me" I said. But it wasn't... It was far from safe. Someone was outside the tent.

Oh my god... I knew he loved her! I have to tell Madison. And get him away from Beth. I quickly got into the tent and shook Madison.
"go away please" she said and it sounded like she was cryong.
"not until you hear this" I said and then proceeded to tell her te whole story. I could see by her face that she was happy. She hugged me tight and got up quickly. She opened the tent and she was gone. I did good, I was happy for myself. Now to deal with the real problem. I got up and began searching for the wicked bitch of the boarding school.

~Madison's pov~
When Emma told me that Harry loved me back I was extatic! I know it's a little soon to love someone but no one has any idea how he makes me feel. I ran out of the tent and started running yelling Harry's name. I kept running till I circled back to the tree where we had our first kiss. I frowned and leaned against it. I didn't find him. I didn't know what to do anymore. My heart was racing, I was so angry with Harry and happy at him at the same time that he didn't tell me... But I understand... Then, right as I was about to leave I see someone walking towards me. It was dark out but I could make out that figure anywhere. I walked towards him slowly and we hugged each other. It was Harry. I smiled wide and we embraced with a few minutes till I could feel tears on my shoulder from him. I looke up at him and wiped them.
"Harry... Don't cry" I said.
"how can I not cry when the girl I lo-" I cut him off by kissing him. I pulled away.
"I love you" I said smiling up at him. He smiled wide and picked me up spinning me around.
"I love you too baby girl" he said and kissed me again. We slowly started to make out then I heard her again... This time she was cryong...

I was looking for Harry when I saw him with Madison. They were kissing and I started to become mad with rage. I tearted up.
"how could you do this to me Harry..." I said with tears running down my face.
"go away Beth... I love Madison" Harry said and I bolted off cryong. I tripped over a bunch of roots and cut myself up pretty bad. I cried harder and came across Emma, Abby, Hannah, and Kareah. They were all standing over me like I did something wrong.
"what happened to you?!" Maggie said while running over.
"Madison pushed me down and started beating on me, it was terrible" I lied and kept cryong.
"wait a second, I've known Madison all my life she would never do that!" Emma said.
"plus! You blackmailed Harry into going out with you, you little skank!" Kareah said. I kept cryong not being Able to talk. Maggie slowly stood up and stood beside them.
"is this true Beth...?" Maggie said and I looked up.
"who are you going to believe?! These liers or your best friend?!" I said while trying toget up and still cried.
"were not lying... Now go back to the gutter where you belong" Hannah said and they walked in the direction I came from, towards Madison and Harry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for reading :) I really appreaciate all of everyone reading this. I really hope you like it <3 If you would like to be in my next fan fic Follow me on Twitter @MadisonAllstar5 Ask me there and tell me what I should write you into. I can do any bands...