Hold my hand and say you love me.

One day. One day I will marry him.

~Jayys P.O.V~ ~Date: March 16Th 2012~

There was the annual senior prom coming up in May. I had already asked Dahvie to go with me, of course he said yes. I had a plan, the only real reason I was going to the prom at all, well, other then wanting to dance with him. I was going to propose. We had only been together for about six months, so what. I had known him for practically my whole life. Dahvie was seventeen now, I was eighteen. If he did say yes, we wouldn't get married until he was nineteen. I'd be twenty by then. I had already picked out the ring. It was twenty-four carat white gold, Onyx and Amethyst stones went around the entire ring. One bright diamond sat in the middle. It was absolutely perfect for him. I had been working an after school job all through the year, saving up to buy it for him. When I had told my parents, and his, they immediately chipped in, doing whatever they could to help me buy it. It really meant a lot, and helped a lot too.
When the final bell rung, I told Dahvie I had to work. I had finally gotten enough money to buy the ring. He went home, I went straight to the little jewelry store downtown. Walking up to older woman at the counter, I had talked to her before about the ring. "Oh! Hello! I spoke to a few months ago about a ring!" She spoke happily, I nodded. "Do you still have the ring?" When she nodded, I nearly burst with joy. "I....I would like to buy it." She seemed a little shocked but walked to the display case it sat in. Gently taking it out and polishing it for me. She placed it in a little black box and took it back to the counter she was standing at when I first came in. She rang it up at only about 2,300. A lot cheaper then it was when I first saw it. Yeah, I'll pay about anything for him. Smiling, I paid her the money.

When I left the store, I went home. Hiding the box so Dahvie wouldn't find it. I showed my parents, and paid them back the money they had given me for it, explaining it must've went on sale or something. They were so happy and said it was beautiful. Dahvie's parents would see from him when I took him home from the prom, that is, if he says yes. If he didn't, well, I don't know. Kind of just going for it, hoping he will. I loved him...he loves me. I will marry him one day. I can promise that.