Two Hearts Beating as One

Almost Laughed Myself To Tears

Mads left and I turned to Ronnie and said, "Thank you for everything you've done these past two days."

"Don't mention it, I'm glad I got to help and glad I got to meet you."

"Aww." I couldn't help it, it slipped out. "There's something wrong with you if you enjoyed beating the shit out of some random creeper and defending me from my father if it meant you got to meet me."

He laughed. "I think you might be on to something."

"It's okay though because I enjoyed it too." I said.

"Okay, that means there's something wrong with both of us." He said with a smile. "But in all seriousness, are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little embarrassed that happened in front of all your friends."

"Don't be, they only think better of you for knowing what you and your sister went through and that you had the courage to put the past in the past."

"Thanks again," I said as I got up.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To check my hair and make-up, I'm pretty sure I look like a raccoon that just got into a fight."

"You look fine, gorgeous even, let's go downstairs and pretend to be civilized." He said.

"Let's." I assented. With that, we walked down the stairs.

As soon as we hit the bottom step, we were bombarded with questions Typical questions like, 'are you okay,' and 'did ya kiss?' These guys crack me up.

"I'm okay, and no we didn't kiss." I replied.

Ron walked up to Ronnie and slapped him upside the back of the head Gibbs style and asked, "Why the fuck didn't you kiss her?! You had the perfect time and opportunity!" Other sentiments like that followed.

"I didn't kiss her because it would've been taking advantage of an emotional situation. She didn't need me confusing her on top of her emotional state after that bastard left." Ronnie replied simply.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." Mads said. "You're a tough guy gentleman."

"Mads, that's like an oxymoron or a paradox. And back off, you've got Jacky."

"Feisty!" Ryan said.

"Shut up, Semen!" I shouted, making fun of his last name. "If you don't I'll be forced to throw something at you!"

"Feisty, feisty, feisty, feisty!" Ryan taunted. "And don't call me Seaman, feisty."

"All right, you asked for it, Seaman." I said and grabbed the bowl of candy. I threw a handful of candy at him and let out a battle cry of, "CAAAANNNDDDDYYYY WWWWAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!"

Soon everyone was throwing candy, I'm pretty sure they were eating it too. "Time! I need a ten minute break." I said as I looked around the kitchen.

"Sounds good." Jacky said. "Hey, Emma? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, let's to in the other room." I said.

"Okay," he agreed and followed. "I wanted to ask you if I could ask your sister out on a date. I'm really attracted to her and I want to get to know her better."

"That's totally okay with me, but know this, you hurt her and I'll castrate you and feed you to a mountain lion." I threatened.

"I promise that I will never purposely hurt her, I'd rather cut off my own hand." He said.

"Okay, now let's get back to the others." With that, we walked back into the dining room.

"Okay, now those two are back, let's clean this mess up." Mads said. All of us got to work, as we cleaned Mads came up to me and asked, "What did you and Jacky talk about?"

"I think you'll find out soon enough." I said. Five minutes later we were finished and started walking to the living room.

Ronnie and I were the last two to leave, before we could make it to the TV area, Ronnie stopped and blocked my path. "I wanna ask you something." He said.

"So ask it."

"Will you go out with me this Friday? Around six PM?" He asked.

"I'd love to." I replied.

"Great!" He said and grabbed my hand. With that, we walked into the living room together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this day started out all weird and shit. My mommy (yes, I actually call her Mommy) called me different and was referring to the time of the month, yes, THAT time of the month, when I become this demon bitch from hell. Anywhore, after that she said that she wished I were taller so I could be a model and support her when I make millions (jokingly, of course.) So then I went to the beach with some friends, my boyfriend came over we talked and chilled for a bit. I went to his house and watched Monday Night Raw, after that I came home and did some dishes.

Enough about my recap of my day, it's recap of story time!!! Also, I really tried to lighten the mood after the last chapter. Downer, man.

Who enjoyed Ronnie being a mushy, gushy, sweetie?

And then there was Semen...
I seriously wonder how much shit he got/still gets for his last name...

Me being feisty!

Jacky being a sweetheart!

And then there was the date adorableness!!!

And on a side note, Diggy is a fucking sweetheart!!! Seriously, I uploaded this picture to the FB today and she was saying sweet things like "Jordan, my boyfriend, is a lucky man. He's got one hot girlfriend! XD" and "You look like a really hot pin up girl. Also, you should do your hair more like that, it looks great!" and "If we meet, we should have a photo shoot where you're the model!" I literally fucking blushed, and was all like "OH, STOP, YOU!"