Hold my hand and say you love me.

Going back to school...

~Jayy's P.O.V~

Today we started back to school. It's been a nice, long, summer break. I hated school and really didn't wanna go back. We both got bullied daily so it was a constant hell. Well, at least I have Dahvie.
I walked out of the house I lived in with my mom, wearing this, walking to the bus stop to be greeted by an oddly bubbly Dahvie. "Hey cutie.." I said kissing his cheek. He blushed and giggled. "Hi jayy-jayy!" smiling at how he was in such an amazing mood though we were walking right back to hell. His adorable giggle interrupted my thoughts, "Jayy! Bus is here!" he said grabbing my hand, pulling me onto the bus. I let out a small laugh and thanked him. He nodded. We sat together, holding hands despite the odd looks people gave us. We sat there, smiling at each other. His smile faded when he saw the school. He was younger then me so the only time we really saw each other was at lunch or if we had a free period. Being I was older also meant I'd be out a year earlier then him, which meant he'd be alone for a year.I knew it upset him but I knew he'd be fine.

~Dahvie's P.O.V~

When we got on the bus all I wanted to do was get off. I didn't want to loose anymore time with Jayy, but, now I'd be alone for most of the day. It broke my heart when I realized he'd leave before me. I wont have him for a year. He always protected me..I'd be...helpless. But, for all I know, we might not even be together by then. I wanna make the most of the time I have with him now.
Our school came into view, heart sinking we both got up and walked to the door. The bus stopped for us and we got off, staring up at the huge building. Slowly but surely we made our way inside, getting our schedules and lockers. Completely different schedules, lockers on opposite sides of the school. Heart broken and ready to cry, I hugged him and said goodbye. He held me close and whispered in my ear, "I love you." nearly bursting into tears, I said it back. He kissed me one more time, and left for well...most of the day. Walking the other direction, thinking about him. He loves me.