Status: one and finished~~

You Can Fly Away With Me

Lonely Chappy.

“I'm done, I can't handle this anymore!” He yelled

“No! I'm sorry! Come back!” I screamed, as he was opening the door.

“No Cass, I'm done! I'm finished with you!” And he was gone with slam of the door. I collapsed on the couch, crying. I sat there, sobbing, until I heard a continuous beeping sound. What was that sound? I stood up, looked around, and started shaking. Then I heard this droggy voice fill the room. “Cass, wake up, love. It's time to get ready.” I looked around confused. Where was this voice coming from? What's going on? Then the ground started moving, shifting around under my feet. I started to get dizzy, and scared.

“Cass, wake up!” I shot straight up, only to be greeted by Tyler's sleepy face sitting in front of me.

“Oh thank goodness, it was only a dream.” I said, trying to catch my breath.

“Are you okay, hun? You're sweating an awful lot.” He looked at me, still half asleep.

“Yea, I think so. I just had one of those dreams... er well nightmares again.” I replied.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, even though he knows I don't like talking about my dreams.

“No.” I answered him. I leaned in and placed a kiss on his forehead and hopped out of bed, straight for the bathroom. I close the door behind me, and leaned over the sink. I was still a bit spooked from my dream; it felt so real.

I took a moment to splash some water on my face, to make sure I was awake. After I dried my face off, I went pee. I washed and dried my hands, then went back into Tyler and I's room to get dressed.

I walked out, and he was already dressed. We were going out to the movies to see The Amazing Spiderman. I had been dying to see it, so Tyler promised me he'd take me to go see it.

“C'mon you, get dressed or we're going to be late.” He said, brushing his hair.

“That's a first.” I snickered. I walked over to our dresser, and pulled out a top and a pair of shorts. “Besides, the movie doesn't start for another hour, we're fine.” I sat down on our bed, and started to change.

“Yea but it's probably going to be real busy there, considering the new Batman movie just came out.” He said, as he placed his car keys in his shorts pocket.

“That's true, I guess. Just let me brush my hair, then we can leave.” I stated, heading back to the bathroom. I did my make up and my hair, and quickly did a double take of my outfit, just to make sure I looked suitable to go outside.

“Cass, where are my keys? Do you know?” I heard Tyler call out from the living room. He was so forgetful and clueless sometimes, I couldn't help but smile to myself as I walked down the hallway and entered the living room. I walked up behind him and snaked my arms around his waist. “This is no time for hugs, Cass. I need to find my keys, or else we can't go.” I simply laughed and slid my hand into his front pocket.

“You're an awful good looker.” I said sarcastically, as I pulled his keys out.

“You're mean.” He pouted.

“Yea, but you love me.” I said, heading to the door.

“Yea, I guess so.” Tyler said, walking out the door as a opened it. He locked it, and we headed to the car. We got in and headed to the theatre.

We made it to the theatre about 15 minutes later, and to our surprise, the theatre wasn't packed. We quickly got our tickets and stood in the concession line. It was a pretty big line, because the movies hadn't started yet, I assumed. It was getting a little crowded, so Tyler wrapped his arm around me, to separate me from the crowd.

I felt him staring at me, so I looked up at him. “What?” I asked a smiling Tyler.

“Nothing.” He replied. He looked up over the crowd. “I've got to use the washroom, I'll be right back.” He said, planting a quick kiss on my lips. He rushed off, leaving me alone in the line.

“He's in love with you, dear.” I heard a voice behind me, which caused me to jump a bit. I turned around, and there was this old lady standing there, smiling at me sweetly.

“How do you know?” I asked politely.

“The way he looks at you, hun. The way he smiles at you, he's in love.” She responded.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked, a bit confused.

“Yes love. I've been married for 47 years. I know what love is.” She smiled at me again. “What are your names?”

“Mine's Cass, and his is Tyler.” I replied. “We've been together for almost 2 years now.” I added.

“What's his last name?” She asked. Why did she want to know this?

I didn't want to be rude, so I answered her, “Bozak. He's Tyler Bozak.”

“Oh, the hockey player!” I nodded. “That explains everything.”

“Explains what?” I asked, puzzled.

“You'll see one of these days. You're going to make a lovely Mrs. Tyler Bozak.” she responded. As soon as she finished, Tyler appeared. I smiled, turning my attention from the lady to Tyler. We were next in line, so Tyler ordered, but my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't stop thinking about what the old lady had said to me. I knew Tyler loved me, but was he in love with me? I started to think, am I in love with him? I pictured myself and Tyler, years ahead of now. I pictured us getting married, I pictured us with children, and I pictured us growing old together. I tried to picture myself with someone else, but failed. I could only see myself with Tyler. Then it dawned on me, I did love Tyler, he was my everything. I was snapped out of my train of thoughts when I heard Tyler calling my name.

“Cass, do you want Coke or Root Beer?” He asked me.

“Uh, Root Beer.” I replied. The vendor handed us our food and drinks, and we walked away. Before we were out of the line, I quickly turned back to the old lady, and mouthed the words “Thank you” to her, and smiled. She returned the smile, and we headed away. “Tyler?” I asked, when we reached the condiment stand.

“Yea, Cass?” He replied, without looking up from putting seasoning on the popcorn.

“Do you think it's possible to tell if someone is in love with another person just by the way they look at them?” He stopped what he was doing, and looked up at me.

“Why do you ask that?” He questioned me back.

“Just answer my question.”

“Yea, I guess so? I mean, apparently when a guy is in love with a girl, he looks at her with this look that they don't know they're giving, but is apparent to other people. And when a girl is in love with a guy... Well I'm not sure because I'm not a girl.” We both laughed at that last thing. “But why do you ask?”

I didn't want to answer this, but I tried to in a way that was least obvious that I was talking about us. “The lady behind me pointed it out to me.” We gathered our things and started heading towards the theatre room.

“Really? Why?” Tyler asked. I tried to think of a simple lie to cover up that it had been about us; I didn't want to talk about it right now.

“I'm not sure, she just brought it up.” He stopped in front of the door and looked at me. “What?” I asked him.

He shook his head and laughed. “Nothing, now let's go watch the movie.” He replied, smiling.

“Okay.” I smiled back as we entered the theatre.
♠ ♠ ♠
well that was fun.
and a nice waste of 3 hours xoxo
if u liek dis den dun 4get 2 comment!111!~!1111!!!!!

kidding but ya bye~