Status: Keep or Delete?

Bring Me Closer to Heaven

Welcome To Our World

It was the sound of water dripping from the ceiling that wake me up. The chill in the air leaving my body shivering as my eyes slowly wrenched open. My head pounded and ached, what happened? Slowly my mind to clear, as well as my hazy eyes. It was clean to me that I had been at least knocked out, otherwise I wouldn't feel so terrified.

My gaze shifted around the room, trying to at least figure out where I was. The room was damp and gray with moonlight that seeped through a dust covered window pane. Although the light was dull it still provided enough light to glance around. I found that my body was resting on a half submerged cement floor, murky water pulled around my legs and hid my feet from me. That scared me a little bit more and I jerked around, trying to pull myself out of the water. As I yanked about I found that my hands were tied tightly with a rope above my head, they were knotted onto an old pipe that was squirting a little spray of water off to my side. That may be what the water on the floor was from, but it would've had to be left alone for awhile to get water this deep.

A groan of annoyance escaped my lips when I finally realized that I wasn't going to get out of the rope. Yet again I turned to the weird room, still trying to remember. While I did this I leaned against the wall behind me, jumping slightly at the coolness of it. It was a brick wall that had some sharp edges, probably wouldn't be useful for anything unless I wanted to bang my head until I killed myself, not very likely. This also forced me to notice one more thing as I turned, when another chill creeped up my skin I discovered that my skin was bare, my clothing was missing.

I think this was when I truly began to freak out and piece everything together. Here I was, tied stark naked in some random basement with no recollection on how I got here. Straining myself I sat back as far as I could, where had I been?

A series of images shot through my head. First was a filled room with screaming people, but it wasn't a terrified scream but an excited scream. I had been with them, screaming along with my heart pounding against my rib cage. The second thing I remembered was the music, and a beautiful voice. It was soothing to me even though it was angry. Rock music...A Concert! An Avenged Sevenfold concert! I had gone with my friend...who left early because she had gotten sick so she gave her ticket to someone else. I hadn't hung out with that person though, I had forced my way to the front of the crowd to get sight of the band. Matt Sanders-A.K.A Shadows- was in the front, so close to me that I could see his eyes. Hazel eyes that were gorgeous and felt like they were burning into me. He cracked a smile through his singing, though I doubt it was directed towards me. After that I can't remember much, maybe I had gotten drunk or something but I sure as hell know that I didn't end up in this room willingly.

I yanked once more at the rope and found something shiny catching my eyes, a camera moving in the corner against the wall. It had turned to look straight at me, not moving at all. That freaked me out completely, someone was watching me!? Without my permission tears began to swell in my eyes.

"What's going on here!?" I shirked in a shaky voice, terrified.

That camera moved again, turning away from me and slumping against the wall, that was a sign to me that they had stopped watching me, but that could mean anything. They could be making their way down here, they could just be completely forgetting about me, or they could be calling the cops. I desperately hoped for the third, but I sincerely doubt it.

Footsteps creaked above me, shaking dirt from the floor boards. It fell into the murky water and disappeared. This proved my first guess, someone was coming down here and that scared me, what in the hell happened last night? If it was last night...Maybe I have been drugged so many times that I just think it was last night, that I've been through this many times already.

A door creaked open then the stairs. The person sounded large and demanding, if that was the case then I knew why it was so easy to take me. He appeared then, a tall man with broad shoulders. He wasn't small, or buff...just Large. Big boned and a demon like face. He had beady eyes and a large nose to match his body, yet his lips were almost invisible against his sun burnt face. I shuddered a bit, crunching my body against the wall once more. The sharp edges sliced into my back and made a wince appear into my face.

"Its nice to see that you are awake Miss..." He looked down at his wrist, cocking his head at something he had written on his arm in pen. "Riley Greens." The sound of my name slipping from his lips was weird, almost furan. "Welcome to our world. Don't be suspired when things aren't what they seem." With that said he stalked back up the stairs and left me studded in the water still. What was going on, and what did he mean by our world?
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Heres a new story, please forgive the spell check i had to use an online one >.< KEEP OR DELETE?