Status: Active

Don't Let Me Jump, Don't Let Me Fall

I'm trying to keep from going insane


One day before Warped Tour

"Thank you again, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all you wonderful people. We are Pierce the Veil goodnight." I shouted into the microphone. Even if I was talking to nothing in front of me I imagined myself playing in front of hundreds maybe even thousands of loud, cheering, fans.

Nothing else seemed to matter to me at the moment. All the pain and troubled thoughts had escaped my mind. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy performing for others so much. It broke my heart that sound check had soon ended for our band.

"That was great. We simply have to make sure tomorrow's performance is just as great as practice was today." stated one of our sound check crew members.

The rest of the guys and I nodded our heads at the words he said. I handed my guitar to a crew member and then went to pull my phone out of my pocket only to be stopped before doing so.

"Vic, don't. It's not worth it anymore," Tony said. "You're wasting your time trying to get back with someone who could care less now."

"Tony's right," Jaime chimed in, "We hate seeing you like this. You're beating yourself over a situation that you didn't cause."

Even though they're my friends and are like brothers to me. Jaime and Tony didn't understand. Sure they've had been in past relationships but they couldn't comprehend the pain and hurt that's been getting to me these past few days.

She meant the world to me and to have my everything fall apart right before a major tour hit me hard.

"I know you're worried about me but don't I'll be okay." The lie had escaped my mouth. It was best that they didn't know the truth for now. A few little white lies wouldn't hurt anyone every now and then.

"I'm going to head back to the bus for a little bit."

Tony and Jaime looked at me with a gloomy expression on the faces but nodded anyway. Walking off the stage and onto the black pavement of the venue I took the chance to text her while making my way back.

"I miss you."

"I hope you're okay."

"I still love you, we could work things out after tour if you'd like."

"Have you ever thought about getting back together? I wouldn't mind."

Text after text I sent no reply would come. I could feel my heart tearing itself up again. Maybe sending one more text wouldn't be all bad but before I could I felt myself colliding with another body.


"I'm so sorry," a voice said as they helped me back up onto my feet. "I should've been looking at what was in front of me."

A girl with long, black hair stood before me still panicking about the accident. I didn't take the time to look at the rest of her features due to the thought of my ex still lingering around in my mind. I placed my hand near my pocket searching for my phone only to see it on the ground along with hers.

Luckily for me I didn't lose it. It would've been terrible not being able to communicate with my ex, even if she could care less about me right now. I wasn't the one to give up. Happy endings do exist, right?

Snapping out of my thoughts and once back into reality I grabbed both phones and handed hers back. "I think this is yours," I said while sticking my phone back into my pocket," and don't worry about it. My head was too far up in the clouds to notice who was in front of me."

The girl just laughed at my choice of words, "Well I guess I'll get going." she said.


And with that we walked away from one another in the opposite direction.


I laid in my bunk again deciding whether or not to look at my messages. It was killing me softly on the inside as I sat there waiting for a response. Why does love have to come with emotional pain time from time? It was quiet throughout the rest of the bus, well until my I felt the phone's vibration in my bunk.

My heart had stopped, time as well. I was as eager as a child waking up on Christmas morning. I was also scared to see what she was going to say. Pressing the on button the screen flashed and it showed a picture of what appeared to be the girl from earlier with the guys of Of Mice & Men.

The message was from their vocalist, Austin Carlile, it read: "Ave, where are you? We're about to head out towards Puck's, the bar downtown."

I pondered the name to myself, Puck's..Puck's. I soon mentally slapped myself on the head. That's the bar Mike and the guys went to a few minutes ago. They said something earlier about hanging with the other bands on Warped and celebrating the start of the tour the night before.

I needed to get there quick. The girl, I mean Ave I could be there with my phone and not have known. I also wanted to know if my ex had texted back. Right as I hopped off the tour bus and onto the venue's pavement I felt the vibration of her phone in my pocket.

It could've been one of the guys in the band she was with so I didn't mind to go and look ahead at the text that she received.

"Can we talk?" The message read.

I stared at the words, wondering who sent it as I started walking down the sidewalk. The bar was starting to become more insight ever step. It's not like me to snoop through another person's phone let alone a complete stranger but sometimes your curiosity gets the best of you.
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Title Credit goes to Sleeping with Sirens from the song "Roger Rabbit."
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