Status: Active

Don't Let Me Jump, Don't Let Me Fall

Guess you'll never know


One day before Warped Tour

We've been on the road for about two days now. Sure it felt boring and I did start to become homesick for a little while but when you travel with Of mice & men any trip can turn into a wild adventure. It was my first road trip without Shayley but Aaron the bassist filling in for him is really nice.

"How far are we from the venue?" I asked the Alan as we sat in the back lounge. Waking up early isn't one of my favorite things but I had to help out at the venue later on.

"Only two more hours to go." He said.

I groaned while Alan just chuckled at me. "You get used to it, it's just one of the horrible things that comes with touring."

This was going to be a long day.


A few hours ago most of the bands had made it to the Utah venue and were practicing setting up for the big day ahead tomorrow. Of mice & men were one of the bands.


I turned around to the sound of my named being called to see Tino.

"Avery Blake at your service, how may I helped you." I joked.

Tino smiled, "Help set up the merch tent with me."


It took us a while well mostly me to get the hang of setting the merch tent up but once we did we made sure everything was perfect then carefully took it down. I soon waved Tino a goodbye as I went to venture around the venue for a bit.

A few people that I passed by were setting up their tents as well and others started taking theirs down. Bands that I walked by were either getting ready for sound check or going through the rest of their setlists for warped with their band mates.

I felt my phone vibrate in the back of my shorts. A message from Austin flashed across the screen telling me to make my way back to the tour bus. I smiled and texted him back as I changed my direction and headed for the bus.

It wasn't long til I had bumped into someone on the way towards the bus. causing me to drop my phone.


"I'm so sorry," I said helping the guy in front of me back up, "I should've been looking at what was in front of me."

He look startled for a second but then grabbed both white iphones off of the ground.

"I think this is yours," He said as he handed my phone back to me while sticking his phone back in his pocket," and don't worry about it. My head was too far up in the clouds to notice who was in front of me."

I laughed at his comment. "Well I guess I'll get going."

"Same." And with that we walked away from one another in the other direction.

The sun was starting to set in Salt Lake City. I stopped outside the tour bus to gaze at the sunset before me. It was beautiful. I don't know why but taking the time to gaze at them helps relieve all the pain I've been feeling. No one really understands so I just keep little things like that too myself.

But soon like everything else in the world it came to an end and as I entered the bus I felt the worries and bad memories come back to me.

Austin was the first to greet me with a hug and the others greeted me shortly after.

"Where were you?" asked Austin," I kept texting you."

"My phone's probably just dead." I replied. He looked back at me with a face that said okay.

"So what were you guys doing before I came back."

"We were about to leave and head towards the bar down the street. A bunch of other bands are going to being celebrating the start of the tour there." Phil said, "You're welcome to come with us."

You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later."

One by one they hugged me while saying goodbye and then headed off the bus. I walked to the back of the bus headed for my bunk. I grabbed my charger and made my way to the back lounge to charge up my phone.

Pressing the on button my unlock screen no longer showed a picture of me and the band, instead it showed a couple together gazing at one another with an affectionate look on their faces.

That's when it hit me. The guy from earlier the one I bumped into. Both of our phones had fallen onto the pavement. He accidently gave me the wrong one by mistake. I had to immediately find the guy from earlier, he most likely had noticed the phone swap by now.

I kept debating with myself back and forth whether or not to look through the phone due to find out the owner's name. Snooping isn't a good idea but it the only one that'll help at this point.

I took a deep breath before unlocking the phone again. Scrolling throughout his messages, I saw texts from guys that seemed to be close to him and all I got farther up to the most recent ones I spotted a reply back from a message he had sent out not to long ago.

My curiosity soon got the best of me as my eyes started to scan the conversation. Text after text he had sent the person tons of messages about "wanting to get back together" or that he "missed the person awfully much." The words from the individual who replied back to the last text seemed unamused about the words the guy texted.

"It's over and it will always be. Get it through your head Vic."

I read the message over and over again. To have the nerve to say that to someone who cares about you and etc is distasteful but then again who was I the one to be calling others out. I snooped through a complete stranger's phone.

I just needed to get away from it all now as I got up and made my way to the bar down the street. One of the guys had to at least know this Vic person.

I was glad after finding out the out the person's name it made me feel a little better but the words I had read across the iphone screen haunted my mind. I guess no one will really grasp what it's like to feel alone and unwanted.
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Title Credit goes to Pierce the Veil from the song "Tangled in the great escape."
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