Hold my hand and say you love me.

He loves me, he loves me not. HE.LOVES.ME.

~Dahvie's P.O.V~

Jayy. He loves me!!!! Well...likes me. But...still. We met at the park..We talked for a while..Then..he just..said it! I'm so happy right now! Sadly, it's getting dark, we had to leave. Currently, he's walking me home. "That was so sweet...I mean..just the way you said it and all..." I said smiling at him. He blushed a little. It takes a lot to get him to blush. I gently interlaced our fingers, grinning at him. "You're so cute." He said, obviously not realizing what he said. He blushed a b right pink. I giggled and lied my head on his shoulder.

~Time skip~

He walked me to the front door of my house, seeming a little sad he had to leave. Not wanting to let go of his hand, I held on tighter. He just gave me a smile and sighed. "I have to leave Dahvie." I pouted. He only smiled wider. I let out a soft gasp as he leaned in. His soft lips pressed against mine. My eyes shut lightly, never wanting to break the kiss. I began to kiss back. Just as i began to, he pulled back. I looked up at him with a sad expression. "Wh-why'd you stop?" My voice cracked, like it always does when I'm upset. "I need to go," he pecked my lips "I'll see you tomorrow." I sniffed. "okay."

That night, all i thought about was him. The way his lips felt on mine, the way he smiled at me, everything. He was so..perfect. I'm in love.