Status: Sorry about any mistakes. Give comments and feedback. thanks

Almost Human

Oooh.. Scary

I rolled out of bed and fell to the floor. I groaned. My last day of freedom before I start work tomorrow. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and entered the kitchen. I made cereal and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and flipped through channels, finally deciding on Sunday morning cartoons.

Halfway through Teen Titans, my phone buzzed. I checked it and smiled. It was Brian.

'GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!! the sun says hello!:D we going shopping at the mall! be ready at 12 <3 brian'

I smiled to myself, then remembered last night. I shook it off and checked the clock. Only 10 o' clock. I replied back:

':) G'mornin! okay, will c ya then'

I took a shower, brush my teeth, did my hair, make-up and finished up at 11:30.

I sighed and sat around my living room and continued to watch TV. About 20 minutes later, I heard a car horn from outside my house. I grabbed my bag and locked up my house. I got into a black Land Rover, which belonged to Brian.

Brian was driving (obviously), Johnny and Lacey took the backseat, meaning I get to ride shotgun! YAY!!

"I'm riding shotgun!" I sang proudly and grinned to Brian. "Well, good morning to you too." he mumbled. Brian drove us all the way to Empire Gallery Mall, then we met up with the rest at a Japanese restaurant called Shogun.
We chatted throughout lunch, went shopping, and finally... landed at the arcade.

I battled Zacky in Rock Fever and won, I triumph in Dance Dance Revolution against Val and Tracy, played Gundam battle with Jimmy and beat Matt in racing. Finally I played Time Crisis 2 and Air Hockey with Brian. I won Time Crisis, but lost to him at Air Hockey. I was just 1 point down!!!

Everyone except for Brian and I, decided to get a drink and sit. But Brian and I had other plans, we dueled at Guitar Freak.

"Get ready to go down, down, down!" declared Brian. We smirked at each other and I retorted, "Prepare for total ownage!" On cue, the song started. It was a pretty hard song, so I missed a few notes but Brian's finger slid perfectly over the buttons. He never missed a single note. Well, what do you expect from a guitarist from a band?

The song ended and Brian had won. I grumbled a string of foul words, and glared at him. He laughed at me and ruffled my beanie. I groaned at ruffled his hair back. Which ended in a hair-ruffling war. He even had me in a headlock. I groaned. "Brian.. Enough already!" I complained. He laughed even more and ruffled harder. I wriggled free but we ended up on the floor. Me on top of Brian. Our faces were inches apart and we froze. After realizing that many people were staring at us, we got up and started walking towards Starbucks. The air was thick with awkwardness.

By the time we reached Starbucks where everybody else was, our hair was messy and wild. Almost as if we were standing next to a helicopter.

"Whoa... What have you guys been doing.." said Gena as Zacky winked at Brian and I. I'm pretty sure my face was red but I swallowed and replied. "Definitely not what you guys were doing last night." Their faces turned red and I smirked, and clicked my tongue at them.

Brain chuckled. I ordered a drinks for Brain and I and sat down with the rest. Brian was boasting about how he won me in the arcade games. "You should have seen her play! She missed so much notes!" Everybody laughed.

I glared at him and grumbled about how the guitar I was using had a problem. Soon after, we went back to Matt's place and chilled there.

_________________A LONG WHILE LATER_________________________


The door bell rang. I got up and took of towards the door screaming, "PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!". I paid the delivery boy and with the change he returned was a paper with his number scribbled on it. He winked at me and I scrunched up my nose. Brian saw this and was furious.

He came out the house glaring at the boy and snapped, "Lay off, man. She's taken." The delivery boy's face turned white and his hands (for some reason) went to his crotch. He had wet himself. Immediately he rode off on his bike. My jaw hung open and I gaped at Brian. His face had returned to his normal, joking face and said, "Did you see his face?!?!" he burst out of laughter. I couldn't help but laugh as well.

We walked back into the house and told the rest about what had happened. I couldn't stop thinking about the way Brian had scared off the boy. His voice had this protective vibe to it. Almost as if, I was extremely important. Almost as if he didn't want the boy near me, at all. Why would he-

"Jay!" a voice screamed in my ear. I jumped back and fell of my chair. Everyone cracked up, especially Jimmy, who I'm guessing was the one who shouted in my ear. I got up and rubbed my aching butt. I also punched Jimmy's shoulder in expression of my anger.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies. Val had let me wear some of her old pyjamas to get comfortable.

On the 3-seater couch was 2 couples, Matt and Val, Johnny and Lacey. Both couples were cuddling against each other. The love seat was occupied by Zacky and Gena, while Jimmy and Tracy were on the carpet. All that's left was Brian and I. Brian and I sat and leaned against the couch. Our knees were touching, and I blushed slightly.

We were watching Paranormal Activity 2. I was scared for my life. Val knew my habits when I watch horror movies, and got me a blanket. I usually wrap myself in a blanket in case any monsters or ghost tried to get me. Halfway through the movie, I peeked over at Brian who was looking at me.

"You scared?" he whispered. I shook my head, but my eyes were glued to the floor. The scene where the mom gets pulled up the staircase gave me a shock till I jumped and clung to Brian. His arm then snaked round my waist and held me.

He chuckled and whispered in my ear, "See you are scared." I cursed under my breath and tried to break away from Brian's arms. His arms didn't budge but instead, they suddenly felt very comfortable. So, I shifted around till i was sitting between his legs, I leaned back into his chest and his arms round my waist. I slipped my fingers through his and sighed.

We watched the rest of the movie but I wasn't scared anymore. Because I had Brian to protect me. The movie ended, but nobody moved.

I snuggled my face deeper into his neck and breathed him in. He smelt of deodorant and cigarettes. But it was a god combination.
I just noticed that his heartbeat was slow, steady and soothing to me. I soon fell asleep to his heartbeat, his arms around me, and it all felt...... right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if my writing is crappy, I'm not in a writing mood. And the plot of this story isn't even set out. :(
Well, watch out for next update! Thanks for reading! G'mornin! G'Afternoon! G'Nite!