Sora: Alice's Downfall

Chapter One

Chapter One


Alice felt like she was suffocating. Her throat was squeezing tight and she was wondering why. She reached up to remove any kind of force that was there, but it was really useless. The grip around her throat was still there and she was losing oxygen completely. A flash of silver crossed her horrified blue eyes; she saw it even though it was for a mere second. She began to strangle. Her legs swiftly kicking wildly, but it connected with nothing. She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer; she felt that this creature before her was mocking her. Her vision blur as she trying not to lose focus. She felt angered wailed up deep within her and then she felt something in her stomach floating before she lost the remainder of her oxygen as she was slammed once more against the cold hard wall.

“Fine.” She heard him spoke, desperate and defeated. The hold on her neck was gone and she fell to the floor lifeless. Her limps wouldn’t respond to her call. Her mind entering a black out repeatingly, something deep within her told her to just hold on. But she couldn’t and she finally entered a painful abyss.


Alice woke up with sweat rolling down her forehead. Her breathing was hallow as she took a deep breathe. Her heart pounding against her chest, she wiped away the tears from her eyes. It was all just a dream, but yet it felt so real like a distant memory. She looked over at her alarm clock and it read 5:57 am. A sighed let her lips as she made herself get out of bed.

It had been a few days since her best friend Nathan left suddenly for college. It had been few days since she last talked to him. He wouldn’t answer any calls from her or reply to any emails. She grew more worry with each and passing day with no sign of him.

“Wow it must storm. You’re out of bed before 7am today.” Jamie noted as she took a sip of her coffee while reading the paper at the dining table. Alice rolled her eyes in annoyance at her before she fixed a piece toast.

“Bad dream?”

Alice almost dropped the toasted bread onto the floor as she remembered the events within her dream. Her throat tightened just by thinking of it.

“No not really,” Alice lied. She took a seat across of her mother. The lines under Alice’s eyes gave herself away, but Jamie didn’t seem to press on, much to Alice relief.

“Remember, we have lunch together today.” Jamie reminded Alice which made her even more annoyed lately.

Recently Alice had been very annoyed with her mother ever since her father had been working late each and every day. She didn’t know why. They were all financial secured and there were no need for overtime considering that Jamie was once a voice actor for some cartoon show and still had money left over from the job and her father was the talent manager of the company she worked under.

Alice rarely saw her father these days and deep down something within her told her that something was wrong. She was mad that her mother haven’t saw it yet or very much in denial about it.

They heard a crack from the front door and on cue her father walked in dizzy headed. He was worn out and when he walked in the kitchen he was slightly surprised by the fact that Alice was up, but something in his eyes held regret.

Jamie mood shot up as she kissed her husband, who moved his head slightly and she caught his cheek.

“Welcome back, honey.” Jamie greeted not noticing that he undirected her kiss on purpose. He smiled which Alice saw it was false.

“Morning, sweetheart.” He whispered hoarsely. He one side hugged his wife before taking off his jacket.

“Working late again, huh? “ Alice commented as she took another bite out of her toast. The tension in the room turned awkward.

Mark almost ignored Alice’s comment not thinking so much about it.

“Work had been epic recently, some rookie was hired and his acting was so awful we had to stay overnight trying to perfect his accent for his new supporting role in a upcoming anime.” Mark said smoothly, as he threw his jacket on the sofa disappeared behind a set of doors.

Jamie then looked at Alice disappointed.

“Don’t be too hard on your father for not being here more. His job is hard and some managers have to stay overnight to work on some things.” Jamie lectured Alice.

Alice almost huffed as she ate the last piece of toast. She wanted to tell her mother to stop being in denial and look at the big picture, but she just couldn’t. Jamie seemed to be so happy now that her dad came home. She couldn’t ruin her happiness and that was one of many things she was so angry about in herself.

Alice looked at the clock before she wished her mother bye and walked out of the house for her last day of high school.

The clouds were turning gray as Alice cursed under her breathe. It was about to rain and she haven’t brought an umbrella.

“We can share, together.” Stella, her second best friend offered her umbrella, but Alice refused with a smile.

“No thanks, my mother about to pick me up for lunch.” She told her friend. Stella nodded her head understanding, pulling back her umbrella.

“If you're sure. I'll see you in 5th period then.” Stella waved as she ran over to her boyfriend Todd. Alice stayed about a minute watching her friend ran up to her boyfriend who was the captain of the school football team. She felt something in her gut wrenched and silently she found herself wishing that they were not an item anymore. The moment she thought of that she shook her head.

Why was she jealous?

Why was she thinking of these thoughts about her best friend?

The answer came to her head in a small whisper. They have the perfect relationship that she didn’t have.

Alice had to blink her blue eyes because the figures of both Todd and Stella began to glow light blue. A few tiny rain drops fell on her head as she watched Stella wailed in a horrible cry. Stella dropped her umbrella in a desperate attempt to reach out for her boyfriend. Todd just shook her hands off of his shoulder and walked away, leaving a crying Stella behind.

Somehow Alice felt terrible.

Was she the one that wished that the two had broken it off moments ago?

A sound of a car came closer to Alice and before she could go and comfort her friend the car stopped completely revealing her mother Jamie.

Alice paused, before opening the car door.

The lunch date was boring most of the time as the two ate at a small café close to the school. Jamie hesitated for a moment.

“I had gotten you an interview at Harvard tomorrow morning at 10am.” Jamie brought up and Alice joked on her coke.


She barely contained her A- B advenge half of her senior year. Her grades from the previous year’s weren’t any good to catch Harvard’s attention.

“I spoke to the chairman-“


Alice realized with a terrible feeling that she doesn’t really want to go to Harvard. She must sound very crazy to other people who been dying to be accepted. She just didn’t see herself going to Harvard anytime soon, but once again her mother seemed so proud.

“I don’t want to go to Harvard.” Alice said slowly and carefully and she knew when Jamie’s eyes widened big she was about to be yell at even in a public place like this.

Alice placed her hand over her eyes waiting for the yelling to start. She waited for the lecture that her mom would certainly tell her that this is a great chance to live her life without any income struggles because of her gender.

The lecture never came and when Alice removed her hands from her eyes she saw the same blue glow around her mother.

Jamie took another bite out of her sandwich.

“Okay, honey. If that’s your choice then I’m completely fine with it.” Jamie said, and then the blue glow disappeared.

Alice gapped.

Her mother would never accept her choice about this so easy. What the hell was that blue glow again? She was frightened.

“So you saying you’re okay with me refusing Harvard?” Alice stated carefully. Jamie nodded her head cheerfully.

“Yes, honey as long you’re happy.” Jamie exclaimed.

The lunch ended very soon and it was time for Alice to go back to school for 5th period. When she walked to class she ran into Stella. Her eyes were red and her skin was very pale. Alice instantly felt terrible for her friend.

“What’s wrong, Stel?” Alice asked, taking her seat in the back of the class. Stella took a seat right next to her. Her long blond hair was a mess.

“Todd….broke up with me.” She muttered, her eyes watered in tears once more.

“I-I don’t know what I done wrong. We even promise to marry one day after we reached our dreams together.” And that was when Stella lost it. Her loud cries echoed though out the classroom and even if Alice tried to fix this she knew she couldn’t. It wasn’t her fault wasn’t it? It was a huge convenience.

Alice pulled Stella in a huge hug shielding her from her classmate’s eyes.

“Stella, are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you need to go to the nurse office?” Her theatre teacher Dana asked worried.

“I’ll bring her to the nurse office. She sort of fell earlier at lunch.” Alice lied.

“Take your time.” Dana said,

“Thank you.” Alice guided Stella outside.

“Shhh everything will be okay.” Alice told Stella calmly.