Status: Sorry about any mistakes. Give comments and feedback. thanks

Almost Human

Confessions of lovers

(Special message for HushHushAntonia at the bottom)

This is awkward. We were all at Matt's house having our usual routine of dinner. Sounds normal right? Oh yeah.. it is! Did I mention that Brian and I have been avoiding each other?

First, Brian sat directly in front of me. When I asked Jimmy to pass me the hot sauce, he asked Brian to pass. So Brian passed it to Johnny, who was on my left, to pass it to me. Then when we were cleaning up, Brian and I were on table duty, I carried all the plates leaving him with nothing to do.

So we all chilled around the pool, legs dipped into the cool water and chit-chat. I pulled my shades over my eyes, attached the headphones to my ears and lied down, staring up at the darkening sky.

I wasn't really in the mood for conversation. I sneaked a few glances at Brian, who also looked as if he was annoyed.

Brian looked deep in thought, maybe he was having difficulties choosing his decision. Beside him, Zacky said something about an old prank they pulled during tour, and then directed a question to Brian. "You said yes right?"

"I don't know! I can't say yes or no! I haven't decided!" he snapped. Zacky looked shock and confused. Brian's answer was nowhere related to Zacky's question.

Everyone was looking at Brian, shocked by his sudden outburst. "Sorry.." he mumbled.

So he still hasn't decided if he likes me back... I shrugged it off and tried to transport myself to another world. A world where there are no hard decision's to make and no troubles.

I imagined a world full of candy and video games. I would play all day, and never have to worry about anything at all.

I felt a drop of water in the middle of my forehead. Was it going to rain? The droplet slipped to the space in between my eyes. I took of my shades and spotted the droplet of water. I was cross-eyed, trying to get a clearer view of the droplet.

I heard snickering as I looked at everyone who was giggling at my face. I glared at them and laid back down on the grass.

"I'm guessing you told him.. and he said he needs to think." Val said carefully as she plumped her butt beside me. I didn't feel like speaking so I just answered with a simple nod.

She sighed and patted my arm, trying to comfort me. "He'll come around... Just wait." I looked at her from behind me shades and nodded again.

We all went home, but again I went to fetch Zero and walked to the boardwalk. I sat in the same position and stared at the sky. It was going to rain. Definitely.

I sighed and picked up a stray stone and examined it. The stone was a dark grayish colour with darker stripes. It's shape was unusual, it was sort of like a crappy crescent. It's smooth surface made me declare that this was a worry stone.

You know.. worry stone. It's a smooth stone that you rub when you're worried. I didn't know if it actually worked but I'll give it a shot.

I sat there for the next hour, rubbing the stone in my hand. It was fine till I heard a painfully familiar voice.

"I thought I would find you here."


We were all leaving Matt's house when Val stopped me. I looked at her stern, strict face as she said, "Just tell Jayden you love her." I sighed and wanted to tell her that I didn't but she cut me off. "Don't tell me you don't love her 'cause I know you do."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. She's right. I do love her. I nodded and replied, "I'll tell her now." She smiled victoriously and walked away.

To be honest, I do love her. When she's in a bad mood, it makes me want to cry for her. I want to be there for her, for the rest of her life. It hurt me to see her in anyway, if she's hurt.. I would feel her pain. If she's happy, it gave me strength to be happy. I am going to tell her now.

I left the house and sped to Jay's house. The lights were off, but her car was home. I took a few little stones and lightly threw it at her window. I threw a few more and gave up.

She'd gone out. Just where? I ran to the beach at the back of her house and looked around. She was nowhere in sight.

Then I spotted her. Sitting at the boardwalk that was 1 or 2 blocked from her house. I ran as fast as I could. I could see Zero lying beside her. She looked miserable... and it's my fault.

I need to fix this fast. I slowed down as I reached the start of the boardwalk and quietly walked down. I didn't want her to see me coming yet.

She was rubbing some stone in her hand. Typical Jay.. believes in fiction and worry rocks.

"I thought I would find you here." I said. Her back stiffened and she turned slowly.

"Brian?" she gasped. Her jaw was slightly ajar as I walked and sat down next to her.

"Why so surprised? It's not like I died and rose from the dead." I said cheekily and grinned at her. Her facial expression was worried.

She played with the stone in her hands. She's nervous. I chuckled and said, "I've made up my mind."

She tensed up again and nodded. "Hit me." she said as she closed her eyes.

"Whenever I hurt you, I always felt as if I hurt myself. Whenever you're happy, I always felt as if nothing could go wrong. I felt as if I belonged to you no matter what. I know I hurt you pretty bad in the past.. But if you are hurt, I promise... I'll do whatever it takes to fix that smile. If ever you feel like you need space? I'll give it to you, but I'll be waiting for you to take me back."

By this point, Jay broke out in sobs. I continued, "I love you. I will fight for you. If I ever say anything mean.. I swear to God I don't mean it. And I think we could be very happy together. Long story short.. yes, I love you."

I waited for her response. She just wiped her tears dry and sighed. She looked over at me, then leaned in. I felt her lips on mine. Something that I haven't felt in a long while. It felt so right.

She grinned up at me and I pulled her in for a hug. We spent the rest of the night, doing stuff that couples do.. ya know what I mean...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Brian finally confessed! so next chapter is the last ever.
Have fun reading it.
To HushHushAntonia: I really would love to write an Alex Gaskarth story, but i have no plot whatsoever. Since I already have the full idea for a Nathan Sykes story.. I will write that first. BUT I PROMISE!!!! I will write a AG story after that! Sorry! :(