Dear Diary


Dear Diary,

It happened again. I tried to stay strong and not let it show that they were getting to me, but I couldn't help it. Their words were just too much this time and I couldn't keep my emotions in check. I broke down. I broke down in front of everybody and made a complete fool of myself. It didn't help anything. It's only gonna make things worse. Now they have more ammo they can use against me. I'm a cry baby. I'm weak. I'm pathetic etc etc... it's just going to go on and on and on.

I don't know what more I can do. Ignoring them doesn't work... it just makes them push harder until I have no choice but to acknowledge them and the misery that they put me through. I don't know how much more I can take. I can't tell anybody because they'll find out. They'll find out and they'll hurt me even more. They told me that much.

I can't go through two more years of this. I can't.

I don't want to let them hurt me anymore. I don't want to hurt myself anymore.

All I want to do is just... get out of this place. I wish I didn't have to wait two whole years. It's getting harder and harder every day. I just wish they'd leave me alone. I didn't do anything to deserve this.

If I survive high school, it will be the greatest achievement of my life. I feel like just giving up on everything right now.

Sigh. I'm tired of crying.


Kelsey closed the diary and folded her arms down across it, letting her head fall into the hole that her elbows created. She hated crying, but she couldn't help it. It was all she seemed to do since school had started up again. The tears dropped from her face, forming little pools on the crimson leather of the book's cover.

Ever since they'd moved to this Godforsaken town, she'd wanted to just disappear. The first day she started at her new school her life changed. She'd never been bullied back home. She'd been content with her small group of friends. She never wanted to be popular or cool. She just wanted to be happy.

"Stupid Dad and his stupid job."

She hissed through clenched teeth in frustration and then pushed herself up to a sitting position, back arching against the back of the chair as she rubbed the heels of her palms into her eyes. Why did he have to be promoted? Why had they moved across country just so that HE could get a pay rise? Why did nobody think about her?

She didn't want to be there. She had never felt so alone.

But she couldn't let them win.
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Just a short one for a drabble contest. First thing I've written in a while. Nothing special :)