Status: Active

Don't Let Me Jump, Don't Let Me Fall

Take it from me you're better not knowing


Day two: Denver, Colorado

I laid on my stomach as my laptop sat in front of me. The tv was blaring sounds of some music video that was currently playing on Fuse but I could care less. I was currently editing pictures of both Man Overboard and Tonight Alive's sets from earlier today. As much as I love photography the editing process always bored and troubled me the most.

"Ave." a voice called for me.

"What." I replied back not caring to look as I played around with the lighting in one of the images. Alan poked his head in front of the screen. "Ugh Alan move." I yelled while playfully pushing him away, "If you don't mind I have to get this finished on time."

He smirked at my statement, "I don't understand why you're in a hurry to finish editing this time when last night you took the longest editing most of Pierce the Veil's pictures."

My words got caught in my throat as he spoke. Honestly I had taken a while to alter and improve their pics but I truly had a valid reason; if only I could make it up right now. Saving my current images and edits I closed my laptop up and faced Alan who was now sitting across from me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said pretending to be clueless on the topic. He laughed at my obvious act. "Don't lie to me, it was super noticeable that you were drooling over their lead singer or whatever."

Alan had known me for so long it was hard to fib to him nowadays and actually get away with it either that or maybe he could easily read me like a book unlike most people.

"Why does it matter anyway?" I spoke up. Why couldn't he just drop the topic, there's no need to worry about a little thing like staring a person's picture for a little longer than normal. I wasn't head over heels for Vic how could I we barely even knew each other's names at first but part of me wanted to open up more but I couldn't. Not now at least.
Alan glanced at me with a small dismal look on his face before looking down.

"It's n-nothing." I was beginning to get frustrated all over again with what he was saying.

"What was the point then Alan?"

"You know why; I'm scared that you'll end up getting hurt again."

I felt my anger leave and my expression change to a calmer mood. It was kind that he cared for me but in the end it's my decision to choose who I fell for no matter whatever the outcome. It was my love life not his.

"Alan," I said capturing his attention, "Thanks for wanting to look out for me and all but I'm 23. I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"I guess so..sorry."
We sat there together in silence until the sound of the bus door opening ended it.

"Alan we have to be on stage in a few minutes everyone is waiting for you." Tino shouted from the front. Alan looked towards me as he got up from his seat, "Are you still coming to watch us play like you promised earlier?"

I picked up my camera and placed it around my neck, "Yeah, I have to photograph We the Kings after your set anyway."


"Thank you guys again, we wouldn't be here up on this stage if it wasn't for all of you, Be safe, stay hydrated, and have a rest of a good time." shouted Austin.

"You guys did great out there." I said as the band made their way backstage. They sent out a few thanks and hugs in return to my comment. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I checked the time only to be disappointed. I was missing most of We the Kings' set due to Of Mice and Men's overlapping with theirs.

"I'm sorry guys but I got to start making my way towards the next stage." They nodded their heads in understanding my need to hurry. I bid them goodbye and walked off the stage only to be pulled by someone grabbing my wrist.

"Ave wait."

Turning around I see Alan sheepishly smiling at me. "Don't forget about the barbeque later tonight, all the bands are getting together just for a little fun before we head on the road for Vegas."

"Okay." was all that could escape from my lips at the moment. After he let go I finally made my way towards my final stage for the day.

What was with him today; he usually never acts this strange.


"We're heading out now, are you sure you two don't want to come." Phil asked Alan and I in the front lounge.

"Awh come on you two there'll be beer there." Austin chimed in. I laughed at his gesture to make me change my mind. At this time no matter how much beer there would be I was too busy at the moment to worry about getting drunk.

"I'd love to but I'll have to pass for tonight. I'm still working on a bunch of editing that I didn't finish." I stated while typing away on my laptop in front of me.

"And I'm staying to keep Ave company." Alan spoke up. The four other guys nodded their heads at our words and soon left the bus.

"You two have fun." Austin muttered before finally shutting the door. It quickly became quiet on the bus again besides the sound of my fingers across of the keyboard and Alan messing around with the keys that hung on his waist.

What was weird was how he decided to stay back with boring ol' me instead of having the time of his life with various other band members. It was very contradicting how he was the one who told me to start living life and here he is sitting around bored.

"Alan go." I said removing his attention away from his keys. Dumbstruck he gave me a wtf look but I was tired of always holding him back. I didn't want to ruin his summer.

"No I don't want to leave you by yourself."

"I understand but you have your own life to live instead of waiting on me for everything. I can handle it myself." I argued back.

He sighed, "You don't get it do you?"

"You're making me upset, what are you even talking about Alan?"

"Nevermind." And with that he stormed off towards the back lounge. I let out a frustrated sigh. How was I suppose to know what he was rambling on about. He barely told me anything anymore. This was starting to hurt me too much, I hated fighting with my best friend especially one that has been with me for so long and through so much.

I shut down my laptop and checked my pocket to see if my box of cigarettes was still there. "I'm going out!"I yelled from the front. Nothing but silence. Just great he was also furious at me. Slamming the bus door I slid against the bus still in an outrage from what had just happened.

The feeling of my cigarette between my lips as I breathed in and out took away some of the current stress. There was no chance of me ever quitting this terrible habit not until I found another way to relieve most of my troubles.

His words still ran throughout most of my mind. "You don't get it do you?". I was still jumbled on them. It could've been about anything but it was the least of my worries. I inhaled and exhaled once more as I ran my fingers through my hair. So far this tour was turning into a never ending rollercoaster ride.

"Smoking is bad for you; you do know that right?" The voice explained cutting me off from my thoughts.

A few feet apart stood the one and only Vic Fuentes. What was he doing here shouldn't he have been with his band unless they were probably celebrating with the others as well.

I took a small glance at him before looking up towards the sky."I'm aware of that. Let's just say that it helps me get by."

He nodded at my the words I used and then took a seat beside me; laying against the bus. The scenery before me was beautiful, the sun displayed a variety of colors so perfectly it was hard to imagine. People who were still leaving the venue noticed Vic and I from across the fence. They waved and called out to say hi to him and he returned a few back but my eyes never left the stunning sight of the sunset.

I felt my anxiety wash away for a bit as I put out my cigarette. The worst thing about it was that the sight before my eyes ended quickly then I had wanted it too.

"So why are you here and not at the barbeque getting wasted with everyone else?"

He laughed at my comment as the sun continued to go down. "I was talking a walk just to clear my mind concerning some things. I shook my head understanding him a little and what he was going through.

"Now," He perked up, "What's your reason for skipping the barbeque?"

This is the part where I usually start to regret ever speaking but this time I don't. As much as I hated opening up to people it felt good getting my problems off my chest no matter what they were.

"I have too much on my plate now for any fun it seems." sighing I looked at him, "And plus I'm being babysat for the rest of the night.

"Babysitter? Should I even ask?"

"Alan decided to take that duty upon himself since I decided to stay behind instead of going with the others." I stated.

"Oh." Vic mumbled back.

"He's been with me through everything and now he's usually too over protective of every single little thing that I do. I know he's my best friend and all who doesn't want me to get hurt again but I'm old enough to care for myself now but he still won't accept the fact no matter how much I try to explain to him."

He thought for a second before opening his mouth again."If he still doesn't understand then show him. Sure it might not work but it's better than giving up and it's your best bet to go for."

"Sorry for rambling on it's just my mind does that when a certain situation is still bothering me." I pointed out to Vic. From the corner of my eye I think I saw him crack a small smile but who knows.

"Don't worry at times I do the same thing."

Again we sat there. A part of me enjoyed his company because words didn't have to be spoken to say anything. The body language spoke for itself if that makes any sense. Our breathing paced together as hands were only inches apart; the spaces between them were still empty. The sunset that used to be there now was filled with stars as far as the eye could see. To anyone else it may have seemed a bit cliché but to me it wasn't not one bit.

We stayed still not wanting to make another move or sound to ruin the moment. I guess this was how we bonded easily or got along. I didn't want it to end not yet. It felt like some good was starting to come out of the troublesome summer.

But I guess today wasn't my day.

"I got to go. The buses leave in a few and if I'm not there I'll be left in Colorado. I don't think the fans would like that too much." Vic joked.

I stood up with him, "You still have my number right?" I shook my head signaling a yes.

"I gave it to you for a reason, message me when you need someone to talk to." And then he walked away. Sure I didn't get a proper goodbye from him but that didn't matter. He stuck by me when Alan couldn't. He stayed with me until he had to leave. I hated it but I didn't mind.

I guess you could say a little bit of me was starting to fall for him but my heart still didn't want to rush into things. The sound of the tour bus opening made my current thoughts stopped. I already knew it was Alan.

"Come back on the bus we're going to depart soon." He called. I stayed there looking in the direction at which Vic had walked off.

"Ave, what are you staring at?" Alan called again trying to get my attention.

I wish it didn't have to end. I wouldn't mind going back in time to sit with him again even if we didn't care to speak one bit. A tiny part of me wished he would've never left my side.

"It's nothing."
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to throw in a small little twist and I think this is my favorite chapter I've ever written because of it. Thoughts?

Title Credit goes to A Skylit Drive from their song "Xo skeleton."

Thanks for the recommendations and subscribes so far guys I appreciate every single one.