Hold my hand and say you love me.

Out of the hospital, oh look! My letter!

~Dahvie's P.O.V~

"Well...I need to keep my boyfriend safe, right?" Jayy spoke, smiling at me. I blushed looking up at my mom, hoping she'd be okay with this. Tears formed in her eyes, she hugged me. "I'm so happy for you!!" smiling, I looked at Jayy, reaching a hand out to him. He held my hand, whispering I love you.

~Time skip: two months later.~

I had been released from the hospital only a week ago. Jayy had turned eighteen yesterday. We had a whole year of school to go. Well..I had two. The only thing that would actually make this better would be if I did end up in his graduating class. At the beginning of the year, I had taken a test that would decide if I ended up graduating early. The letter had come to my house today, it would tell me if I was qualified to move up, or if I would have to go through the two full years. I called Jayy asking him to come over, finally he showed up. Going into my room in case of bad news. Scared to death, I opened the letter.

"Dear Mr. Torres,
I am happy to announce that you will be graduating with the class of 2012. Upon return to school on Monday, please report to the main office where you will give this letter to my secretary. She will give you your schedule and you will immediately start your classes. To graduate with the 2012 class, you must keep your grades above a C + at all times. If you fail to accomplish these requirements you will be forced to retake your current grade and follow the regular planning, thus continuing onto the final year. This is a one time chance. Don't mess this up. This will also determine what colleges you will be allowed into. Good luck.

Superintendent, Vernon."

Squealing, I hugged Jayy. "I'm going to graduate with you!!" He hugged me, "I'm so proud of you." I grinned at him. "Promise you'll help me study?" He nodded. Nothing could make me happier then I am right now.