Status: Sorry about any mistakes. Give comments and feedback. thanks

Almost Human

The Party

It was a hot Saturday afternoon. My first week of work was over, and I am looking forward to Monday. Right now, I was lazing around the house watching Sword Art Online, the anime. It's a pretty cool show. It's about this game, where people play it, they're actually in the game. I always wanted life to be like an anime.

I hopped off the couch and checked the time. 4:27. In about half an hour, I will be making my way to the beach. Everyone was going to be there to celebrate my first week of work, but more importantly.. Gena's birthday.

Earlier today, I had been shopping for her birthday present. After lots of hard decisions, I finally decided to get her a red 7th generation iPod nano. She had been talking about it a few days ago, and I thought it would be an awesome gift. I had it wrapped, removed the price tag, and was all ready for her sparkling, happy face. Where did I get the money? I had lots of savings from the money my parents gave me.

I turned off the TV, and went upstairs to get ready for tonight.

I debated between shorts and a sundress, but figured since it's a party, and someone's birthday, a dress would be more appropriate. I felt weird since I rarely wore dresses, and also felt a bit too.. white.

I threw on a hat, and some shades and decided on a bag. My bags won't go with the dress..... I'll just hand carry my phone. I locked up my house and started up my car. I checked the time again, 4:48. I guess I could take a slow drive. Then I decided to walk. I had so much time, and the beach was only behind my house.

On the way walking there, I received a few wolf-whistles, cat calls and more. Which I responded to with eye-rolls. I admired the greenery of the trees, and the blue-orange-purplish of the sky. The sun was setting early.. It is going to be an awesome party.

I arrived at the beach not to long later, but I was the earliest. There was nobody there. I slipped out my flipflops, hand-carried it, and dipped my feet in the water. I used to come to the beach a lot back in high school. The water was soothing, and washed away my stress.

The wind was blowing softly, and the sun was setting on the horizon.. giving off it's reflection on the water. I took out my phone, and snapped a few photos of the sun, the beach and myself. I posted it on Instagram. Almost immediately, my friends from England saw them and commented. I replied them and continued to walk along the beach.

About a few minutes later, 2 cars pulled up and exited the birthday girl and friends. I squealed and hugged her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I shouted. She laughed at my hyper-ness, and I handed her the present. Her mouth fell open and she said, "Oh, Jay. You shouldn't have..." she looked at it lovingly. "Will you just admit you like it!" I said to her with a smile. She smiled back and said, "Thanks! I really love it." She went on helping the others unload stuff while Jimmy and I went to look for firewood.

I was lucky that I decided to wear a dress, seeing as all the other girls were also in dresses.

I skipped over to a spot with a pile of firewood. Jimmy and I each had an equal pile of firewood in our arms. "First back to HQ?"I asked. He nodded. "Ready.. Get set...GO!" We shouted together as we shot off towards the party. I was running faster than him because I was barefoot.

Finally, I reached there about 5 seconds faster than Jimmy. I laughed as he flipped me off. I did a little victory dance and started to set up the fire pit. I put rocks around it and it was done! Brian used his lighter to light up the fire.

We all sat round and started the party. Gena made a speech, we sang the birthday song, cut and eat cake. Now the real partying began. Johnny opened a cooler box filled with alcohol and soda. I only drank soda, I wasn't much of a drinker..

I took out the radio that Val brought and played music. We danced around the fire, sang songs, make toasts and roast marshmallows. It was a blast. Soon, everyone was dead-drunk and sleeping on the sand. Fortunately, I wasn't drunk. Unfortunately, i had to take everyone back.

Unfortunately, Brian also wasn't drunk. He had a few drinks, but not enough to get him wasted. It was funny watching my cousin and friends all drunk on the sand. Then Brian said, "Jay, can we talk somewhere? Somewhere private?". I nodded.

We walked to the place where I had found all the firewood. I crossed my arms and said, "What?". He looked sad but said nothing. "If you're not going to say anything, then I'm gone." I warned him. He still said nothing. I huffed and walked off, but his hands were quick to grab mine.

He pulled me and I landed on his chest. Next thing I know? My lips were on his. It was a soft kiss, very cautious and light. His arms went round my waist and I tried to push him off me, but he had a strong grip. I managed to push my face away, and snapped "What are you doing?".

He didn't say anything. "You have a girlfriend Brian! You might want to think about that!" I shouted. "I've been wanting to do that for a while now.." he said slowly. I was shocked.. he liked me too. I wasn't going to let my guard down. "Cause you wanted to kiss me so much, you decided to get back with Michelle!"I said harshly. He looked stung by my words, but ignored it. I felt the deja-vu as his arms were around me.

I started to walk off but her grabbed me and replied, "I love you more than her, and she was the one who came back to me. Not the other way around." I nodded. "Nice to know." I replied monotonically. He repeated, "I love you more.." then he leaned down and kissed me again. It wasn't like the first. This kiss was hard, demanding, urgent , hot and passionate. My knees went weak, and my arms played with his hair.

He smiled into the kiss and his tongue dragged along my bottom lip. Almost as if somebody else was controlling my body, my lips parted and his tongue slid in. We started a heavy make-out session but no clothes were removed.

After a while, we stopped. "This has to be a secret. Our relationship, has to be a secret." he said while stroking my hair. I nodded. "You're s beautiful.." he whispered. I blushed, giggled and replied "Well you're not so bad yourself." We shared one last kiss and walked back to the drunk people. We said goodbye and drove them home.

I drove Matt's car with Matt, Val, Zacky and Gena. While Brian took Jimmy's car with Jimmy, Tracey, Johnny and Lacey.
I walked back from Matt's place and couldn't stop smiling. Me and Brian... Brian and I.. Jay and Brian... Brian and Jay.. I remembered the way he kissed me, the feel of his arms.

I got home and sat on the couch, just thinking about tonight. I sneezed. But I had a habit that I sneeze like 7 times ina row. I didn't like it, but lots of people found it.. 'cute'. Don;t ask me why. My phone buzzed. It was Brian. When I saw his name, my face lighted up and I checked it.:

hey! Just thinking about you :) cant wait too see you tomorrow! goodnight jay <3

I smiled as I read it. I read it over again and replied:

hi! I was thinking about you too, and I knew u were thinking about me too cuz I sneezed! luv ya! gnite! <3

After that I turned off my phone. If I saw one more message from him, I wouldn't be able to sleep. Snap.. I though of Michelle, and what her reaction would be if she found out. Shit... why did I agree to keep this a secret.
♠ ♠ ♠
How was it? Boring? I'm so sorry! Was it nice? Thanks!
so yeah.. lots of shit going down...
to release the feeling of suspense dear HushHushAntonia....they're together (sort of) now!
Thanks for reading!
Stay tuned for more!