Status: Sorry about any mistakes. Give comments and feedback. thanks

Almost Human



The alarm clock started screeching obscenities at me. I dragged myself out of bed, and blindly walked to the kitchen, knocking myself into a wall.
I rubbed my forehead and made breakfast. I sighed. I was nervous about today, my first day at Drop That Beat Records. Cheesy name...

I washed the dishes, showered, brush teeth.. The usual morning routine. I picked out my clothes. I wanted to make a good first impression.

I checked the clock 8:30. I needed to be at the studio at 9. Better get there early. I grabbed my bag, car keys, and set off to my car.

The traffic wasn't to bad, so I arrived at the studio at about 8:45. I walked up to the receptionist lady and asked her, "Umm... Hi! I'm new here. Can I see Mr. Reynolds?" The woman smiled at me and directed me to the lift where I needed to get up to the top floor. I thanked her and walked to the lift. This building only had 5 floors.

I landed on the fifth floor and saw a door with name Chris Reynolds printed on it. I knocked the door and a voice came, "It's open." I opened the door and walked in. "Good morning, sir." I greeted. Chris Reynolds was a middle aged man, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiled and stood up. "Top of the morning to you, and welcome. I'm Chris and I'll be your boss." He stretched out his hand to shake and I took it.

He started "Well, sit down. I'll be briefing you about your job." I nodded and followed his orders.

"So, Jayden, you know what your job is and might I say, you have impressive skills in writing." I smiled in thanks and replied "The best in the world." His face brightened, "I like your enthusiasm. Now brief breakdown about rules. Lunch break is an hour and a half, whatever time you want, but be sure you come back on time. Dress code. Casual but not the type you wear to laze around at home." He eyed my clothes and added. "You don't have to be too formal either." We laughed and he moved on to the next item.

"We want you to write at least one song a month. Any genre, and when a record company buys you're song, you get paid, and you get to help out with recording. That's about it. You can go and start now. Get to the fourth floor and start on lyrics or music. Any problems? Just come see me." I was absolutely nervous. "Thanks." I said in a shaky voice. He smiled reassuringly.

I exited the office and went to the recording room. There were millions of instruments from vuvuzela's, to accordians, guitars, pianos, violins, you name it. I grinned. This is going to be amazing.

I started off with some lyrics. But I couldn't think of anything. I needed inspiration. Suddenly, Brian's face popped into my head. So did the lyrics.

Keep singing, my love
Keep singing to me
Let me hear that voice
Which drives me crazy
And know that I'm
In love with you
And I never want
To let you go
I never want to let you go

I held your gaze
All the way from across the room
The look you gave me
Was enough to melt me down
I never wanted that moment to end
And when I stepped
Closer to you
You stepped closer to me
And when our hands touched
Something like electricity
Flowed through me
Burning me to the core
Burning you into me

Keep singing, my love
Keep singing to me
Let me hear that voice
Which drives me crazy

Swing me slowly back and forth
Lead me out to the dance floor
Put your hands around my waist
And dance with me
And lean close to my ear
And sing those words to me
"Keep singing, my love
Keep singing to me
Let me hear that voice
Which drives me crazy
I never want to stop"

And lead me away from the crowd
Off on our own, but not far
From the music of the room
So we can dance on our own
And my gaze still has yours captured
And we lean close
And we whisper

Keep singing, my love
Keep singing to me
Let me hear that voice
Which drives me crazy
And know that I'm
In love with you
And I never want
To let you go
I never want to let you go

After scratching out words, googling definition of some words and lots of coffee, I am don. I put the pen down. I smiled at myself satisfied with the lyrics. With inspiration, lyrics came easy to me. For some reason, Brian was my inspiration. Which is crazy! I don't like him? Do I? I shrugged it off and checked the clock. 12:30.

Wow, lyrics took some time. Should I go for lunch? Nah, not that hungry after all that coffee. I picked up the guitar and started to strum some chords. Trying to figure out the perfect tune for this song. For me, lyrics were easy. The tune? Not so much...

I sat in front of the piano and took out a music sheet. I wrote a few different tunes, but none of them seemed to fit. I got up the chair and walked to the window. I opened it and stuck my head out. Today was quite windy. I was tired. I closed my eyes and re;axed to the feel of wind on my face.

I heard a knock on the door and I responded. "Come in!"."Sorry to disturb your relaxing time." Chris's head popped in from behind the door. He smiled at me and continued. "I forgot to tell you, you can go home anytime so as long as enough work has been done to complete the song, and as long as it's after 3. Thanks, Bye!" he quickly pulled his head out and hurried down the corridor. I checked the clock 1:30.

For the rest of the time, I sat down and jammed with the guitar.

Time passed pretty quickly. It was 3:05, and I was on my way to my car. I waved goodbye to the receptionist lady, whose name is Doris. Free! Today was a progressive day at work. I drove to Jimmy's place.

Arriving there, he was washing his car. I decided to help him while I explained to him about my day. But left out the part about Brian being my inspiration.

I mean it's just a friendly thing.. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠

The lyrics in this chapter is NOT MINE!! It was written byFullMoon2012 (

I have no talent in writing poem or lyrics or whatsoever, so... easy way out.

Thanks for reading! Thanks for ya know....