Status: Sorry about any mistakes. Give comments and feedback. thanks

Almost Human

I must be Dreaming


It's been almost 9 hours. Everyone had been waiting outside Room 73, waiting for whatever news that the doctor may give. Zacky, Lacey, Gena, Johnny and Tracey was eating at the cafeteria. The food there was surprisingly okay.

I fiddled with my necklace some more. The police had arrived, filled us in on what happened and asked us a few questions.

"The driver who crashed into Ms.William's car said that she had seen him coming, but she didn't move. He said she looked... distracted. Anyone know why?" The police officer asked us. I looked at Jimmy and Jimmy looked at me.

"She was working a lot. She didn't go home the night before so I guess she was tired.." Jimmy answered. His voice as emotionless as his eyes. The officer, named Charlie, nodded and thanked us for our time.

She was distracted... Was it because of what I said to her? I hope it wasn't but I had a feeling that it was. "Jimmy," I called him. "Hmm..." he answered.

"I'm sorry. About Jay, I'm probably the reason she got hit by that truck." I said. Jimmy looked at me like I was a crazy person. "Shut up. It ain't your fault. So, don't worry. Just have faith that she'll make it through." he said. For the first time in 9 hours.. his voice had some sort of emotion.

I nodded and kept my head between my hands. That's what I loved about Jimmy. Overall, we see him as the hyper drummer who has really weird antics, and always makes us laugh with his wacky comments and jokes. But then the other side of him, where he reveals his caring side. It always seems to make us feel better.

The door to Room 73 opened, and out came a doctor with lots of blood on his uniform. The only thing that ran through my mind was the possibility that the blood on his uniform's could be Jay's blood.

We got up to face the doctor. He was drying his bloody fingers on a cloth. "How is she?" asked Matt.

"Well, Ms.Williams has a few broken bones in her right leg and a few ribs as well. She had her head hit pretty hard, so we took a look at her skull. She smashed it a bit, so that'll take a while to recover. Oh, and she's in a coma." the doctor said.

A coma... "How long will she be in a coma?" I asked. The doctor sighed and did a few mental calculations. "We don't know. The coma could last forever or even in an hour or so we'll keep an eye out for her. She'll be moved into the ICU then you can see her."

Jay would be moved to and ICU room 12. We all went to the cafeteria to get the rest of our crew and went to room 12.

Jay was alone in room 12. Room 12 were the kind of rooms rich people get, which we had the money to afford.

She looked really peaceful sleeping on the bed. The beeping sound of the machines that showed he heart rate. That drip thingy beside her bed.

Jimmy sat down at the edge of her bed and put his hand over hers. "Jay.." he whispered. She didn't move. Not that I expected her too but I wish she would.

I grabbed a chair and sat on her other side. I pushed the hair out of her face, and held her other hand. Jimmy smiled at me and Jay.


I opened my eyes and slowly sat back up into my chair. I looked at the clock it was 1:00 in the afternoon. About 5 hours of sleep. I looked over at Jimmy who was still sleeping.

I thought about what would happen when she wakes up. Would we end up together? Would she still avoid me? What was I going to say? A stupid accident is what it took to wake me up form dreamland and face reality.


This was my routine for the past 2 weeks. For 2 weeks, Jimmy and I had stayed by her side. Only going home to shower once every few days.

Everyday we waited for her to open her eyes. Waiting for her to return to reality. I had my ipod with me. I sometimes plugged one of her ears with my earphones, so she can listen to music.

I stared at her face. "I'm sorry.." I whispered as a tear slipped out my eye. Luckily Jimmy was asleep.

I just want her to wake up...



The bright light returned. YES! Finally, some light. I had been in the darkness for.. who knows how long. Now... where am I?

The bright light turned into reality as a figure formed in front of me. It was...Jimmy. "Jimmy!" I called. He didn't hear me. I called out to him again, but louder.

Jimmy wasn't alone. It was like that vision I had before the world shattered. Everyone was standing around some stone. I squinted my eyes at the stone. Carved onto that stone was my name. I looked at my hands. Great! I'm a ghost again.

"Jimmy!" I screamed at him and tried to touch him, but my hands went right through him. "I'm not dead! Look at me." I screamed again. It was no use.

The world burst into a series of rainbow colours and I had lots of flashback of my memories up until I was in college in England. I saw pictures of me and my friends, the parties, getting my degree in English.

Then when I returned to California, when I met Jimmy at the supermarket. Playing hide and seek with Brian. The fun times and bad times I had with Brian and the I saw myself crash.

Why didn't I move?

Once again, the world burst. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I knew I was back in the real world. I felt to heavy objects on my left and my right. I peeked my eyes open and saw both Jimmy and Brian at my side.

What were they doing in England? Aren't I suppose to be in class now? I shifted my head to observe my surrounding. I was at a hospital.

Jimmy felt my movements and woke up. "JAY!" he breathed and pulled me in for a bone-crushing hug. I winced as my ribs felt like they were on fire. "Sorry!" he apologized. I shook my head and smiled at him. "Let me call the others, wake Brian up." he requested as he pulled out his phone and left the room.

I bent down to Brian's face and lightly blew on his face. He scrunched his nose. I giggle and did it again. "Brian.." I sang his name as I shook him. He groaned and looked up at me.

His jaw dropped and pulled me in for a hug. I laughed and whispered, "Hey!". He laughed back and cupped my face with his hand. I playfully shoved him and grinned at him.

What was with the affection? He's not in love with me is he? Was I?

Everyone else walked into the room and hugged me. I hugged everyone back at asked them, "So, what brings everyone to England?". Their faces dropped and Val asked "You don't remember coming back to California and getting a job here?"

I got a job at California? This isn't England?

"What are you talking about? I haven't even finish my studies!" They looked at me and then at each other.

"I'll get a doctor." Jimmy growled as he stormed out the door.

I'm just dreaming.. right?
♠ ♠ ♠
How was it? Good? Boring? Sorry about that. So..... how are you?
Thanks for reading this, and having the patience to bear with my horrible writing:)