Hold my hand and say you love me.

Bullied, broken, bleeding.

~Dahvie's P.O.V~

Walking down the hall, heading to lunch with a grin knowing I'd get to see Jayy. "Hey look...It's the fag." stopping dead in my tracks, shaking in fear. Knowing exactly what was coming. The voice got closer, I could hear them laughing from behind me. Surely, I got slammed into a locker. A small whimper made its way out, scared. The three, tall, buff, guys hovered over me. Soon enough I was getting my ass kicked. Every kick in the ribs, strike to the stomach, and slamming into the locker, I cried out hoping Jayy would save me. Bullied, broken, and bleeding. "Dahvie?!" the voice sounded worried...Jayy...I smiled softly, smile fading with other punch in the gut. Letting out a cry of Jayy's name, he rushed towards us. Fury burning in his eyes, he saved me. Knocking them out faster then I had ever seen him do before. He picked me up and ran. I clung to him. Whispering "I love you." before falling into darkness.

~Jayy's P.O.V~

Dahvie was hurt. Badly. I rushed out of the school, not even thinking about taking him to the nurse. Running to the hospital. Busting through the emergency entrance doors, rambling to the nurse who sat at the front desk. The nurse saw his condition and immediately got him a doctor and into a room. Finding his phone broken in an attempt to call his parents was really gonna hurt me later. The nurse told me I had to wait outside of his room, bastards. After what seemed like forever, the nurse came up to me and spoke, "He needs to be taken into surgery. He has three broken ribs and minor internal bleeding. You said he was bullied, right?" I nodded, holding back tears. "Well, I think it would be best to call the police. With this type of injury, it's worthy of suing." I nodded again, letting tears fall. The nurse hugged me and told me he'd be fine. Dahvie was rushed into surgery, hoping for the best. Lucky, there was no brain damage or anything like that. I don't know what I would've done if I lost him to amnesia.