Status: Sorry about any mistakes. Give comments and feedback. thanks

Almost Human

Acceptance and Happily Ever After

Brian confessed? Check! Go on first date? Halfway Check! Tell Jimmy? Not Checked.

We were currently on our first date as an official couple. Brian took me to the amusement park. Brian was being his usual self.. but also with a twinge of romantic in him.

He won me a panda bear, fed me cotton candy and took my on all my favourite rides. I couldn't help but feel so madly in love... I never thought I COULD feel so madly in love.

We were walking home, cracking jokes about that old creep manning the roller coaster. "He was like checking every GUY out!"exclaimed Brian as I burst out laughing again.

I informed him, "Ya know... he licked his lips when he eyed you..." I wriggled my eyebrows as he gagged and shuddered.

We laughed like hyena's all the way home. We stopped in front of my house. His hand was in mine and his brown eyes locked in my honey eyes. "I wish today could last forever." I smiled up at him.

He smiled back and pecked my cheek, "That's why every day is going to be like this!" he promised. We laughed softly and I said, "Well... you wanna stay over tonight? I mean.. it's Friday and I don;t have work tomorrow..."

He grinned and was about to reply until we heard a loud shout, "Oh.. HELL NO!"

Jimmy jumped out from a bush with an angry face. The rest of the Avenged Family came out with him.

"YOU.. are NOT... getting into MY LITTLE COUSIN'S PANTIES!" he shouted as he poked Brian;s chest.

"SSSSSHHHHHHHhhhh....." I shushed him and fought back, "Why don't you shout louder? I don't think they heard you.. in URUGUAY!"

I stood next to Brian and held his hand proudly. Jimmy's furious face softened at my action of love towards Brian.

He sighed and said, "Can we talk about this?" I grinned and let everybody inside my house. We all sat down in the living room.

I started to explain to Jimmy, "Brian and I are together, no amount of punishments, words ro actions can keep us apart." I said proudly as I held Brian's hand.

Jimmy sighed as he held his face in his hands, "I know." I bit my lip as I looked at my cousin's stressed face.

He grabbed a pen and paper and announced "Rules! Number 1: If Brian breaks her heart.. I, Jimmy, has the authority to rip his balls out! Agreed?" I was unsure but Brian quickly agreed confidently.

The rules went on to rule number 40. Most of them about Jimmy having permission to kill Brian and about sex.

Finally, Jimmy accepted us as a couple. Everyone left home, except for Brian. He decided to stay over.

We were both in pyjamas, laying on the couch... staring into each other's eyes and grinning like fools.

"I love you." he whispered and lightly kissed me. I giggled into the kiss and replied, "I love you more."

And that's the end of my story. That was how I, Jayden Williams, fell in love with the cocky,talented, sexy guitarist... Brian Haner. And we all lived happily..ever..after.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE END! I'm sorry if this chapter sucks.. but I really want to finish it badly.
So he next story I'm going to write is about Nathan Sykes.. so stick around for that....
Thanks to everyone who put up with my mistakes and failure in writing, to everyone who commented on this story.. giving me motivation. And lastly.. to all who recommended this story.
I love ya guys! :)
Until next time