Status: Active holla

You'll Never Know


I got up at the crack of dawn and started packing my boxes. There wasn't a lot to pack, just clothes and my bedding and a few decor items. I put them all in the back of my car and drove up to John's house.

I pulled into the driveway and started taking my boxes up to the door. I had to bang on it repeatedly until John came up to the door, looking pissed.

"Jesus do you have to bang so loud? Haven't you heard of politely knocking?" he asked.
"Not when I've been carrying box after box from my car by myself, so no I haven't."

She brushed past him taking the hoard of boxes into the guest room. When she was done she plopped on the bed. John hadn't bothered her anymore while bringing her stuff in so she assumed he had gone back to bed. That was until he just walked in her room and handed her a sheet of paper and a key.

"Here's basically what I expect to get done whether I'm here or on tour, also here's a key so you don't wake me up at the crack of dawn again."
"Uh, thanks." She said taking the items out of his hand and skimmed the list.
Wash laundry, clean, vacuum, clean the pool, grocery shop, ect. Basically what she expected. And it wasn't that bad since she was getting to live here for free almost.

The rest of the day was seemly uneventful as she put all her things away, she chatted with her mother reassuring her for the millionth time that this was a good thing and she would be ok.
After she got off the phone with her mother she went into the kitchen to make something for dinner.

When she finally decided on just eating ramen noodles and turned around to the counter she was scared by John's presence there and yelped.

"You scared the shit out of me!"
"I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm really not. You woke me up this morning."
"You're still on that? What are you a fucking elephant?"
"Hey now we watch out language around here!" He said with a dead serious face causing her mouth to go slack.
"I was kidding. It's a joke. You know funny?" He said with a sly smile crossing his features.
"The only thing I see funny around here is your face." She said turning back to the stove.
"Ooh burn, are we in seventh grade here Ray Ray?"
"Well you have the body of a seventh grader O'Callaghan."
She pulled her food off the stove and sat across from John with him staring her down.

"What?" She finally asked.
"Will you make me dinner?" He asked pleadingly.
What had she gotten herself into. He was basically a big man-child.

This would end wonderfully.
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Oh so hey. Lol nobody reads this so basically im writing this for my own amusement. coooooool