Status: May contain 'descriptive' scenes..


Chapter 9 - Stay With Me

The next day I woke up and rolled over. I remembered that Dan had to leave yesterday for a meeting with his band and his management. I instantly felt sad without him by my side. I checked my phone, the screen held no 'New message from Dan'. I thought nothing of it and continued on with my day.

I met up with my sister that day. We decided to meet at a Starbucks in town. "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been stranger?" Jess mocked as I sat down opposite her with my grande cream frappuccino. "It's only been like.. 4 days Jess. We've spent more time apart. I've just been hanging out with.. friends." "Louise Maxwell has friends? Never thought I'd hear the day. Where did you meet them? Are they nice?" I laughed, but I knew my sister was right. I didn't have many friends. I never had, but it didn't bother me.

"Yeah, he.. they're lovely." I stumbled on my words when Dan crossed my mind. Jess put down her hot chocolate and glared at me. "Whats 'their' names?" She said sarcastically. I looked down and played with my straw. "I knew it! It's a boy isn't it? Tell me all about him!" Jess said loudly, causing few heads to turn in the quiet cafe. I calmed her. "I didn't even say anything! But if I was to tell you about my 'friends', I'd say he's caring, handsome and.. a good kisser." Jess opened her mouth wide before covering it with her hands. I giggled.

I had always been close to Jess and I didn't mind her knowing about Dan. I was just careful about what and how I told her. Me and Dan had only been 'seeing eachother' for like 2 days.. I didn't want to rush around and tell people. Even though I really wanted to. "Hey everybody.. Dan Flint is mine, not yours! He's great in bed!" If only it was socially acceptable to shout things like that in a popular cafe.

"Where did you meet him?" Jess questioned. I explained the whole gig story, sparing no details. "Ah god, that's rough. You obviously didn't put him off though! What happened next? Tell me more, Lou!" I explained the dinner date next. She looked excited. "But then he gave me a ride home, and I.. I said no when he asked for a kiss." Jess slapped me on the arm across the table. "What the fuck! Didn't the lad do enough for you?!" "Well yeah, so I rang him the next day.. and he came over so we could talk things through." "Talk things through?" She asked sarcastically. "Well yeah, until I couldn't handle his beautiful face any longer and we kissed." Me and Jess giggled like excited schoolgirls.

"..And that's it?" "..Yeah." I didn't go into details of the next story. "He went home after that. I haven't spoke to him since but he had a meeting with his management so I'll probably just text him tonight. No big deal." I shrugged it off, but I really couldn't wait to speak to Dan again. "No big deal? Louise, this could be your first real boyfriend! And he sounds cute! Don't let him go Louise, you'll regret it. I can see it.. you like him." I blushed. "Right, I've gotta go." Louise piped up and finished her last sip of hot chocolate. "Okay, I'll talk to you soon. I love you." I pulled her into a hug as she got up and walked out, turning and waving me a goodbye before exiting. I sat there for 15 more minutes before leaving.

I got home and instantly composed a text to Dan. "Hey, how did the meeting go?x" Almost instantly I got a message back. "It went well. I've gotta talk to you though. Are you doing anything right now?x" My heart sank. I didn't even know why he wanted to talk but I sensed it was bad. I always sensed it was bad. 'We've gotta talk' 'Can we talk?' 'I think we've gotta talk'.. they all meant the same to me. "Nope, come over mine if you want?x" I sent it and got myself a drink, leaving my phone on the sofa. By the time I was back, I had a reply. He was a quick typer. "Okay, see you in a few x".