Status: Alive and twitching...


Friday The Thirteenth 9:46 PM to 10:27 PM

I don't think any one of us weren't buzzing with excitement. Not only did this seem legit but just by looking at the giant two story house made us feel like it was actually a place a ghost would consider haunting. Windows were boarded up with two by fours that were worn by the weather and the dirt covered white paint was peeling. The oak trees looked ancient and dead while ivy overtook the east side of the house which was slowly growing towards the other walls. The wrap around deck was also in bad shape, it looked like any bit of pressure would cause it to collapse.

And that is the reason why we gave Simon a hardhat and forced him to walk around the deck loaded down with the majority of our supplies. Luckily Simon wasn't hurt and it was safe to walk on the deck as long as we did it carefully. We set up the Eagle's Nest and cameras in all the rooms which was difficult since no one was tall enough to mount them in the high corners. That was until we had Spencer climb on Simon's shoulders. "What now?" Colby asked.

"Really?" I asked looking at Colby raising an eye as I adjusted the head light I was wearing that I couldn't find the on button to save my life. Hopefully my life wouldn't depend on the stupid light because I can tell you right now that that would suck.

"We go hunt us a ghostie." Sammy grinned facing her camera towards herself while moving it back and forth for added effect.

"Alright Facers, let's bring it in." Simon said as we formed a crappy shape that passed as a circle according to our standards. Which are very low mind you.

"Ghost, Ghostfacers!" I sang quietly as I hyped myself up bouncing from foot to foot.

"We face the faceless, we face the dead!" The girls and I busted out singing while Simon shook his head. He could actually be cool if he wanted to, but now was just wasn't one of those times. He's actually gotten drunk off his ass once and sang our theme song in a karaoke bar. It was great; I wish I had it on video.

"Facers, this is it, our Morton House." Simon said looking pointedly at Sammy and me. We looked at each other grinning like fools before bringing our attention back to Simon. "No matter what happens, no one's an intern anymore. Everyone has earned their full Facer status."

"And no one had to die, I call this a win!" Colby grinned. I had to agree, no one dying is always a good sign.

"Spin the tires, light the fires. Ghostfacers on three." Simon continued without missing a beat and well all put a free hand into the middle of the wannabe circle. "One, two, three!"

"Ghost," We all said at the same time, all grinning like fools. "Facers!" We said completing the hand gesture by bringing our hands up and slowly dropping them down in front of our faces.

"Alright, time to split up!" I grinned devilishly. Whenever someone says 'let's split up' in horror films or Scooby-Doo the spooks always appear. That was what I was aiming for even though there was still time until twelve. "Remember the buddy system, otherwise you'll probably die."

"You know, I'm already freaked a bit and that didn't really help." Colby told me turning on her camera. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then you shouldn't lose your buddy now should you?" I asked. Colby took a step closer to Simon probably thinking that just because he was tall and what little muscle he had, he'd be able protect her. Pfft, the only thing that can protect her is salt, lots and lots of salt.

"Shotgun second story!" Sammy yelled shooting her hand up in the air that had the camera in it.

"You can have it, dead bodies are found upstairs." Spencer said trying to sound wise. Sammy and I rolled our eyes.

"Yeah right." I countered.

"In the actual Morton House the bodies were found downstairs." Sammy said finishing where I was going. I nodded my head. "Granted it was the basement but it doesn't really matter, downstairs is the doom place."

"Do you think anything besides ghosts are haunting this place?" Simon asked.

"Not it!" I yelled touching my nose with my index finger only to get a face full of camera as well, I probably should've used my other hand.

"Not it!" Colby and Sammy said in unison with Spencer saying almost immediately after them leaving Simon. For some reason, the person who ends up being the Corbett is usually the one who says the something that makes them sound like an inexperienced intern.

"Damn it!" Simon cursed realizing what he had said and the fact that he was now the Corbett. I laughed, like good sisters do, at my brother.

"Good luck Corbett, don't die!" I waved at him before Sammy and I headed up to the second story in search of some ghosts.
♠ ♠ ♠
Really sorry for not updating for the longest time. Life has gotten a bit full of non fun stuff. Hope you enjoyed the update!